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Thursday, March 1, 2012

From ACT! for America: When will the groveling end?

Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2012 12:06 PM
Subject: When will the groveling end?
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March 1, 2012

When will the
groveling end?

Dear Lee,

When will the unseemly groveling end?

According to an AP story (below), "A senior Pentagon official apologized Friday to Washington-area Muslims for the burning of Qurans…"

Not just once, but multiple times.

One of those apologized to was Mohamed Magid, president of ISNA (Islamic Society of North America).

  • ISNA is one of 29 organizations listed as "friends" in the Muslim Brotherhood strategy memo calling for "civilization jihad" against America.

  • ISNA was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial.
Let's all remember that militant Muslims defaced these Qur'ans in violation of sharia law. These jihadist enemy combatants were using the Qur'ans to pass messages to each other.

Scroll to the end of the article below and you'll be shocked to learn that one Muslim interviewed did not believe the latest apology was sufficient. No amount of groveling will satisfy, so enough already!

Pentagon apologizes for Koran burning to unindicted co-conspirator at terror-linked VA mosque

Posted on February 27, 2012 by creeping

This government is complicit if not treasonous. Muslims are killing Americans and NATO is promising to prosecute those who burned Korans used to send messages among jihadis. via Pentagon official apologizes for Quran burning –

STERLING, Virginia (AP) – A senior Pentagon official apologized Friday to Washington-area Muslims for the burning of Qurans at a military base in Afghanistan.

Peter Lavoy, acting assistant secretary of defense for Asia and Pacific security affairs, said the military is investigating what occurred and that all 140,000 coalition troops in Afghanistan are being retrained in the handling of religious materials.

Lavoy apologized multiple times during a brief speech during prayer services at the ADAMS Center in Sterling, one of the largest mosques in the country.

"I come here today to apologize on behalf of the Department of Defense for the incident that took place in Afghanistan this week," Lavoy told worshippers, saying the burnings were done "unknowingly and improperly."

Lavoy's remarks at the suburban Washington mosque follow protests across Afghanistan over the burning of several Qurans at a U.S. military base. Military officials say at least 20 people have died in the protests, including two U.S. soldiers.

Imam Mohamed Magid, executive director of the ADAMS Center mosque and president of the Islamic Society of North America, said Friday's session was designed to let Muslims around the world know that American Muslims were also concerned about the incident but were able to express those concerns and receive an apology and promise of a thorough investigation without resorting to violence.

"It was very satisfying, very heartwarming to hear an apology three times in one speech," Magid said after the services.

Magid said Muslims across the world are rightfully concerned and upset to hear that Qurans were burned in a careless manner. But he said that "absolutely the violence we have seen is unacceptable from an Islamic perspective."

Magid said the Pentagon reached out to him and other Muslim leaders earlier this week, and he went to the Pentagon on Thursday to meet with officials, who offered to come to his mosque and speak directly to its members.

"As American Muslims we engage with our government and we hold them accountable if something goes wrong," Magid told nearly 1,000 worshippers during midday services.

Lavoy did not take questions from worshippers or reporters after Friday's speech.

Not everyone who heard Lavoy's speech was satisfied. Mauri Saalakhan of Silver Spring, Md., who operates the Peace Thru Justice Foundation and came to ADAMS Center to hear Lavoy's remarks, said that an apology is helpful but insufficient. He said he simply does not believe that the Qurans were mistakenly burned and that the burnings of the Quran are relatively minor compared to the suffering that has been inflicted on the Afghan people as a result of the war.


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