The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, July 15, 2022

ICYMI, because I did -- VIDEO: "Legend Of The KFC FRIED RAT - Fast Food Horror Story, Or Viral Hoax?" SPOILER: HOAX!

Picture below at about 6:50 point, that he operates in the Compton area of Los Angeles, and a year after Ferguson. That's all you need to know.

And that's why KFC didn't sue the bastard.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Compelling title, but the fellow makes the common conservative mistakes -- VIDEO: "Roger Scruton: Why Intellectuals are Mostly Left."

MY COMMENT: "Conservatives indeed to address the (legitimate) criticisms raised by the Left, as the interviewer notes. But this intellectual makes the standard conservative mistake of not learning Leftist TACTICS in implementing the opposite agenda--namely, the taking and using of power. "(And don't get me started on the Nazi discussion!) "The ends often look more like each other than the do the Center."

Somehow, I doubt she means this in the Federalist 46 sense: DAMN! -- VIDEO: "I’d kill for a mean tweet right now: Crowley."


VIDEO HERE: I’d kill for a mean tweet right now: Crowley - YouTube

Monday, July 11, 2022

As I've often said, he's not perfect, but he's the best tyrant we've got -- ARTICLE: "Tear Down This Icon: Replace Reagan with Trump."

Main caveat to this is that there are indeed parts of the country where Patriots can never win. As for the national popular vote, once Patriots return to power, we will need to reexamine this whole "elections" thing.

Tear Down This Icon: Replace Reagan with Trump (

The issues which Reagan faced in 1980 and 1984--inflation, recession, communism around the globe--were not the major issues of Election 2012. In fact, they are not the main issues today. [NOTE: Save perhaps inflation.]...

Today, Republicans want to secure the border, limit all immigration (not just illegal immigration.) We want to expand gun ownership [NOTE: For most of us, that is.] and assure those rights. Also, China is a looming global (and globalist) threat which cannot be tamed with free trade.


I submit that it's time to recognize President Trump as the new standard-bearer for the Republican Party. 


He fought against the encroachment of domestic communism, including Critical Racist Theory and Woke ideologies. Reagan fought international communism, and that deserves merit and support. But we need to fight this corrupt, corrosive, evil ideology at home now, and we need a real culture war commitment to fighting and winning this fight.


Most importantly, though, Trump should be the new standard-bearer because He Fights[NOTE: Hopefully next time, his advisors and supporters will consider Federalist 46 in that.]...

Ronald Reagan had his place, but it's time to move on. We need a new standard, a new pattern, a new example of conservatism that fights to win, that struggles to shape the culture, that moves forward to ensure and foster a movement.

It's time to replace Reagan, and replace him with Trump.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Why it should be legal to run down protesters blocking traffic -- VIDEO: "Climate protest backfires as parolee can't get to work."

Comments on this video are turned off. No doubt others were stating the obvious.