The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

I will be lauded soon for my supreme vision.

I love this guy, and this is crazy.

That said, a lot of good GOP figures and others will rue the fact they never pushed the Federalist 46 model to enable Trump to crush the whole "Resistance."

Trump exploited all the LEGAL (judicial-type) options. But he's blocked from exploiting the KINETIC options, and the States have failed to come to his assistance.

And now, the Cancellings are already starting.

BONGINO: There isn’t a single screenshot you’ll find on Twitter that sums up its incredible hypocrisy more than this one.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

America has been hit down by its own "freedom," and held down by its own Constitution.

As of this writing, President Trump has seemingly exhausted every possible non-kinetic means to stop the Steal, and due to the Deep State and "Resistance" arrayed against him, no federal kinetic forces would be of use to him. And essentially no one of note under the President had the knowledge--or actually, the guts, because I told many of them--to call for Federalist 46-model action (see graphic below) by the States to assist him, either before or during the BLM insurrection of last summer, or in the face of the Election Steal. And, I hate to say, too many States, even those supportive of the President, would have rejected the call.

We reached this point because of libertarianism. The sense in the 2A community and its ancillary elements is that such "resistance" action has to be private. Between 14A's resultant deprecation of States and State identity--albeit initiated with the genuinely good intent of building a stronger national identity--and the individualism that understandably gets played up by RKBA supporters to combat "collective rights" arguments on 2A, the element of the nation most oriented toward the necessary action was the one probably most disposed AGAINST the very means the Founders intended for it--GOVERNMENT (in this case, the States). The result has been ignorance and misguidance on the whole matter. Yes, it is Teabrainery, and it has brought us to this brink of destruction. "Conservatism" in the classical sense--not simply, "not liberalism"--has likewise failed the country. When faced with a political enemy that breaks all the rules, to hold to those rules is to put oneself in handcuffs. We saw January 6, 2021 the Constitution used by conservatives and libertarians to restrain themselves from defending that very Constitution and, more importantly, our national heritage. A judge--a liberal, in fact--once uttered the line, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact." On January 6, 2021 we saw that it had become exactly that.

Over the past five years, we have seen Donald J. Trump, as imperfect as he may be, give his all for the country, short of the one means blocked to him. The people of America failed Trump, and they failed their country. It's not too late, of course. So long as our Union exists, it is not too late. Only when that Union is collapsed under (anti-heritage) Leftist-socialism/globalism--not simply oppression or occupation, but indeed complete assimilation--or when our Stars and Stripes is exchanged for another banner of effectively a successor state (cf. Rhodesia and South Africa), is it too late.
Yet even then, America is not gone. I carry the flag patch off the last uniform I wore on military duty. So long as I do, America--the USA--remains.


PERSONAL HISTORICAL NOTE: This is the message I distributed regarding the Election Steal. Similar messages went out from me for YEARS prior. I bear the failure of our people the same as any other American, but I myself will NOT accept the same guilt laying on most. I DID SOMETHING! I pushed for what the Founders said to do! And I was prepared to do as my State called upon me to do in this regard.

(And yes, had the President called upon me to act on his direct--not State--behalf, I would have done so. The Constitution was not meant to be a suicide pact.)


ADDENDUM: The Constitution has become a suicide pact. (now banned)

The situation of our Union of States (a Union which exists APART from the Constitution).


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Statement on disruption at US Capitol today (06 JAN 2021).

1. Not the way.

2. Agitators and evidence of inside job, including the action occurring DURING the proceedings and BEFORE the conclusion. Even Teabrainers aren't that dumb. EDIT: But too many actually are.

3. Compare treatment of it to treatment of BLM and Antifa insurrection attacks last year.

4. Goes to the Federalist 46 model of STATE GOVERNMENTS acting being the actual intended means of the ostensive intent.

The Constitution has become a suicide pact.