The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, March 5, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E30: "Star Fudd: 'Bread and Circuses.'"

"Bread and Circuses" is the Star Trek Original Series episode where the Enterprise encounters a planet with 20th-century Earth technology, but a continuing Roman Empire. In their interaction with the society, they encounter an outcast religious community in the mountains. Its adherents refer to themselves as "Children of the 'Sun.'" Of course, at the end--and taking into account a throwaway line from Spock that the people were speaking English--it turns out that "Sun" was actually, "Son"--the "Son of God."

A point pertinent to this series, starting about five minutes into the episode, is where Kirk, Spock, and Bones are encountered by these "Children." A sentry fires a warning shot at them, and we soon see more sentries emerge carrying traditional-configuration bolt-action hunting rifles.

Points of history and fuddity here:

1. The non-military nature of the arms (government forces were seen with submachine guns) would be in keeping with the beliefs of some Essenes of the first century AD/CE about such matters--not pacifist, but non-militant.
2. Such uber-fudd arms, though far from ideal even by TDF standards, can serve a role in such matters.
3. Those armed with them got the drop on three trained Starfleet officers with phasers.

No, such arms are NOT the ideal in 2A or RKBA. But you use what you can get. And those "Children" did.