The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Speculative, but plausible: VIDEO: “Will the World Starve this Winter?”

This channel has its issues, including a vague “Blame America First” sense and slight leaning on liberal propaganda points. That said, this does mirror and a general sense predictions regarding fuel shortages and, in the long term, the increase in such PC things as the pushing of electric vehicles.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E256: FINAL TDF FOR NOW: Response to Garand Thumb video, 'Navy SEAL and Army Special Forces Operator discuss Fighting Rifle Setup."

(Circumstances will limit posting for a while. No problems, just limited opportunities.)

The basic message of TDF: Focus on the baseline and basics.

MY COMMENT: "Whether it's the 5.56mm "assault(ish) rifle" or the 7.62mm "battle(ish) rifle," the best fighting rifle for an *untrained/disciplined non-vet civilian is basic, and possibly featureless (due to current and future legalities). Without military training and discipline, civilian 2A Militia will find themselves most useful at set-position support-by-fire and logistics work. They won't doing a lot of run-and-gun assaulting in an actual militia context, let alone a civilian one.
"Too many tacti-cool features are bothersome and unnecessary for their most likely role. Red dots make sense, but night vision is rather expensive, with money sometimes better used for basic things like ammo, mags, and training, as well as political activism. Suppressors are great, if you can afford them and handle the NFA aspects. There are alternatives which direct sound away from the shooter which are not NFA. They protect hearing, though offer little in the way of stealth. But again, civilians won't be running a lot of stealth ops. In fact, hardly any, and then best under the guidance of uniformed military or veterans. "Whatever stylizing a civilian does--or a veteran, for that matter--he or she needs to remember that 2A RKBA is NOT about a hobby. It's not about looking cool. It's about the FUNCTION of Militia and personal/home "Blackstone" defense. The shooter is not a "Delta Force Rangers with SEAL Team 6." Being tacti-cool does not make one tactical. Every add-on adds weight, complexity, and potential failures. Our rights are there for a serious reason. Focus on fulfilling that reason. I know some will respond, "Well, I might..." this or that. Problem is, they probably won't, and most likely can't. Each should be prepared to do what he or she can do, and defend against what he or she can defend against. Without training, the shooter can't run squad-level fire and maneuver. And without discipline, the shooter won't likely have the willingness to follow orders and run them and risk getting killed in the first place. That, ironically, is the flipside of the very "freedom" so many talk about in these contexts. "It's not about what one wants. It's not about what one has a "right" to. It's about function. Focus on that. *Hours on Call of Duty does NOT constitute "training.""

I could add so many more links. But it would be repetitive ad nauseum after awhile. The TDF Index is linked to above and below. I urge readers open to a realistic and function/intent-based approach to 2A/RKBA to check out the articles in this now hiatus-ed series. Even if one doesn't agree with some, they can offer a perspective in pursuing the maintenance of our heritage.

Partly right but misses much-- Arch video: "'N-Word Usage Saw A 500% Increase' Post Twitter Elon Musk Purchase, Here Is Why That's A Good Thing!."

But of course, he can't actually use it in his video.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Real and dangerous answer to Carpe Donktum's question on why so many Dems (liberals) -- Only on Truth Social.

THE DAILY FUDD: E255: "Another California gun hobbyist attempting a technicality workaround when he could just get a featureless fighting rifle."

MY COMMENT: "If the Californians spent less time in the hobby of trying to find technicalities in their State's laws, and more time just acquiring and practicing with a decent CA-legal fighting rifle, they'd be in much better shape to work for restoration of Patriots to power in DC, and then beg for intervention by federal and other-State forces to liberate them. They'd just have to rest under military occupation for a couple of generations at their expense."

The effort here is to take part of the current law to override the general definition of "pistol grip." (I discuss that particular "evil feature" in TDF 54.) One line that confuses me is that the YouTuber claims "federal law" states that a certain aspect of what California law would require in handling a weapon is "unsafe." I have asked about it: MY COMMENT: "One question: Where does federal law discuss what is "unsafe" in this regard? The Consumer Product Safety Commission is explicitly barred by Congress from issuing safety regs for firearms due to an attempt in the 1970s to do a backdoor handgun ammo ban."

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Shooter of Independence, Missouri firefighter skates on defense justification -- Breakdown of pertinent pros and cons here.

Prosecutor’s Office Won’t Pursue Murder Charge for Killing Kansas City Firefighter - Claims it was 'Self-Defense' When Woman Shot Him During Fight with Felon (

Scoring rundown:

- White.
- Seems to have been standing up for a woman (race unknown).
- Shooter is Black (female).
- Black male is felon and Prohibited Person.

- Defense case upholding acting based on limited knowledge.

Kevin Jamison, an attorney and author of Missouri Weapons and Self-Defense Law, agrees that the woman’s actions against the firefighter were warranted. He told FOX4KC, “Technically it’s called the defense of justification and your justification is you are saving the life of another person.” He added, “The girlfriend is only constrained by what she reasonably believed to be the circumstances. If she didn’t see the start of the fight, all she knows is her boyfriend is getting strangled.”

CONCLUSION: Reluctantly, without further evidence, the case has to go to the shooter, as the precedent is useful in the long run. The more "defense" can be stretched, the easier combating the other side will be when the time comes. And the case is protected against race-baiting.

Most likely, though, the prosecutor caved on pushing the case due to the ever-present threat of BLM rioting.

QUESTION: The weapon seems too large to have been concealed, including an extended magazine. Yet story suggests its owner pulled it, as if concealed on his person. Hmm...

Saturday, October 22, 2022

President Trump has carte blanche for vengeance -- ARTICLE: "The FBI Put A $1 Million Bounty On Trump As The Bureau Sought To Frame Him."

No investigations, no trials, just retributions. President Trump has earned the right. Restore him to power, then...

I won't see a thing, and I hope to be part of doing it.

The FBI Put a $1 Million Bounty on Trump as the Bureau Sought to Frame Him | Gregg Jarrett (

An FBI analyst dropped a bombshell in a Virginia federal courtroom Tuesday: the FBI secretly offered Christopher Steele $1 million if the ex-British spy could only corroborate his phony dossier that accused Trump of colluding with Russia.

Think about that.  James Comey and his crooked cronies at the bureau were so desperate to topple Trump that they put the equivalent of a a taxpayer-funded bounty on the president’s head to frame him.  Bring us the evidence, and we’ll make you rich!

It's the people who are to blame, so halt these silly elections -- ARTICLE: "San Francisco DA who promised to 'restore' order walks out of debate after protesters disrupt event."

She was elected on promises of restoring order. She tried to do some of that--and these Leftists protest her. It goes to show that the real problem with places like Frisco isn't the politicians, but rather the people who elect them. Military occupation and the suspension of elections for at least a couple of generations would go far to solving the problem.

San Francisco DA who promised to 'restore' order walks out of debate after protesters disrupt event | Fox News

"White" becoming "Light" in race baiting -- ARTICLE and VIDEO: "GREG GUTFELD: Charles Blow expanded the 'accusatory net of racism'."

The Rule of Three is becoming a binary Light-Dark. An observation of nature that goes along with Asiatics no longer being considered "People of Color." 

Gutfeld, though, has to go the conservative line and slam it. 

GREG GUTFELD: Charles Blow expanded the 'accusatory net of racism'

"Blow, whose name is short for blowing smoke up his own ass, takes a tale involving Latino leaders in L.A. making bigoted remarks about Blacks and calls it proof of white supremacy. Yes, a Latina smears a black person. But that's white racism, making white supremacy look more diverse than a 1980s Benetton ad. Remember those? "

Thursday, October 20, 2022

From 2021: ARTICLE: "Lost Baby Moose Finds (Estonian) Soldier (with Swedish G3) In Forest And Asks Him For Help."

“I called our veterinary office and let them know what happened,” Prikko said. “I wanted to do more for the small calf and wanted to ask what should I do.”

Prikko was told to return the calf to where he was found, and to monitor the situation. Because of Prikko’s report, a vet was dispatched to the scene with a bottle of milk to feed the baby moose just in case his mother failed to return.


As a soldier, Prikko considers it his duty to protect animals, too — and in this case, he accomplished that mission perfectly.

Go to article to find out the happy result.

"Swedish-made version of the Heckler & Koch G3A3 battle rifle."

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

If I urged Black mothers to listen to Stacey Abrams and act on this, would it be "racist"? -- Claims abortion is the answer to inflation.

She's a hero, you know, being an election denier and claiming to be the governor of Georgia and all.

“Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas. It’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs,” Abrams explained. “For women, this is not a reductive issue, “she said. “You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child.”

Childless Stacey Abrams Says Killing Your Baby Is Best Way To Fix Democrat-Created Recession: "Having children is why you're worried about your price for gas" [VIDEO] (

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

OFF TOPIC: Another Trans-Atlantic Cou..., No, actually all-American, Kid Pop, same show, same vocals(?), different episodes and tempos (SONG: "One Fine Day").

About the show: ""Kids Incorporated" was a live-action kids' show of the mid-1980s and early 1990s. It was about a band of the same name composed of (more-or-less) young people. They would do covers--excellent ones, in my fan opinion--of popular songs (plus a few original numbers)."

The first version is from Season 2 (1985) and features Marta Marrero--later known as "Martika" (of "Toy Soldiers" fame). The second is from Season 4 after she (and backup dancer Mario Lopez of "Saved By The Bell" fame) left. But people with better hearing than me think it's the same recording, claiming to hear Martika's voice even though replaced by a little Asian girl (Connie Lew). However, both the time hacks and listening show the latter to be slowed down.

Judge for yourself which rendering is better. I will say as far as the videos go, the 1987 version is probably better, with lead Renee Sands slightly older and looking more the part for the lead, and the supporting characters more on point. But the 1985 version does have Martika, so there's that.

Renee Sands, 1985(L) and 1987. What a difference two years can make at that age.



Saturday, October 15, 2022

Black racial insurrectionists use school dedicated to Black fraud run by Black principal to protect armed Black criminals from police.

"Garrett Morgan School of Leadership & Innovation": A school named after the fraudulent beneficiary of many Black invention MYTHS. With a principal named Anshawn M. Ivery. No question what's going on here.

BLM is an insurrectionist MOVEMENT--not just the organization, but the whole movement--that needs to be put down. Completely.

Anshawn M. Ivery, MSEd | LinkedIn

Vice principal lets armed gunman into Ohio school to protect them from police: report | The Post Millennial |

"I confirmed the interior doors were locked and instructed the four suspects to come to the vestibule because it was unsafe to be outside because I saw police officers," a vice principal said.

Friday, October 14, 2022

How far we've fallen: Retro-reading 1980s propriety as Woke -- "Kids Inc" song cover revision retconned. Plus, a bonus track!

"Kids Incorporated" was a live-action kids' show of the mid-1980s and early 1990s. It was about a band of the same name composed of (more-or-less) young people. They would do covers--excellent ones, in my fan opinion--of popular songs (plus a few original numbers). Sometimes, as the Wiki article notes, "'[d]ue to the age of both the performers and the target demographic, lyrics with objectionable content were generally edited out of the songs and replaced with more appropriate language." While such things are always judgment calls, generally the judgment seems to have been good.

However, in our modern "Woke" era, we see that those pushing this agenda will attempt to wrongly construe the motive. Instead of it being about age-appropriate issues (an issue which the Woke community ignores--these are the people giving sex instruction for Kindergarteners, remember), some of the changes are depicted by them as efforts at "gender neutrality." 

Such a comment was made on a posting of Kids Inc's cover of "You're the One that I Want" from the movie Grease. I replied to the comment, and I confess I didn't fully appreciate the intent until after my initial post. In any case, I have after a week not received a reply yet.

And of course, for the record and for the entertainment of a very fine cover, here's the video:

Of course, Kids Inc isn't the only such example of reading Wokeness in where it doesn't exist. Even modern songs are reconstrued thusly. "I Drive Your Truck" has had people seek to reconstrue the lyrics as writer to change the singer from the deceased soldier's brother into his same-sex lover. Thus is the level of deception these people will dive to in order to push their agenda. I give the solution here: Cats, Guns, and National Security: Ban Trans. Simple. (

For some doing this sort of thing, it's simply part of an effort to normalize Wokeness efforts. Others, though, have so thoroughly bought into it that they actually sorta think that was the reason behind the writing. While the former category is arguably more dangerous, the latter category is certainly the more pitiful (if one has pity, that is.)

But for the reverse, and an actual lyrical function and change, here's Kids Inc's cover of Culture Club's "Karma Chameleon" (the only song by that group I actually kinda liked -- see HERE for an almost Country cover of it by a group in Argentina, with link going to my comment to that effect). Listen carefully to the bridge.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E252: "Spanish FR8 bolt-action 7.62mm: A stopgap before the CETME -- TDF conclusion at end."

Modified by caliber and sights for internal security use and troop familiarization in the 1950s. As stated in TDF 2's discussion of bolt-action and "scout" rifles, it is one of:

"two of this writer's favorite military rifle types by style--the Spanish FR7 and FR8. Both bolt-action arms from the 1950s issues to Spanish internal police forces, they give an impression of being semi-automatic. Note the birdcase flash suppressors and fake gas tubes--which in fact is a bayonet mount and cleaning kit container. Such an arm was a cheap but effective way to provide long gun firepower to police, while giving a false impression of that firepower to opposing elements."

From YouTuber "USOG."


TDF editorial conclusion: Still prefer the 7.62mm Enfield:

Gun Jesus video on this rifle HERE. Not embedded because he still annoys me.

Parkland shooter not given death penalty because jurors were stupid -- Here's how such cases could be handled one day.

ARTICLE: DeSantis reacts to Parkland shooter life sentence: ‘You deserve the death penalty’ | Fox News


Following the initial work of the Trump Organization "Security Division" in hunting down and bringing justice to anti-Trump "Resistance," Antifa, BLM, and assorted kindred categories and entities once President Trump is restored to power, the opportunity--and facilitation--will exist for it to turn its attention to more mundane criminality. Imagine patrolling Operatives--at times openly armed, but probably not as decked out as the "Judge Dredd" image--going about the country ensuring a level of...concern among the People that they should act in appropriate manners. In this case, when the jury decision was announced in court, such a judge could make his or her presence known and announce that the jury has been overruled, and the defendant will receive the death penalty. The automatic appeal generally associated with death rulings--a procedure which is quite warranted and generally good--would be suspended in this case obviously, and the Operative might give the court judge the option of ordering immediate execution by the normal State channels or simply standing by while the defendant is taken out back and dispatched by the Operative.

It is hoped, of course, that such overrulings of standard jurisprudence would be rare. Indeed, the mere existence of such Operatives would likely deter judges and juries from such stupidities. And as a climate of justice is restored to the country, this particular work of Operatives will be less and less necessary. There will still be fails, of course--such is the nature of the human condition--and the Operatives of the "Security Division" will remain for generations and acting in truly egregious cases, but something more akin to our traditional Anglo-American jurisprudence will again be the general rule. 

Peace, folks.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E251: "Wheelgun Wednesday: ARTICLE: 'As The Wheelgun Turns…'"

"So, to recap: I sure envy the new shooters who have been introduced to the double-action revolver. No other defensive handgun is any more accurate or reliable. I wouldn’t part with mine; because we’ve had quite
a few adventures together over the years."

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The White race polices its own; the darker races...? -- ARTICLE: "Supreme Court denies appeal of Dylann Roof, sentenced to death for murders at SC Black church."

Amazing how when a White person commits a horrific act, White people are the first to seek the perp's punishment, even execution, while when a Black person does so, Black people rally to the perp's defense and support.

Supreme Court denies appeal of Dylann Roof, sentenced to death for murders at SC Black church | Fox News

A comment by me on social media; 

"If this guy was Black and he had shot up a White church (and yes, churches can and often do have color), we'd hardly have heard of the incident. Indeed, to the degree it was talked about, it would be White religious leaders having to defend their record on race, since this poor, disadvantaged POC felt driven to do what he did. BLM would demand that memorials for the victims go to them, and that the perp get community service or something.

"But at least it would dampen its use in gun control arguments. I remember a woman posting about mass shootings and referencing that one in Tulsa where a Black guy shoots his Black doctor and a few others. I called it, "Black-on-Black crime." When I explained what had happened in the incident, she hushed up fast."

Monday, October 10, 2022

Columbus Day words from Senator Chris McDaniel (R-MS).

Facebook link HERE.

Don’t fall for the “woke” narrative.
What if Columbus hadn’t embarked on his groundbreaking voyages to the New World? Indigenous tribes weren’t living in harmony before his arrival—contrary to popular perception today—and they wouldn’t have had the country to themselves for long in any case.
There’s no reason to believe that they would have been better off if Chinese or Arab explorers, for example, had settled here first instead of Europeans.
Tearing down statues of Columbus and replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day—as several states and hundreds of municipalities have done—won’t save lives, black or otherwise.
We live in a culture that glorifies victimhood, but Americans should never embrace this role. While we understand that America isn’t perfect, we’re grateful that our ancestors got on those boats to cross the ocean, just as Columbus did centuries before.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Putting personal satisfaction before the cause -- The real reason this event flopped.

Basically, no actual big names, time and place set for the convenience of the organizers rather than potential attendees  and no promotion by actual big names.  And they flopped, which hurts the cause.

But darn it, the people involved wanted to do something, and it felt good.

Back in 2017, the same sort of thing was happening. People were doing "grassroots" rallies to counter the anti-Trump activities, and failing completely for the same reasons. They would even admit that they "just felt like" they "had to do something." No thought to the optics, just self-gratification. When I say that conservative-types are given to selfishness, this is a manifestation of it.

It's Teabrainery, folks. Don't do this sort of thing.  

Pro-Trump Rally-Goers Blame Mysterious Bogeymen for Latest Event Flop (

Friday, October 7, 2022

19A really did kill us -- Gutfeld video: "For women, liberalism just keeps growing: Greg Gutfeld."


Wife in Black couple gets Alzheimer's, so hubby lives off her money with White whore--with wife right there! And WaPo celebrates it.

"B. Smith ran a successful media empire until she was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's in 2013. Her husband and caretaker, Dan Gasby, felt overwhelmed by her illness — until he found love with another woman."

I know Black culture doesn't view marriage the same as White/Western culture. But this is heart-rending. We really don't know how much the wife knows, or what her reaction is.

The reality, of course, is that the husband and his White bitch are living it up on the wife's money.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E250: "Ruger-made Marlin 1895 raises TDF's focus on the .45-70 Government round."

Ruger's reproduction of the Marlin 1895 in .45-70 Government.

As devoted followers of this TDF series know, caliber commonality and interoperability among the 2A civilian Militia is a high priority. "Oddball" calibers disrupt this, promoting personal preference over Militia efficacy. Below is a long-standing list of common calibers I have often put out:

CAVEAT: Market changes might call for replacing .40 S&W with 10mm.

That said, the old .45-70 Government cartridge is showing a seeming resurgence. Ruger, having recently acquired Marlin, is producing their 1895 lever action in that caliber. (See TDF 116, TDF 119TDF 158, and TDF 223 for examinations of lever-actions from a fudd-tactical perspective.) As a "brush gun" caliber, it does indeed have a niche place, and its ".45" factor fits with the icon and heritage value of that number.

That said, practicality and tactical realities must take a priority. The caliber remains in that niche, and resupply in a militia-type situation--or even a SHTF/WROL situation--would be sketchy.

Each of you must be the judge, but while perhaps this caliber is quite effective and might grow in popularity, and I have to hold it as fitting within the .45-caliber zone called for in a MAGA setting, it is at this time inadvisable as a regular go-to.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E249: "Homage to the parent blog: 'Cat guns' are actually a thing! But not what you think (ARTICLE)."

Parent blog: Cats, Guns, and National Security (

Original post:

LINK: GUNS Magazine Cat Guns - GUNS Magazine

Don’t let the title throw you. Up front I want to state Yvonne and I are both cat and dog lovers. This is not about shooting lost or discarded house cats wandering onto our place. Those we “fix” so they can’t reproduce and give them a place to live on our Montana acreage.

In firearms collecting terminology, cat guns are vintage, big bore Winchester and Colt lever and pump action, repeating rifles sporting British proof marks. I’ve had the good fortune to have a genuine cat gun here on loan for a bit in a large-frame Colt Lightning chambering the .50-95 WCF.

The article goes on to describe these arms as favored by some less financed, but more experienced, adventurers exploring British colonies around the world, where the BIG cats--tigers, lions, and leopards--roamed. 

The first time I heard the term cat guns was while visiting a museum in Johannesburg, South Africa. On display there were several Winchester Model 1876 rifles. I asked our guide about them and he said, “Oh, those were cat guns. Farmers kept them in case lions came about.”

Of course, self-loaders can fulfill the role as well, as pictured in this vintage ammunition advertisement with a customer armed with what appears to be a Remington Model 8 semi-automatic rifle:

Such goes to the adage that the best gun for any situation is a gun you actually have when you need it.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E248: "Sorta-cute chick with no shooting understanding, but a slick H&K fudd."

A Heckler and Koch SL6 or SL7, not sure which. See also TDF 62.

SL6: "The Heckler & Koch SL6 is a roller-delayed blowback operated sporting carbine made by Heckler & Koch. It was chambered in 5.56×45mm NATO."

SL7: "
The Heckler & Koch SL7 is a roller-delayed blowback operated sporting carbine made by Heckler & Koch. It was chambered in 7.62×51mm NATO caliber..."

Developed in the 1980s, one of the niche mark
ets it appealed to in the U.S. was as a "quasi-military" rifle for low-key law enforcement. They never really took off, though, and was later replaced by the company with the more sporterized SLB 2000:

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.