The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E42: "Waiting periods."

The recent shootings in Atlanta apparently involved a 9mm handgun. Given that handguns are core Heller and relatively big with liberals, the most that will be made of the weapon will be magazine capacity. The big point that will be made involves "cooling off" waiting periods for purchases. The alleged shooter apparently purchased a 9mm the day of the violence.

Whatever the motives, mental state, methods, and morals of the alleged shooter, this issue of waiting periods needs addressing. The arguments for such are obvious: In cases of intending impulsive violence, let the individual "cool down" before acquiring these means of violence. The counterargument is that such periods impact by purposeful delay a purchaser obtaining the constitutionally-guaranteed means of protection.

The TDF position here is two-fold:
1. Despite the emotional appeal, the rational arguments for waiting periods on defensive arms simply cannot outweigh the rational right and general need in society ("necessary to the security of a free State") for an armed citizenry. Yes, that is a hard case to sell in many cases.

2. Responsible citizens should ALREADY possess the basic means of fulfilling the 2A vision--which is NOT hunting, sporting, collecting, etc.--thereby making waiting periods a practical issue only in non-essential (per Franklin) exercises of arms. As I told Californians during their crazy efforts to buy firearms during 2020's pandemic and insurrection:

And there's the sorta-Catch-22: Waiting periods on firearms we might see as filling the role of the 1688/89 English Bill of Rights blunderbuss (Blackstone home and carry protection) are where such periods have their biggest negative impact on the 2A vision. Yet it is those arms, along with higher-end military-grade long guns, that are most likely to be impulse-bought by someone intent on a hot-blooded murder. And of course, if a murder-intent person already possesses such baseline arms, they don't need to do the impulse buying.

The ultimate answer would be a societal change wherein becoming personally armed is considered an essential rite of passage to adulthood. Then, apart from that initial appropriation of a firearm, any waiting periods would be little more than a nuisance from the innocent buyer's perspective, as the essential of the liberty (again, per Franklin) was already met. But alas, that is not the situation today. We will continue to have people like those "Angelenos" leaving themselves unarmed until there is an urgent need, one that does not safely nor 2A-functionally admit to delay.

There may be a system that covers both ends of this matter, perhaps one linking initial arms acquisition to my proposed universally mandatory firearms training 
(see below--a work in progress), wherein passage of it entitles the person to a home-defense long gun upon reaching 18 or graduation from high school--whichever comes last. 

Or, LOL, I can conceive of a system whereby purchases by someone after age 30 hold a waiting period, on the basis that if a person has gone that long without defensive firepower, they either have nefarious intentions in only now obtaining firepower, or they deserve a lesson like those Angelenos learned last year.

Yet even I dislike teaching such a lesson. Perhaps this is a place where no good (for society) settlement exists, and we face THIS in the microcosm:

So, whatever the future holds, if you don't have a suitable defensive arm, acquire one now. The HiPoint pictured in the tweet exchange with the Angeleno is a fine choice. I plan a TDF edition in the next day or so featuring a selection of particularly appropriate fudd-ish arms. But in truth, right now EVERYTHING is hard to get. So if you're an Angeleno by spirit in this... do your best.

"Seriously, though, good luck."