The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, October 16, 2020

We crossed Adams' line: 1/4 of 18-23yo's ID as LGBTQ-type.

I've never been one to see sex as THE moral indicator of our society. Indeed, the Christian community--and I mean the "take their religion seriously" class--has so failed in upholding the traditional sexual ethics they claim, that the matter in and of itself can barely be credibly pushed by them politically. BUT, this below goes to science, family, social function, and indeed masculinity.

If this is true, then we have indeed crossed the line second POTUS John Adams set: We are no longer the type of "moral and religious people" for which the Constitution can work. We need a new system, and before these Gen Z'ers can vote American and Western civilization into oblivion.

transgender rights strike a chord

Deckman, the Washington College professor, sees a similar collision course between Republicans and youth like Generation Z on issues of LGBTQ rights, transgender rights and countering the traditional values of the religious right.

Deckman said her surveys reveal that though a majority of Generation Z identify as cis-male and cis-female — meaning their gender identities match their sex assigned at birth — roughly 1 in 4 identify as queer, either transgender or “genderqueer.” A third of Gen Zers say they know someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns to refer to themselves and nearly 6 in 10 say forms or online profiles should allow more options than “man” or “woman,” according to Pew Research Center.

When parody can't keep up with reality -- BABYLON BEE: "Twitter Shuts Down Entire Network To Slow Spread Of Negative Biden News."

Twitter Shuts Down Entire Network To Slow Spread Of Negative Biden News: (Retweeting President Trump's tweet of the article.)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

OFF TOPIC: Game show legend Tom Kennedy has passed.

The replacement host of Password Plus after the passing of creator Allen Ludden passed away 07 OCT 2020.

I often say, remember such people by thinking of their highlights. So in memory of this great one, here is a CLASSIC humorous string of hilarity from Password Plus--"The French Incident." (8:16 video)