The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E:17: "Heller, phasers, and Firefly: RKBA's unfortunate built-in planned obsolescence--sorta."

In the TDF Edition 15 list of thoughts and rants, I said the following:

3. Heller actually sets up "Firefly/Serenity Scenario" of private parties flying around in spaceships, but shooting at each other with revolvers, while government forces have directed-energy weapons. Try to figure out how that is, or wait for me to tell you when I'm not so tired.

Now, to tell you:

The Heller case held that arms "in common use" in the CIVILIAN realm are 2A-protected. This actually is inverted from the cases it cites as precedent, which held that arms in common MILITARY use were protected. That is, a standard military rifle might be covered, but a simple derringer might not be. Justice Antonin Scalia in writing the opinion knew that to get Anthony Kennedy's vote, he'd have to lowball the scope, though I personally am a bit shocked to find such a frankly altered use of the precedent. But it saved civilian RKBA, so we'll just have to deal for now.

The effect of this, though, is that the state of arms in the civilian market today is subject to a freeze at any time. The example I've seen used is, if the starship Enterprise were to land tomorrow--actually, it was Voyager that could land, but enough of the geek stuff for now--and started manufacturing and selling phasers, it could be legally blocked, since phasers are not in common use among civilians today. ANY substantially and qualitatively new development could be (according to Heller) constitutionally blocked from civilian use, so long as it's done before it becomes "common."

This raises the specter of the "Firefly/Serenity Scenario." For the uninitiated, the "Firefly" television series, with the derivative "Serenity" movie, is a science fiction franchise set about five hundred years in the future. It is perhaps the ultimate "space western," with low-tech scenes of literal horses in regular use, alongside hovercraft and holograms. Civilian arms are not dissimilar from present-day arms, often with Old West appearance and heavily manual-action. Some automatics are included, and so not banned, and I suspect creator Joss Whedon (of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fame) put more Old West stuff in the show more to accentuate the "Western" element than to suggest legislation against more modern arms. At the same t
ime, though, "federal" authorities are cruising around with full-auto and directed-energy arms. [See TDF 10 for discussion of full-auto in the 2A context.] One scene features a rich civilian opening carrying a laser pistol, and the lead character mentions that the particular weapon is illegal.

See the Internet Movie Firearms Datab
ase (IMFDB) page on the franchise for visuals of the arms used: Firefly - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games (  They can actually be quite an interesting juxtaposition of old and modern, such as this combination of Old West revolver and modern sight rail: Firefly - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games (

Closeup of Jayne's revolver in "Serenity" (S1E01)

Such a scenario is frankly inevitable based on the current Heller jurisprudence. Civilian arms could be legislatively and regulatorily held at contemporary states, while the arms of government and "approved" civilian entities advance with technology. Such a condition will make civilian arms more and more merely Blackstone-type private defense tools, and less and less militarily viable. Obviously that will make the common private-only view of "resistance to tyranny" increasingly more difficult and implausible. (See here and in the future for information on how "resistance to tyranny" is INTENDED to work: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD: E12: "'"No, Virginia, it's the STATES!"' or 'Federalist 46 and the Founders' vision of HOW 2A is to "resist oppression."'"


Well, LESS viable/MORE difficult, but not TOTALLY, I hasten to say: V - The Final Battle - Meet Ham Tyler - YouTube


But reality is reality. Scalia saved 2A private RKBA at its current state. As I tell people when explaining this: "Just be glad Heller wasn't decided in 1880, or else we'd (already) be down to single-action revolvers and lever-action rifles." Now, barring a major shift in course that seems less and less likely due to the tolerated Election Steal, we must make the best of the situation. The efficacy of the civilian Militia is far more important than constitutional purism or personal preferences and focii--"But I want!" We must focus on securing as much essential firepower as possible.

Below is a graphic I produced a few years ago following the Parkland shooting, which marked a renewed gun control effort, to the point of actively calling for a 2A repeal. It was produced based on the pro-2A Trump administration being in power. With the 2020 Election Steal--and the refusal of the American people to urge their States to oppose it per Federalist 46, even this is perhaps too ambitious. 

Quite frankly, the "Firefly" image of a heavily manual-action RKBA might be more prescient than Whedon probably intended. What is certain to the rational mind, though, is that barring "something weird happening," the Steal and the increasing Left-liberalization of the American and Western peoples mean that purism and a die-hard hold to a libertarian principle of "muh rites" will only cause ever deeper disarmament. An armed citizenry, even if only bearing carry revolvers, has a functional value for society, families, and individuals, and is a part in our heritage (see more here in this pre-TDF postCats, Guns, and National Security: American iconography and minimalist RKBA -- If America as we know it in heritage fails. ).

This manifestation of our heritage in RKBA may fall short of the aspiration of 2A's prefatory preamble, even cut into the operative element of 2A. Yet, it is something with ought to be preserved. THAT is the important matter to a Patriot.

Friday, February 19, 2021

ICYMI: February 16, 2021 Statement from President Donald Trump on McConnell.


"Is this approved by the Bureau of Automatic Transmission Fluid and Exhaust?" -- ARTICLE: "Fuel filter" ads for silencers.

I've seen these sort of ads on YouTube.

BUYER BEWARE: Facebook Allowing Dubious Ads for 'Car Fuel Filters' - The Truth About Guns 

THE DAILY FUDD: E16: "New gun game: 'CHOOSE!'"

Sometimes our options are limited, despite our preferences. It's just reality. And then, we have to CHOOSE between less-than-optimum--and less-than-preferred--options. This game, "CHOOSE!" involves being faced with a situation and having to pick between RKBA-related options. Take all conditions given into account, as well as your own personal situation.

Here's "CHOOSE! E1":

CONDITION: At home with typical family complement, and bugging out on foot. These are the only two long guns available.

CHOOSE! What to take: Which one, both, or neither?

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The American people get what they deserve: Episode 15330563 -- "Freezing to death in Texas."

THE DAILY FUDD: E15: I've earned a day off, but this is "daily," after all -- Thoughts and upcoming topics.

Here are some random thoughts from one of the few gun writers that put the INTENTION of 2A before mere preferences and "muh rites!" These will hopefully be turned into full-on editions.

1. Stockless .410 shotguns are awesome for basic defense. Like a large handgun. See Edition 14.

2. Heller was a weak finding, but Scalia had to get Kennedy's vote.

3. Heller actually sets up "Firefly/Serenity Scenario" of private parties flying around in spaceships, but shooting at each other with revolvers, while government forces have directed-energy weapons. Try to figure out how that is, or wait for me to tell you when I'm not so tired.

4. If you are convinced AWs are essential for 2A because of "resistance to tyranny," where the fuck were you during the 2020 Election Steal? I actually DID the 2A stand, per Federalist 46. I was true to my understanding. Most weren't. So while I might agree with your policy outcome, *I* am the one who has the moral authority to stand for it. YOU probably can't complain to me about my fuddiness.

5. This series being based here on CGNS, I have to say, "Cats are awesome!"

6. My "Homeland Defense Rifle"/"Militia Rifle"--featureless OFFICIAL 2A-protected longarm--concept that I've been pushing some since Heller in 2008 and heavy since Sandy Hook remains valid. It will definitely be a topic for an upcoming TDF edition.

7. The Constitution has definitely become a suicide pact.

8. "When you think you've worked your way around a particular gun law, you're probably in violation of it." -- Me.

9. 1A "freedom of the press" should be treated the way most "journalists" want 2A RKBA treated. We'll start with civil and criminal liabilities for fake news, and probably licensing of practitioners of journalism.

10. Open carry, particularly of long guns, should be limited to three--actually four--situations:
     A. Following the hue and cry.
     B. General community chaos--e.g., LA in 1992; Ferguson in 2014, some natural disasters (e.g., Katrina in 2005).
     C. Refugee flight--e.g., Katrina in 2005; anytime motor vehicles aren't viable.
     And D. A semi-annual "RKBA Day" in a community, where we are all reminded that open carry is a right, and someone doing so is NOT in and of itself either illegal or an imminent threat.

11, Related to 10: Facilities mandating or requesting CCW only, not open carry, have a point about it facilitating their security protocols and red lines.

12. "Bubba down ats da Tea Party meetin'" probably isn't your best source on any topic beyond football and NASCAR.

13. OFF-TOPIC AND SITE: 2003 Battlestar Galactica beats 1978 BSG on technical reality of Viper fighters, but Babylon 5's Starfury beats it.


15. Super Password: My fave game show ever.

16. Revolvers are good.

17. Donald J. Trump is probably the last legitimate President of the United States.

18. RIP Rush Limbaugh.

19. Libertarianism is immoral and politically self-defeating.

And 20. CATS RULE! Dogs drool.

ARTICLE: "[NYC] School Asks Parents to Rank Their ‘Whiteness’" -- MY RANK: "WHITE BY THE GRACE OF GOD!"


Yes, White people, they hate us, and you're allowed to fight back -- Minority Patriots, stay loyal.

(For more on this topic: Cats, Guns, and National Security: Search results for WHITENESS

(See Cats, Guns, and National Security: "Multiracial Whiteness" -- It actually says it all. for graphic expressing the Black activist definition of "Whiteness." It's awesome!)


New York City School Asks Parents to Rank Their ‘Whiteness’

The principal of a public school in New York City has sent out literature that asked parents to “reflect” on their “whiteness” with a ranked list of “White Identities,” the New York Post confirmed Tuesday.


Hesse’s eight identities are:

  1. White Supremacist
  2. White Voyeurism
  3. White Privilege
  4. White Benefit
  5. White Confessional
  6. White Critical
  7. White Traitor
  8. White Abolitionist


Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo):

SCOOP: The principal of East Side Community School in New York sent white parents this "tool for action," which tells them they must become "white traitors" and then advocate for full "white abolition." This is the new language of public education.


From Cats, Guns, and National Security: "Multiracial Whiteness" -- It actually says it all.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E14: "Best fudd--and firearm--all-around? (Substitute honorific for Greatest American President)."

Given .45/.410 revolvers. a .410 shotgun serves as a stand-in for an honorific to the 45th POTUS, probably the last legitimate President of the United States.

Advantages over "firearms" like the Henry Axe:
1. 50-State legal in this configuration.
2. Base arm can be reconfigured to traditional stock if called for.
3. I've always had better luck with pumps over levers.

ME: "Rush Limbaugh passed away today. Web search shows liberals badmouthing him already. We should same to their dead/dying."


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E13: "New Zealand bolt-action PCC."

Since the Christchurch shooting, New Zealand has gone quite draconian in their gun laws. But counter to this is this development by a company called Marshall Precision: pistol-caliber bolt actions.

Just a hint for the 2A hobbyist of what's possible in a restrictive environment.

And an idea for the Patriot on what can be done to maintain our RKBA heritage even after our people fucked up on the 2020 Election Steal.

OUR RIFLES | Marshal Precision Rifles

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Monday, February 15, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E12: "'"No, Virginia, it's the STATES!"' or 'Federalist 46 and the Founders' vision of HOW 2A is to "resist oppression."'"

Private guns AND State authority. BOTH!

Here at THE DAILY FUDD, I don't simply raise issues. Rather, I ANSWER them. Here I answer critics on BOTH SIDES of the issue on the connection between 2A private RKBA and opposing a government or rulership that has gone off the way.

Libertarians, put away your weed, drop your conspiracy theories, and accept what the Founders said.

More to come on proper perspectives this week.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E11: "2015 (yes, 21st century) Bolt-action rifle adopted for Canadian Rangers."


Not ideal by American standards for such roles, but demonstrating a practical value and military respect for bolt-actions as a standard weapon for reserve elements.

To gripers: If you didn't want to be "down" to such arms, you had your chance to Stop the Steal. But you didn't know how, your all-private mindset blocked you from figuring it out, and the blue-checkmark folks wouldn't pass Federalist 46 along.

But it's not too late.

Trump attorney beats See-BS in interview; threatened. (READ *BEFORE* USING)

Some will say I'm linking the two. But insurrectionist media does that all the time, and this is war.