The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

If "Black music" was still like this, race relations would be vastly better -- Concept and performance videos: "Yah Mo B There."

NO RACE-BAITING OR GRIPES. Only solidarity and brotherhood. The '80s indeed represented the pinnacle of race relations: Artificial gaps closed and individuals were judged as individuals, yet without the destruction of order or heritage. "They" had joined "us." But that wasn't enough--reality wasn't acceptable--and we "progressed" into the current unnatural mess. (Our future HERE? And thus maybe HERE?)

CONCEPT VIDEO: (Today, the White girl in the video would have to come across for Black pursuers or be "racist.")

PERFORMANCE VIDEO: (I wonder how often McDonald is accused of "cultural appropriation" today.)