The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, January 31, 2025

THE DAILY FUDD: E280: “More about fudd carry — ‘Leave it at the door,’ or, ‘Phones have value, too.’”

See TDF 258, 259, and 260 for previous installments.

Recently, a late-night/early-morning outdoor noise let me to personally investigate. Whereas the sound sounded a bit hostile, I did secure armament for myself, more than might normally be my ECW. However, since investigation involved leaving my home, I had to consider whether to take it out with me or – as said in the title – leave it at the door.

At the same time, I was reminded of this humerus, but not-without-some-realism Babylon Bee video of a California couple moving to Texas and facing what they perceived to be a threat. Having no weapons – they were from California, after all – they both moved to video the individual. Such would, of course, potentially have the effect of deterring a threat by him knowing that his actions were being preserved. So, as the title also says, phones have value, too.

INTERESTING THING!: I showed how one can have a CCW on his person, a phone/camera at the ready (and his hands or in his pocket), and a heavier arm of some sort, as Mike and the Mechanics would say (2:23 point), “just inside the doorway. [And u]se it only in emergencies.” All at the same time! Approaches like that can be winners all the way around.

There are indeed a number of options for arms bearers when “following the hue and cry.” It takes wisdom to know which to use when and where. This recent experience give me the opportunity to practice that wisdom.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

My misunderstanding (alternate meaning) of Reba McEntire’s ”The Greatest Man I Never Knew.”

I misunderstood this song when I first heard it way back when. I thought it was about a working woman – perhaps a single mother (“everything he gave to US”) – with a neighbor who perhaps somewhat secretly helped her financially and such. He cared about her deeply, but never felt the place to say it. It was only when it was recited in that TV movie based on “Is there life out there?” that I realized it was about her father.

Nick Freites video: Prioritizing, not purism.

Deal with the big threat before bickering too much over the specifics.

THE DAILY FUDD: E279: “1873 pattern 9mm lever action.”

Yes! 9mm!

My cat really wants my loyal readers to get this for her. Only $1999.

See TDF 4 for a British AR-looking 9mm lever action.


Muslims molest White girls, so girls get arrested for drunkenness.

Camelfuckers get a pass for doing the Mohammed thing, and the victims are arrested.

Monday, January 27, 2025

About a week in, Trump is at his most popular ever.

He has started his second term in power fast and hard. [EDITED TO REMOVE OBSOLETE INFORMATION.]



Thursday, January 23, 2025

(Awesome thumbnail!) VIDEO: “ Criminal migrant LASHES OUT during ICE arrest: 'F--- Trump!'”

Awesome news as well as awesome thumbnail! Hundreds of illegals rounded up in the first couple of days of President Trump’s second term.

This particular… fellow is a gang member with 17 criminal convictions. (At 1:35 point.)

Megyn Kelly video: J6 pardons and liberal meltdowns — I hope they are right.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trans-Atlantic Secret Service Showdown — Trump assassination attempt.

Which team did a better job?



Friday, January 17, 2025

One of my favorite GOP Senators needs to learn there are no rules anymore.

Senator Kennedy is wrong here. He wanted Pam Bondi to commit to not following the precedents set by the current administration. There are the rules anymore. President Trump and his people can do any Goddamn fucking thing they need to do to our enemies. And if the senator doesn’t like that, well, maybe he can join them.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

My comment on captivating video on the Shroud of Turin.

MY COMMENT (edited for one typo): “My problem with the shroud – and this extends even back to the time when I was of dogmatic religiosity – is the idea that divine action would leave such a physical trace. Spirit is not subject to (physical) matter. For such a divine act to leave such a residual seems to limit the spiritual. I haven’t read it, but things like this always make think of the title of Gloria Loring’s book: “Coincidence Is God's Way of Remaining Anonymous.” The divine intent will be manifest,  of course, but it seems strange to think of the divine touch leaving trace evidence.

It reminds me of efforts to prove the existence of a “soul” by weighing a body just before and just after death. If such a soul is of the spiritual realm, it would have no physical weight. 

All of it goes to making life beyond, apparently subject to the physical, and thus itself physical. Almost a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”-type view of the dead and demons. I enjoyed that show, while recognizing the flaw in its perspective there. It would be to say that the spiritual can actually be fought with the physical – that arms crafted by the hands of man could challenge that which is supposed to be beyond man. (I felt the same way about “Ghostbusters.”) 

I am not one to insist on “faith” as requiring that there be NO evidence, as some skeptics and unbelievers will claim in order to silence people of faith. Rather, I would argue that the idea that we can measure physically the spiritual power and action of the Divine opens the way too much for temporal subjugation. Was it God or was it actually corporeal temporal aliens? Or ancient technology? Or a strange act of nature?

I don’t claim to know the explanation for the shroud. And my own “worldview” has plenty of room for the unusual, the paranormal, and the spiritual without this cloth being what it is purported to be by these “believers.” Each of you believe as you believe, but I will only adopt a religious dogma if the Man Himself – the One Who is the One – tells it to me in Person. (And that only with verification – Bones was wrong: you can ask the Almighty for his ID.) Anything else might be wrong. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Early live TV “story-within-a-story” twist: “Tales of Tomorrow” episode: “The Window.”

In 1952 people were still trying to figure out how to use the brand new medium. This episode stands out for playing up the potential.

According to a commentary HERE, there was supposedly a disclaimer attached to it, but no known surviving recordings of the episode show it. And apparently it was interrupted midstream in a few US cities by stations thinking it was real.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

THE DAILY FUDD: E278: “Relating Charlie Kirk statement to TDF RKBA approach.”

Charlie Kirk addressed to question from someone at least presenting himself as a rather purist RKBA advocate. Whether that purist was sincere or a mole/troll, I do not know.

MY COMMENT: “Political realities, folks, preclude this fellow’s approach regardless. Holding onto some private firepower requires a moderate approach. Purism will only turn a vast swath of the American people against gun rights. See my channel page for a link my blog’s “Daily Fudd” series. Edition 10–"An Originalist fudd-ish argument regarding full-auto and 2A” offers a prospective  that can give judges a line to be true to the Founders and secure essential firepower, including our AR15s and such, while excluding items like cruise missiles.”

Kirk is not college-educated. His ability in things like historical analysis of the Constitution is limited. He will often take a knee-jerk surface approach to things, though as he has aged and matured he has done better. So I do not know if he would except the ideas in TDF 10 (linked above) or not. I don’t know if he would even understand it. But I give credit that he recognizes something adjacent to the concept.

If anyone who happens to see, this happens to know how to get it in front of him, I hope you will.

“Equity” — 50-second video: Black racial agitation exposed by Black racial agitator.

They want handed what they cannot rightly gain.

Brief Firefly promo.


Opening sequence from Shepherd Book. Tells the basic story setting.

Two clips summarizing opening of the “second pilot” Ep 2–“The Train Job.” Gives a flavor of the show regarding Western vs SciFi.

Off Topic??? — TV show and movie ideas I have hatched in the past.

Someone is likely to steal these, but since I have no means of making them happen, I really can’t complain too much.

1. "My Two Wives": By a weird fluke, a man has two different marriages registered at exactly the same time, and because the laws of his state forbid marrying when one is already married, but not simply having two wives at the same time, he and his wives slip through the crack. After all, says the lead character, "You tell me which one I married first!" It would be a CBS-type sit-com vaguely like "The King of Queens" (cf Episode 6x24: “Awful Bigamy”) focusing on the obvious humor, yet leaving virtually unaddressed any community response to the situation, which is not kept secret.

2. "The Littlest Country": Vaguely a mix of "Grand Duchy of Fenwick" series and "The Almost Royal Family" 1980s ABC Afterschool Special with a young Sarah Jessica Parker. Due to a treaty fluke centuries ago, a few people find themselves in possession of a teeny tiny independent country within the U.S. It would be either a small plot of land barely holding one building, or somehow simply an office in a building. It would seriously address how international relations work, the complexities arising from such a rather small situation, as well as the personal lives of these people who can literally spit from one end of their country to another.

3. "Vanity Plates": alternate title, "Insanity Plates": NBC Monday Night Movie with French Steward-type actor playing guy whose personalized license plates were the very last made by a psycho prisoner, who hunts the fellow down out of vengeance (reminiscent of the gas station scene in "The Jerk"). A series of near-misses ensues as the lead character realizes he is being stalked, and he goes on the run with a 1980s Nancy Allen-type character. Eventually the bad guy is stopped, and the couple live happily ever after, though with new license plates.

4. "A Cat's World": Barely if hardly at all "Cats and Dogs"-derived, it features a world where domesticated felines are intelligent and speaking, and secretly manipulating events in the world. Very little human politics will be discussed.

5. "Cats and Men": Features a world where domestic cats are openly intelligent and speaking. Takes off on numerous works, like "The Country Bears," where two or more sentient species or living types coexist. Societally, cats would continue to live as pets or strays as they do today, but as independent and free beings as recognized by law. They would be legally recognized as such, but politics would rarely be discussed, and it would decidedly NOT be used as a PC vehicle calling for racial harmony or some such thing. The world featured would be geared from the beginning around both humans and domesticated felines being intelligent, each accepting their respective roles.

6. "The Furry Alliance": An alien attack on Earth with a radiation intended to lower human intellect to that of cats and dogs is somehow reversed, leading to most humans being killed, but cats and dogs being elevated in intelligence, as well as made more bipedal (two-legged) in form. These animals, who really seem to have absorbed a lot more information during their pre-attack lives than one might think, form an alliance with the few humans left to defeat the aliens. In one humorous scene, a dog admiral at a staff meeting uses a laser pointer to cause a cat general to compulsively paw at the dot on the table. While the dog quietly goes, "Hee hee hee!" the human in charge of the meeting says, "Stop that!"

7. "Home Movies": Now-obsolete idea about a family or small collection of friends who live in a motor home parked at a drive-in theater. A variant would make it a "Riptide"-type collection of private investigators. Basic comedy-drama, with whatever movie playing having big role in the tone and flow of the show, as well as dealings with the theater management. My worry is that the drive-in element would be lost in later seasons, kinda like how "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place" became "Two Guys and a Girl."

8. "The Crash": Internet usage overtakes server capacity, causing a complete shutdown of the Net, and many other facets of our civilization. The action that puts it over the top is a young girl in "a midwestern city" (Kansas City, MO) posting a picture of her kitty on a website. The story would follow four stories: 1. A soldier deployed to "a country in southeastern Europe" (Kosovo) who has to do his work manually; 2. The aforementioned girl and her family dealing with the social chaos. 3. A family in a smaller city near that city; and 4. a National Guardsman in the area who knows the girl because he helped run the website to which she was posting. A major part of the story would feature rioting in the city, revealed when the family in story 3 sees the glow from the city at night, then remembers that the power is still out (scene cuts to burning neighborhoods). The Guardsman pulls some strings (and a 9mm sidearm) to get his friend and her family out of the city (vague similarity to Will Smith taking the helicopter in "Independence Day"), while Guard units surround it to contain the rioting. In a nod to "Titanic," there is a scene where some angry city residents are threatening to charge a road barrier, and two Guardsmen point their rifles to stop them. One says, in a fake British accent, "Back I say! Or I'll cut you down like dogs!" (nod to the "Titanic" scene where the sailor holds back crowds with a revolver). His buddy looks sideways at him, and the speaker says, "Hey, I saw the movie!"

Monday, January 6, 2025

We need a “Della and the Dealer” movie.

They should make a movie based on this. Kind of like what they did with The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia.” Either a direct take or a loose inspiration with modified lyrics. But either way, with the cat telling the story or filmed from the cat’s perspective.


The Dealer had a knife and the dog had a gun and the cat had a shot of Rye.”

Unless one takes the “dog” and “cat” as actually being humans colloquially referred to as such, this seems written just to bring a silly image to the song. To make it into a serious story:

Set the scene in the back of the bar, where Della and the animals are off to the side while Randy and the dealer have their altercation. The cat is given a liquid snack to keep him out of trouble, while the dog is wearing a pack holding a concealed firearm (be it belonging to the dealer or Della), the idea being that the canine was less likely to be searched. Yielding this once to the generally-disliked-by-me Chekov’s Gun rule, this weapon is used by either Della or Randy, to dispatch the dealer (in legitimate defense – the dealer attacks Randy with a knife).