The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Countering social media bias in Trump's second administration (and his third, and fourth!).


THE DAILY FUDD: E221: "A sitcom lesson to libertarians and other purists: Take what you can get, or you'll lose it all."

Our constitutional rights come from the Constitution, which is "ordained and established" by "We the People of the United States." If the People decide to curtail or end a right, they can do so--even if you and I might dissent. If you cite long-standing Common Law rights per 9A, they can indeed go Article 5 and use the Constitution to override them. See TDF 82. Yes, they can do that.

So when a movement for gun control becomes overwhelming, sometimes it's best to deal and hold onto a baseline. Otherwise, they might eliminate far more of the right than is already in danger, or even repeal 2A entirely. TDF 25 and TDF 49  And again, yes, they can do that.

Just consider the difference in libertarian reaction is gun control efforts if it was something they actually cared about in terms of substance: TDF 217.

Firepower is more important than principle. Because without firepower, principle has no effect. But firepower always has effect, with or without principle.

Below is seventeen seconds illustrating the total self-destruction of purism and "no-compromise" when faced with an authority that doesn't really have to listen.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

In a manner of speaking, this has a point: "Urgency" as "White supremacy," with factual notation of Black/African sense of "time."

The reality is, some Black Africans coming to Western(ized) areas have trouble with punctuality. In their inferior cultures, to say "8am meeting" means that 8am is when one is to start getting around to go to the meeting. That might mean they are 10 minutes late or two hours late. It simply depends on their situation at 8am and their own personal style. So obviously, "urgency" is something they have trouble with, and thus is a "racist" White value.

Now you know why Black African societies could never succeed before White colonization.

The people in the video completely fail to understand this.

Note the "Time" discussion: