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Sunday, February 5, 2012

From ACT! for America: Islamic radicalism on college campuses

Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 12:23 PM
Subject: Islamic radicalism on college campuses
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ACT! for America

January 30, 2012

Islamic radicalism on

college campuses

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Dear Lee,

The Investors Business Daily editorial below highlights a growing problem on our college campuses.

Who's Vetting Muslim Chaplains On College Campuses?

Homeland Security: To please Muslim-rights groups, more and more colleges are hiring Muslim chaplains, only to watch them radicalize students. Campuses need tougher background checks.

Alarmingly, some chaplains have actively supported al-Qaida and called for violent jihad against "kaffirs," or infidels. And yet they still have access to students, and remain on the university payroll.

Take Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Muslim chaplain at Northeastern University in Boston. He has urged Muslims to pick up the "gun and sword" on behalf of recently imprisoned al-Qaida terrorists.

Last month, Faaruuq held a fundraiser for Aafia Siddiqui, a one-time MIT student also known as "Lady al-Qaida," who's serving an 86-year prison sentence for opening fire on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

Siddiqui, a senior al-Qaida operative based in Pakistan, was captured with notes about a "mass casualty attack" in the U.S., along with a list of New York landmarks.

"What a brave woman she continues to be, and how much her bravery and her faith and her belief warrants our support at this time," said Faaruuq, as he encouraged Massachusetts Muslims to help raise $30,000 for her appeal.

"She's only guilty of defending herself," he said. In fact, Siddiqui yelled "Death to America" as she fired on soldiers. A federal judge called her actions premeditated.

While ignoring such evidence, the Northeastern chaplain condemned American soldiers as "kaffirs" and exhorted Muslims to "cut through" them with machetes.

"Go out and do your job," he said, referring to jihad.

No wonder Islamic extremism has spread at Northeastern.

Then there's Khalid Griggs, assistant chaplain at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Upon his hiring, Wake Forest's president praised him as a "well-respected individual."

Yes, well-respected among the radical Muslim Brotherhood.

Griggs has served as a leader of the Islamic Circle of North America, or ICNA, cited in the Muslim Brotherhood's recently declassified founding archives as one of its front groups. He is also a senior official in the Muslim Alliance of North America. MANA was co-founded by radical Muslim cleric Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

"It is difficult to understand how the president of such a respected American university could have remained so oblivious to the serious implications of allowing an individual like Griggs with openly publicized links to the Muslim Brotherhood access to Wake Forest students," said terror expert Clare Lopez.

ICNA is an offshoot of the Muslim Students Association, another Brotherhood front. MSA has grown to one of the nation's largest college groups with more than 150 campus chapters.

MSA chapters from New York to California have extolled suicide bombers and other terrorists as "martyrs" and the "only people who truly fear Allah."

And they are a big reason why, according to a recent Pew Research poll, one in four college-age Muslims in America support suicide bombings.

MSA also organizes anti-Israel student rallies, and hectors college administrators into Islamizing campus facilities. MSA and Muslim chaplains work in lockstep.

Clearly, regents and administrators are clueless about this dangerous threat. Unless they put in place better vetting systems, radical Islamists will be able to infiltrate college campuses and indoctrinate impressionable students who graduate to become jihadists instead of productive members of society.


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