Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 4:51 PM
Subject: Freedom Times, Issue no. 82
| August 2012 | Mexican Drug Cartel Used "Fast and Furious" Gun in Failed Assassination Plot | NRA-ILA
A U.S. government report has disclosed that Mexican drug cartel operatives used a firearm from the infamous scheme in a failed attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official... Read this | Ryan is First on Second Amendment | By Emily Miller, Washington Times
Gun owners now have one of their own on a presidential ticket. Rep. Paul Ryan recalled "deer camp over in Fairchild in Eau Claire County" in his remarks after being chosen as Mitt Romney's vice-presidential running mate... Read this | House Files Civil Action Suit Against AG Holder's Stonewalling | U.S. House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee filed a civil action to compel U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to produce documents related to Operation Fast and Furious subpoenaed by the Committee on October 11, 2011... Watch this | U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Derailment: Credit to Go Around | By J.R. Absher, North American Hunter Blog
The failure of the United Nations to ratify a far-reaching international arms treaty following nearly a month of negotiations was generally heralded by gun owners and pro-firearms organizations as a major victory... Read this | NRA Takes Aim at Florida Gun Law | By Mc Clatchy News Service
The National Rifle Association will seek to pass a bill legalizing the open carrying of firearms in Florida during the 2013 session of the state Legislature, renewing a crusade for expanded gun rights that faltered last year, a longtime lobbyist for the group said... Read this | Vote Blocked on Weapons Reloading Ban | By Wyatt Buchanan, San Francisco Chronicle
A bill intended to ban features allowing the quick reloading of semiautomatic assault weapons has been blocked from proceeding to a vote in the Legislature... Read this | Kansas Women's Interest in Guns Shoots Up | By Sarah Tucker, Wichita Eagle
Becky Blackburn and Kristie Wichert have never shot a gun before. But on a Thursday evening, they were sitting in a classroom at Bullseye Shooting Range in Wichita with four other women to learn how to shoot handguns... Read this | | | | |
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