The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, December 10, 2010

From ACT! for America: "Political correctness, terrorist infiltration"

Subject: Political correctness, terrorist infiltration
Date: Friday, December 10, 2010, 10:05 AM

homelearnactdonatelocal chaptersContact Congress
ACT! for America

Political Correctness and
Terrorist Infiltration

Dear Lee,

The review below in Pajamas Media hits the nail on the head when examining the differences between how our government deals with known terror organizations and individuals or small groups. The bottom line? We're very vulnerable due to politically-correct driven refusal to identify how Islamic supremacist, jihadist ideology is driving terrorism.

Thank you to everyone who called and emailed Lane Community College yesterday! We are estimating that between 1,500 and 2,000 calls and emails were delivered. We don't have any indication that the college is going to change its mind regarding canceling the class, but at least the college knows people across America are watching.

Political Correctness Kills: Study Shows How Terrorists Infiltrate U.S. Government

Barry Rubin reviewed, "Top 10 Failures of the US Government on the Domestic Islamist Threat" in today's PJM:

The actual paper is here:

A review of PJM contributor Patrick Poole's hair-raising 10 Failures of the U.S. Government on the Domestic Islamist Threat.

December 5, 2010 - by Barry Rubin

There is a very important — one might even say life-and-death — distinction that should be made in considering U.S. counterterrorism policy. Certainly, U.S. forces have had many successes in stopping intended terrorist attacks against the United States. Yet there have also been a number of failures. How to distinguish what made the difference?

The successes in the post-September 11 era have come when the techniques of police and military work or intelligence-gathering were used against full-time terrorists. Indeed, an observer could sum up the handling of terrorism in the United States in the almost-decade since September 11 by saying there have been no major attacks, and the policy has been successful.

When it comes to organizations planning attacks, this approach works very well. But when the threat involves individuals or small groups being radicalized and perhaps joining or supporting terrorist groups, the record is much worse.

The weakness is in analysis, profiling, decision-making, and understanding the nature of the enemy ideology. As a result, there have been a number of smaller attacks, including some not counted at all by a government that wants to keep its batting average high, and some near-misses that were averted due more to luck than to skill.

In addition, a huge amount of money has been wasted and effort misdirected, as many are coming to see regarding the current methods of airport security.

In understanding these vital issues one can read no better work than Patrick Poole's 10 Failures of the U.S. Government on the Domestic Islamist Threat. (Patrick Poole is a frequent PJM contributor.)

He provides ten case studies, each of which is hair-raising, and none of which, arguably, has led to major corrective action. At the root of each one is a failure or refusal to comprehend revolutionary Islamism or the bureaucratic fear of taking on the enemy. Moreover, some cases show how the other side has even gained political influence in America.

Consider Abdulrahman Alamoudi, the Muslim leader who most frequently visited the Clinton White House. Poole rightly describes Alamoudi as:

The most prominent Islamic activist leader in America at the time, he had infiltrated the highest levels of political power. … [He was asked] by the Defense Department to establish the military's Muslim chaplain corps, and appointed by the State Department to serve as a civilian ambassador, taking six taxpayer-funded trips to the Middle East. … Just days after the 9/11 attacks, he appeared with President Bush and other Muslim leaders at a press conference at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. despite his public comments a year earlier at a rally just steps from the White House identifying himself as a supporter of the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations.

In July 2005 the Treasury Department revealed that Alamoudi had been one of al-Qaeda's top fundraisers ….

Go back and reread the last two paragraphs. Shouldn't this experience have created great skepticism about proclaiming Muslim leaders to be moderate without critically examining their record? Instead, the opposite has happened.

Then there was Ali Mohamed, a man who trained American soldiers on Arab culture and infiltrated the U.S. Army's training program for intelligence officers in the Middle East. Simultaneously, he was teaching Islamist militants in the United States — including the cell that carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing — how to shoot and blow things up. Later, he became al-Qaeda's chief military expert.

How might the Army have known to distrust this man? Well, he had been expelled from the Egyptian army because of his terrorist sympathies, and Egypt warned the United States about him.

We've heard a lot lately about al-Qaeda's new star, Anwar al-Awlaki, who has been behind many of the recent terrorist attacks on America. But did you know, as Poole writes:

Despite being subject to a FBI investigation initiated in 1999, and having been interviewed by the FBI at least four times after 9/11 for his contacts with two of the hijackers, Al-Awlaki was leading prayers for congressional Muslim staffers inside the U.S. Capitol. … Al-Awlaki was also feted at a luncheon inside the still-smoldering Pentagon following the 9/11 attacks …

Poole also writes of:

… Anwar Hajjaj, a local Islamic cleric who still leads prayers for the Congressional Muslim Staff Association. Hajjaj headed the Taibah International Aid Association, which was designated a global terrorist organization by the Treasury Department in May 2004.

And about lobbyist Faisal Gill, appointed to a senior post in the Department of Homeland Security:

… a former aide to al-Qaeda fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi … [Gill] had omitted his previous employment as director of government relations for Alamoudi's American Muslim Council on the Standard Form 86 required for Gill's security clearance. Gill had been at the forefront of AMC's political efforts to end the use of secret evidence in terrorism deportation proceedings. In his position in the Homeland Security Intelligence division, he had access to a wide range of top-secret information, including vulnerabilities of national critical infrastructure.

Gill was investigated and cleared at the time, despite the fact that he had lied.

Hesham Islam has been an especially powerful figure: the senior advisor for international affairs for Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England and the Pentagon's point-man for Muslim outreach. When one officer wrote a good study of revolutionary Islamist ideology, Islam campaigned to get him fired. Other officials told me that Islam tried to push them out also.

Islam's autobiography on a Defense Department site contained clear contradictions and omissions, while his own academic work was rather shockingly radical. His father had worked for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, while Islam claimed that he had survived a ship sinking that apparently never happened.

This study doesn't include many other cases, most notably that of Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood terrorist, where the Army's negligence was responsible for the tragedy. At the time, I called Hasan the first terrorist to give an academic lecture with Power Point — to an Army audience — explaining his intention to commit a terrorist attack. Since then, things haven't improved, including the Army's report that didn't even dare to talk about jihad.

Let's be clear. There should be no witch-hunt of Muslims. This is about applying the same kind of scrutiny to Muslims that anyone else gets. The truth: bureaucrats are afraid to follow clear leads and point out obvious problems, lest their careers be injured by accusations of Islamophobia.

During the 1930s, it was regarded as impolite to look into whether there were Soviet agents in the U.S. government. Despite the lies and exaggerations of certain people later, there was a very serious Communist infiltration that damaged U.S. interests.

There is clearly a parallel effort — no matter how uncoordinated and individual in nature — today. Read Poole's study, and then demand better media coverage and government response to this problem.

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition, Viking-Penguin), the paperback edition of The Truth about Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan), and The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley). The website of the GLORIA Center is at and of his blog, Rubin Reports, at


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ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.


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"AFL-CIO Leader Accepts Communist Party Award: ‘I Stand With Them’"

"Anyone who stands with me for workers' rights, I stand with them,"--Connecticut AFL-CIO head John Olsen.

Imagine if a traditionalist-minded leader (except Ron Paul, who has done this) said something comparable about the Klan, Nazis, White nationalists, etc.
"Not that long ago Americans openly rejected socialism and communism. Now the communists are holding awards ceremonies and concerts in public high schools and openly honoring state labor leaders." Jim Hoft
2 seconds ago

Post-Katrina story: "Cat is back after 5 years"

Hattip US for Palin:

Awesome story!!
Five years after Scrub failed to return home one hot, muggy, post-Katrina night, he's back with battle scars, a wild side that's new and his old habit of sleeping underneath a blanket on somebody's bed.
2 seconds ago

"Lt. Michael Behenna's Day in Appeals Court"

ACT! for America has been involved in supporting 1LT Behenna.
Diana West writes a weekly column that appears in many newspapers, including the Washington Times every Friday. She has written essays for numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The New Criterion, The Public interest, The Weekly Standard, and The Washington Post Magazine, and her
about a minute ago

Tell me again who the "leader of the Free World" is right now--Palin sites under attack

Lemme see... This hasn't been happening to Romney or Huckabee sites. And BarackObama[dot]com seems okay. So, tell me again who is really leading the Free World right now.
In a string of Palin supportive websites being attacked, PalinTV is the latest to come under attack by cyber DDoS. Earlier this week, SarahPAC was attacked and so was Conservatives4Palin. Last night PalinTV and Organize4Palin went down too. ...
In a string of Palin supportive websites being attacked, PalinTV is the latest to come under attack by cyber DDoS. Earlier this week, SarahPAC was attacked and so was Conservatives4Palin. Last night PalinTV and Organize4Palin went down too.
We are now resolving the issue and both PalinTV and Organize4Palin should be back up within the next 48 hours.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for bearing with us.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Please note I did not *SAY* I agreed with this action

36 minutes ago

"Civil rights"=anti-White, apparently

via National Policy Institute: So-called "reverse discrimination" pre-dating the current (mis)administration. "Civil rights"=anti-White, apparently.
Mr. Coates said this hostility became clear to him while pursuing a 2005 Mississippi case in which white voters were the victims of intimidation. He said some department employees refused to work on the case, which, according to Mr. Coates, also drew criticism from civil rights groups.
2 minutes ago

"Elder: The WikiLeaks Vindication of George W. Bush"

Please note that this article contains no direct quotes from any Wikileak'ed material, and I cannot verify its contention.
The WikiLeaks de facto declassification of privileged material makes it case closed: Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction -- and intended to restart his program once the heat was off.
21 minutes ago

From ACT! for America: "ACTION ALERT--'Stop START!' and 'Contact Lane College'"

"Let's keep it up! (If you haven't already)

1. Contact your Congressman and tell him to stop START!  

2. Call Lane Community College (541-463-3000) tell them you oppose their decision to cancel the class on Islam taught by ACT! for America's Barry Sommer.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The "Republic" of South Africa today after 20 years or so; America sooner?

The "Republic" of South Africa today after 20 years or so; America sooner?
Controversial Afrikaans musician Steve Hofmeyr has stirred up a racial fray, blaming the propaganda of entitlement among black people for the brutal murder of a Free State family
2 hours ago

"A Cat's Call to Duty" (about my late cat Sunny)

(From June 2008 during my Army National Guard deployment in Kosovo, soon after learning my dear, sweet Sunny had perished back home)   One day, God was walking through Heaven, noting the eternal joy of His creatures who had lived and died.  One thing He noticed was all the cats.  He loved cats, as...

A Cat's Call to Duty

by Lee Thomas Walker on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 5:06pm
(From June 2008 during my Army National Guard deployment in Kosovo, soon after learning my dear, sweet Sunny had perished back home)
One day, God was walking through Heaven, noting the eternal joy of His creatures who had lived and died.  One thing He noticed was all the cats.  He loved cats, as He loved all His creatures, but noted they had no leadership.  They would play together, but really weren't a community. 
So God said His angels, "The cats need a leader--one of their own to whom they may look, and who will guide them in wisdom.  Go to Earth, and find Me a leader for My cats."
So the angels searched all the Earth.  They went high and low, examined different cats and how they acted.  They took notes and pictures, and then returned to Heaven to compare their reports.  After their meeting, they came before God with their conclusion.
"Lord," they said, "we searched the Earth for what You seek.  We found many great cats who can do as You ask.  Among those that stand out is this one--Sunny of Missouri, in the USA.  She is smart, and respected by humans and domesticated animals of all types.  Her fellow cats readily recognize her as their leader.  And from our observation, her performance as leader is outstanding.  While many would be good choices, Sunny, we believe, would be one of the best."
So God said, "Sunny.  She sounds exactly like what I am looking for."
"There is one issue, though, Lord," the spokesman angel said.  "The human who loves her most is away from home serving his country.  He cares about her very much, and even though away from her, he would miss her if she was gone."
As God considered this, the angel continued.  "However, we know that if he knew You needed her, he would gladly give her up to You.  And though he would be sad in missing her, he would be happy knowing she was enjoying this paradise and fulfilling her potential as a leader."
So God considered what the angels had found, and choose Sunny for this very important duty.  And Sunny fulfilled the duty.  Soon, she had the untold millions of cats in Heaven organized and operating as a community.  She cared for all of them, but maintained order as well.  They had always been happy there, but they were ever happier.  And as on Earth, other animals, like dogs and horses, respected her.  And all of Heaven looked in awe at Sunny, and how she served her Creator so well.
Sunny truly shone as the celestrial ball after which she was named.
This story is not intended to be true.  I do not claim to know all of what goes on in the hereafter, and so I don't say animals will or will not have a part in it.  That is up to the Creator.  But I do believe the real-life Sunny showed herself to be an extraordinary cat, one who in ways was far beyond any other cat we have ever had.  And if it was the divine will that she be taken, for whatever reason, I can accept that. 
Whatever the truth is, I will one day find out.  Until then, in my heart, she is there, running the Heavenly barn and keeping the cats in order.  "Take care, kiddo.  You earned it."
My late cat Sunny. Smartest cat I ever knew. She basically ran the horse barn.

RIP Sunny.

"I'm going to be edu-cat-ed when I'm done with this book..."
I'm going to be edu-cat-ed when I'm done with this book...

HDR 110(1): "Yesterday’s Infamy = Today’s Ho-Hum News"


Hump Day Report

It's Mid-Week…it's America…it's Hump Day!

giliar 12:53 am on December 8, 2010 
Tags: Eric Holder, Julian Assange, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Harbor Survivors Association   

HDR 110(1): Yesterday's Infamy = Today's Ho-Hum News

The U.S. Navy battleship USS California (BB-44...

USS California Sinking in Pearl Harbor

ALOHA, ALL! 12/7/41 – This date supposedly lives in infamy, but for how much longer?  Even here in Hawaii, the front page of the newspaper today was all about the inauguration of our new Governor, Neil Aber"Commie."  The first mention of Pearl Harbor was page A15…and that was in a letter to the editor. Page B1 had an overview of the memorial events, but it took second-tier next to a story about the buoys at Ala Moana Beach Park.  Shameful!  Did you know there are only about 2,000 Pearl Harbor survivors left?  "This may be the last national convention of the Pearl Harbor Survivors because of age. The youngest person is 86 years old. Our numbers are depleting rapidly," said Edward H. Smith, a 93-year-old Middletown PA resident, who departed for Hawaii Friday.  It's a disgrace that this day is not remembered with MORE fanfare – not less – with each passing year.  Soon, all those brave people who lost their lives on December 7, 1941 will be gone.  Soon, all those who responded to the call of duty after the attacks will be gone.  Yet America will continue to worry about Christmas shopping, newly elected Governors and beach improvements.  We should be so lucky.  American Thinker Blog:  Remember Pearl Harbor (with Video)

Krauthammer on Holder &  Assange: "At a [recent] news conference, Attorney General Eric Holder assured the nation that his people are diligently looking into possible legal action against WikiLeaks. Where has Holder been? The WikiLeaks exposure of Afghan War documents occurred five months ago. Holder is looking now at possible indictments? This is a country where a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. Months after the first leak, Justice's thousands of lawyers have yet to prepare charges against Julian Assange and his confederates? … Where is the Justice Department? And where are the intelligence agencies on which we lavish $80 billion a year? Assange has gone missing. Well, he's no cave-dwelling jihadi ascetic. Find him. Start with every five-star hotel in England and work your way down. Want to prevent this from happening again? Let the world see a man who can't sleep in the same bed on consecutive nights, who fears the long arm of American justice. I'm not advocating that we bring out of retirement the KGB proxy who, on a London street, killed a Bulgarian dissident with a poisoned umbrella tip. But it would be nice if people like Assange were made to worry every time they go out in the rain." –columnist Charles Krauthammer  UPDATE:  Assange Surrenders in Britain (And Holder had nothing to do with it.)

On The Other Hand.…IMHO, the latest Wikileaks thing is much ado about nothing (see what I wrote last week.)  In fact, I see this as one of those so-called crises that 0bama won't let go to waste, and that scares me.  Here's another opinion on all this, more in line with mine but written much better than I could write it: CableGate's Grand Illusion (Thanks to Rob for the  link…and, most important, for making me realize there are others who agree with me!)  UPDATE:  So I'm watching today's Glenn Beck show and lo and behold, he feels the same way!  Wow, now I really feel vindicated!

Woo Hoo - 13 more months of jobless benefits!

This Week's Quick Links:

Rush Limbaugh Audio: Where is the Wikileak of 0bama's Birth Certificate? NOW, we're talkin'!!

I Shoulda Been A Farmer. Did you hear about the Native American & Black farmers getting reparations?  It turns out that $5 billion has been OK'd by Congress to atone for them being discriminated against.  It was estimated that 33,000 Black farmers existed during the period in question.  94,000 have signed up for settlements.  Fuzzy math or fraud?  Reparations?  When Pigford Flies

How Do Docs REALLY Feel? Here's a survey from the Physician's Foundation with the opinions of 100,000 doctors on 0bamacare:  Health Reform and the Decline of Physician Private Practice. I think the title says it all.

What's $400 Billion Amongst Friends? In case you missed it, 0bama is planning to give $400 billion to the EU to help bail them out.  Yep, you read that right.  This is insane:  Do You Know Where $400 Billion of your Tax Dollars Are?

Nancy Nitwit Fails Again. Thanks to soon-to-be-Speaker John Boehner, women Congress members will have new bathrooms closer to the House floor – just like male Congress members have always had: Women Finally Get Seats in the House I guess Nancy was too busy reading the healthcare bill to take care of this.

And Again. House GOP Leadership Cancels Pelosi's Committee on Global Warming Buh-Bye Nan!

Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act. Aw…sounds great, doesn't it?  The Regressivists (my new term for the regressive/socialist Democrats) have been trying to pass the DREAM Act for 9 years.  Now, Prince Harry sees the writing on the wall and is trying to jam this through the lame duck session:  Reid Schedules DREAM Vote for Wednesday. CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW TO OPPOSE THIS AMNESTY IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING!!! (202-224-3121)

Here's Another One – PSEECA. It's the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act (aka S.3991), and it would require states to comply with federal collective bargaining regulations for public safety employees if the state does not provide its own collective bargaining rights for these employees. Public safety officers, such as firefighters and police officers, would have the right to form and join a labor union, and public employers, such as city governments, would be required to bargain with these organizations. Sure…that wouldn't cause any problems, now would it?  Congress is Determined to Unionize Your Public Safety Employees. (Thanks to Bruce for the info.)  UPDATE:  More lame duck shenanigans from Prince Harry:  Harry's Holiday Gift to Unions

Maybe Opie Got to Him. Those Andy Griffith propaganda ads for Medicare and 0bamacare cost us $3 million – and Sheriff Taylor lied:  Misleading Andy Griffith Ads And here's a link with the facts checked:  The Rest of the Story on Those Andy Griffith Ads Looks like Ron Howard Taught Any a thing or two.

0bama's War. Notice how we never hear about the fatalities in Afghanistan?  During the Iraq war,  we were constantly bombarded with daily tallies of deaths, injuries, & reports of IED explosions.  Ah…but that was Bush's war:  November 2010 Was Deadliest November for US Forces in 9-Year Afghan War And I agree more and more with this sentiment:  Either Win in Afghanistan or Get Our Troops Out!

Mexico's War. Things are getting more and more serious in Mexico:  Drug Cartel-Related Murders Exceed 10,000 for Year So Far. But no worries – Napolitano says all is hunky-dorey:  Napolitano Glosses Over Drug War

No Drilling. Another unreported story – 0bama's administration has rescinded its decision to allow offshore oil drilling to expand into the eastern Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic Coast. Instead, the current moratorium on said drilling will continue for another seven years, until more safety and environmental regulations can be devised and implemented. This action keeps millions of acres and potentially billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas off limits. So much for Democrats' pledge of "energy independence."  Seven-Year Drilling Ban Not Good News for Louisiana

An Inconvenient Truth. Al Bore admitted last week that "First-generation ethanol, I think, was a mistake." HUH?????  Thanks to this bumbling idiot, we've been paying for ethanol subsidies since 1994 – adding nearly $5 billion to the deficit last year alone:  You Can Stop Paying For Al Gore's Mistake Ah, but there is justice after all:  Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection Shutting Down Offices

Bush's Job Approval Now Higher Than 0bama's. The latest Gallup poll rating recent Presidents still has Kennedy at the top of the heap, with reagan Second.  Carter has dropped, Clinton has improved, and Nixon still the lowest:  Kennedy Still Highest-Rated Modern President Don't worry, Tricky Dick….you won't be at the bottom of the list soon!

"Hey dude - where's my beach chair?"

Meanwhile, Back At The Beach…I am waiting with rapt anticipation for the 0bamessiah to return here for his Christmas vacation.  What joy.  David Bossie put together a great web ad to celebrate the occasion:  Mele Kalikimaka Mr. President

Final Thought: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant"  Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, 1941
Final Thought II: "Liberals never, ever drop a heinous idea; they just change the name. "Abortion" becomes "choice," "communist" becomes "progressive," "communist dictatorship" becomes "people's democratic republic" and "Nikita Khrushchev" becomes "Barack Obama." ~~ Ann Coulter

HDR Update: "Unemployment Now at 9.8%"


Hump Day Report

It's Mid-Week…it's America…it's Hump Day!

giliar 2:26 pm on December 3, 2010


Unemployment Now at 9.8%

Today the Labor Department released its monthly jobs report, which showed that the U.S. economy added an anemic 39,000 jobs this month and that the nation's unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent. That marks the 19th month in a row that the unemployment has been over 9 percent, a post–World War II record:


From ACT! for America: URGENT ACTION NOW! "College caves in to CAIR - ACTION ALERT!"

via ACT! for America: From ACT! for America: "URGENT ALERT: Call Lane Community College RIGHT NOW at 541-463-3000 - it will take less than 60 seconds. Tell them you oppose their decision to cancel the class on Islam taught by ACT! for America's very own Barry Sommer. PLEASE re-post this! For more info:"
ACT for America
From ACT! for America: "(Update) URGENT ALERT: We have been heard - and we jammed their phone lines! We believe in backing up our members. Now let's keep calling and let's also go over to the College's Facebook page and voice our opinions. Tell the College to re-instate the class asap! Link: "
Education:2,453 people like this.
Lee Thomas Walker My comment: "I recently read of your unfortunate decision to cancel Barry Sommer's class on Islam. Such cowering to radical anti-American organizations such as CAIR, a unindicted co-conspirator in cases involving support to terrorists, is yet another example of the attitiude which has created the problem his class addresses in the first place. In the name of academic and intellectual honesty, you MUST reinstate the class."
Subject: College caves in to CAIR - ACTION ALERT!
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 11:55 AM

homelearnactdonatelocal chaptersContact Congress
ACT! for America

College Caves in to CAIR—ACTION ALERT!!

URGENT! Please call Lane Community College to voice your opposition

Dear Lee,

ACT! for America chapter leader Barry Sommer had a contract to teach a class about Islam at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon—until last week.

That's when CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, using its typical propaganda smear tactics, put pressure on the college to remove Barry as the instructor.

Shamefully, Lane Community College caved in and canceled the class.

In doing so, the college made itself complicit with CAIR's continuing assault on the first amendment and its mission to impose sharia law in America.

We cannot sit by and do nothing. We MUST send a message to Lane Community College that caving in to CAIR, a front group for the terrorist organization Hamas, is outrageous and unacceptable.

Here's what we're asking you to do.

  Call the Lane Community College main switchboard, 541-463-3000. THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SENDING AN EMAIL. Why? Because we want to barrage the college with hundreds, even thousands of phone calls, today and tomorrow. This way the college will KNOW without a doubt that there are many Americans who object to the college's actions.

When you call, ask to speak to Mary Spilde, college president, or the college's public relations employee. In a firm but respectful tone, tell the person you speak to (or leave a voice mail) that you are outraged by the college's decision to cave in to the demands of an organization like CAIR and suppress free speech on its campus, and that you are asking the college to reconsider and reinstate the class and Barry Sommer as instructor.

If you're unable to get through when you call, that's a good thing! That means many others are calling. Please try again later, or tomorrow.

If you can't get through on the phone, or just can't call for some reason, please send an email to Ms. Spilde expressing your outrage and asking that the class be reinstated—again, in a firm but respectful tone. Her email address is But remember—calling is better than emailing.

We're sure Lane Community College receives federal dollars, so everyone of us who pays taxes, no matter where we live, are helping to support the college. Thus, we have a right to make our voice heard!

What's more, we need to send a message to other colleges across the country that Americans are not just going to sit back and watch while CAIR assaults the first amendment in its goal to impose sharia law on America!

Please place your phone call today or tomorrow! And please forward this email to others you know so that they can do the same.


Make sure you receive all of your messages from ACT for America. Add to your address book as an approved email sender. If you found this message in your "Bulk" or "Spam" folder, please click the "Not Spam" button to notify your provider that these are emails you want to receive.


ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

Send a personalized version of this message to your friends.

Click here to give an online donation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ACT! for America Action Alert (Facebook edition): "ACTION ALERT—Stop START!"

From ACT! for America:


"Will you read this note, take action by contacting your senator and then tell your friends?
See More
Our Missile Defense will be compromised if this treaty passes   We MUST continue to build a robust missile defense system to protect ourselves from countries like Iran and terrorist organizations that are working to acquire the technology to launch missiles with nuclear weapons from cargo ships....


by ACT! for America on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 1:47pm
Our Missile Defense will be compromised if this treaty passes
We MUST continue to build a robust missile defense system to protect ourselves from countries like Iran and terrorist organizations that are working to acquire the technology to launch missiles with nuclear weapons from cargo ships. To allow a treaty with Russia to limit this right of self-defense is unacceptable.
We have watched the progression of the New START nuclear missile treaty with great interest, assuming that it would get a full and open hearing in the next session of Congress. Unfortunately, the Obama administration is now trying to rush through, during the present lame duck session of Congress, what we consider a seriously flawed treaty that will endanger our national security. The proposed New START will limit our future ability and right to build missile defense systems. This goes beyond any concerns regarding Russia.
Please click here ( to send an urgent email to your two U.S. Senators today urging them to oppose ratification during this lame duck session. Once there, scroll down to the Action Alerts and click on "Opposition To The New START." Please enter in your contact information and then click send.
If you wish to call your U.S. Senators instead, please click here ( Then scroll down below the Action Alerts section and click on "Elected Officials." Please enter in your zip code and click search. This will bring up the contact information you need to make your call today!
 A treaty like this has NEVER been rushed through a lame duck Congress—and for good reason. Something this important to national security should not be rushed through or crammed down the throats of the American people.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has stated that limitations on missile defense are "clearly spelled out in the treaty" and "legally binding." Here's why:
  • The preamble of the treaty gives the Russians a basis to claim a de facto veto of our missile defense options
  • There are explicit limits for using land- and sea-based offensive missile tubes for defensive missiles.
 Earlier this year our grassroots efforts helped restore full missile defense funding in the House Armed Services Committee. Please help us continue to protect our present and future missile defense system. ACT today by either calling or sending an email to your U.S. Senators opposing ratification of the New START treaty during this lame duck session of Congress! Time is of the essence! It is especially important that the following Senators hear from their constituents:
  • John McCain (R – AZ)
  • Bob Corker (R – TN)
  • Jim Webb (D – VA)
  • Olympia Snowe (R- ME)
  • Susan Collins (R – ME)
  • Lindsay Graham (R – SC)
  • Ben Nelson (D – NE)
  • George Voinovich (R – OH)
  • Scott Brown (R – MA)
Thank you for your support. We need you now more than ever!

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From ACT! for America: "Threat to our missile defense - ACTION ALERT!"

Subject: Threat to our missile defense - ACTION ALERT!
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 1:15 PM

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Our Missile Defense will be compromised if this treaty passes

Dear Lee,

We have watched the progression of the New START nuclear missile treaty with great interest, assuming that it would get a full and open hearing in the next session of Congress.

Unfortunately, the Obama administration is now trying to rush through, during the present lame duck session of Congress, what we consider a seriously flawed treaty that will endanger our national security.

The proposed New START will limit our future ability and right to build missile defense systems. This goes beyond any concerns regarding Russia.

We MUST continue to build a robust missile defense system to protect ourselves from countries like Iran and terrorist organizations that are working to acquire the technology to launch missiles with nuclear weapons from cargo ships. To allow a treaty with Russia to limit this right of self-defense is unacceptable.

  Please click here to send an urgent email to your two U.S. Senators today urging them to oppose ratification during this lame duck session. Once there, scroll down to the Action Alerts and click on "Opposition To The New START." Please enter in your contact information and then click send.

If you wish to call your U.S. Senators instead, please click here. Then scroll down below the Action Alerts section and click on "Elected Officials." Please enter in your zip code and click search. This will bring up the contact information you need to make your call today!

A treaty like this has NEVER been rushed through a lame duck Congress—and for good reason. Something this important to national security should not be rushed through or crammed down the throats of the American people.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has stated that limitations on missile defense are "clearly spelled out in the treaty" and "legally binding." Here's why:

  • The preamble of the treaty gives the Russians a basis to claim a de facto veto of our missile defense options

  • There are explicit limits for using land- and sea-based offensive missile tubes for defensive missiles.
Earlier this year our grassroots efforts helped restore full missile defense funding in the House Armed Services Committee. Please help us continue to protect our present and future missile defense system. ACT today by either calling or sending an email to your U.S. Senators opposing ratification of the New START treaty during this lame duck session of Congress! Time is of the essence! It is especially important that the following Senators hear from their constituents:

  • John McCain (R – AZ)

  • Bob Corker (R – TN)

  • Jim Webb (D – VA)

  • Olympia Snowe (R- ME)

  • Susan Collins (R – ME)

  • Lindsay Graham (R – SC)

  • Ben Nelson (D – NE)

  • George Voinovich (R – OH)

  • Scott Brown (R – MA)


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Pensacola, FL 32591

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The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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