From a Facebook discussion:
The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
Friday, September 23, 2022
Funny part is, this should help him with White voters either way! -- Black racial agitator labels Herschel Walker "stupid" and White tool.
Mystal: ‘White MAGA Bigoted Southerners’ Like Herschel Walker Because He’s Stupid
"But the other thing is to remind these white MAGA, bigoted Southerners that, ‘Don’t worry, they’re not electing a black man that’s going to be able to think for himself, that he is too stupid to do anything but vote in the way he is told to vote by his white superiors.’ "
MY TRUTH: "I listened to what this fellow said. In a sense it literally helps Walker with White voters either way: Either you resent the guy, and so support Walker; or you believe the guy, and so support Walker!"
Also: "And the host is worse: An evil White race traitor who probably bows and shines the shoes of that race agitator at every opportunity."
THE DAILY FUDD: E247: "A bridge so far, it might lose us the road -- Discussion of judicial ruling on gun purchases by people under indictment."
This could come back to bite RKBA long term. Going too far with "gun rights" can cause public kickback against RKBA in general.
Bad title corrected:
Federal judge rules gun ban for [felony-indicted persons] is unconstitutional
TX man was under a state burglary indictment when he tried to buy a handgun, challenged the federal charge
In a 25-page opinion filed in Pecos, Texas, Counts acknowledged "this case’s real-world consequences — certainly valid public policy and safety concerns exist." However, he said a Supreme Court ruling this summer in a challenge brought by the New York Rifle & Pistol Association "framed those concerns solely as a historical analysis.""Although not exhaustive, the Court’s historical survey finds little evidence that ... (the federal ban) — which prohibits those under felony indictment from obtaining a firearm — aligns with this Nation’s historical tradition."Hence, he ruled the ban unconstitutional as the "Second Amendment is not a 'second class right," as noted in a 2008 Supreme Court ruling. "No longer can courts balance away a constitutional right," Counts wrote. After the New York case, "the Government must prove that laws regulating conduct covered by the Second Amendment’s plain text align with this Nation’s historical tradition. The Government does not meet that burden."
I'm reminded of Ruth Bader Ginsberg saying in the debate on whether 2A was an individual right or not that if it's meant to enable people to overthrow the government, then machine guns would be protected. Too many Teabrained pro-gunners have gone kneejerk and latched onto that, not realizing it was a facetious comment which links baseline 2A RKBA with government overthrows and private machine guns--two things not necessarily supported by the vast swath of the American people. Permitting people under indictment to acquire arms might not rank much higher is some people's eyes.
Which is worse: Disarming people under indictment, or the catastrophic fail of RKBA? Like with machine guns, if RKBA is too identified with something so many people are likely to so intensely oppose, it risks the former. The Constitution is a scrap of paper. Firepower, on the other hand, is real. I'll sacrifice the former to save the latter, for the latter is the key to saving our people and heritage.
The truth is, there is a certain meeting in the middle here that could resolve all concerns, though the defendant in the case above is still screwed: Limit the prohibition to indictments for VIOLENT felonies. That is, one indicted (and there could be some nuances put in on that point) for burglary like him can't possess, but Martha Stewart prior to her conviction could have. (I would also support a similar distinction for post-release felons.) Purists would have trouble with this, though, because like libertarians they won't consider either social or political realities in their public policy positions. And THAT is why this decision could come back to haunt us.
I've noted before in response to libertarians, "It is not worth risking RKBA in the name of your futile effort to ensure violent felons, druggies, and nutcakes can easily get guns." In the public eye, indicted people are (too often) lopped into that same category. While reform is needed here (see my solution above), the 2A community needs to approach this matter carefully.
TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.
Odd credit where perhaps due: Gun Jesus apparently isn't doing the Left-Right double standard on tyrannical flags.
Ian McCallum apparently remains anti-Trump, and I'm still blocked from commenting on his videos. BUT, at least he's not playing to the Woke crowd so much, shown by not pixelating the World War 2 German flag in his thumbnails, in contrast to his past practice and his practice with the Soviet flag. He also did so on a video several days before this one.
Video here, if you insist (offered at a link simply because The Chieftain is featured): Ask Ian: Why No German WW2 50-Cal Machine Guns? (feat. Nick Moran) - YouTube
In the past he has indeed obscured such images (see below, from July). Not sure if this is a matter of conviction or some perceived loosening of YouTube bias.
You be the judge: Is F35 actually superior??? -- "MegaProjects" video series on F35 ("Better than you think") versus A10 ("Worse than you think").
MY MITIGATING COMMENT: "Underplays the dogfighting issue, but gives potentially mitigating info to it in the armaments discussion."
A10 Thunderbolt II:
MY MITIGATING COMMENT: "Underplays real-world testimonies and the recent Third Workl interest in acquiring the plane should it be retired. But makes reasonable point on intended anti-tank capabilities."
I've long said the F35 will turn out to be a far better machine than many critics in the past said. At the same time, the A10 remains effective in many settings the F35 and others would have difficulty handling.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Another freedom fail in California: "The end of civilization..." -- "Victim of feces attack in Los Angeles calls out city council over response: 'Gangster's paradise.'"
"It's not the end of civilization when someone… goes to the bathroom on the street. It's the end of civilization is when the government looks past that, and when the government says that's okay."
Put California under martial law for at least two generations.
Intern the officials, and force the street bums into work service. (13A doesn't apply because the Constitution is not a suicide pact and this is more "humane" than my original idea.)
Monday, September 19, 2022
THE DAILY FUDD: E246: "9mm Day! (9X19) Stick with the standards -- ARTICLE: '9mm: The Cartridge of the Century?'"
Most prevalent pistol cartridge in the world, and NATO standard. 'Nuff said.
9mm: The Cartridge of the Century? | An Official Journal Of The NRA (
"Originally made for German Navy Lugers in 1904, the 9mm is currently the most widely produced and sold pistol cartridge in the world.
"[Y]ou cannot deny the significance of what has happened. There is one hell of a lot of 9mm going through our fightin’ iron."
TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.
ARTICLE: "NBC deletes tweet with immigration activist's quote comparing illegal migrants to 'trash'."
"After realizing this tweet made their political allies look horrific, NBC News deleted it," the Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway said.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Folks, this is why you have to actually READ the article or WATCH the video: Teabrainers jump to conspiracy/corruption without even reading the post.
This was posted on Truth Social. A lot of people barely looked at the post, and then started in with conspiracy theories and corruption claims. A few might know better, but most are just Teabrained lazyasses who won't even read past the headline into the description.
Link to my ReTruth:
Link to original post (visible to non-members):
Enemy uses force; good guys are "better than this"--and so they lose -- VIDEO: "Violent student protesters shut down Tomi Lahren event."
So long as Patriots refuse to call for loyal States to engage Federalist 46 to challenge federal coddling of these terrorists, and then destroy them, this will continue. Shut them down kinetically, hold media accountable for aiding and abetting, and remove and intern local liberal prosecutors and other officials trying to run interference for them. No amount of paper can overwhelm simple action.
The answer is right there, but you all are too fucking wimpy to do what I've already done--contact State officials and point them to it.
Lahren says at one point, "We're better than this." And that is why her side loses.
More argument for re-colonization of shithole areas -- Warographics video: "The Nigerian Civil War - Nigeria's Deadly War of Ethnicities."
MY COMMENT: "Perhaps re-colonization is the answer.
"The enlightened among us tell us to reject our White/Western ethnic nationalisms. Yet these Africans willfully maintain these distinctions and rivalries, which far predate the era of colonialism. Indeed, colonialism brought different peoples together in the beauty of diversity. It was only after these benefactors left that the sort of thing in the video reemerged. "This history of Africa makes no sense, of course, as our enlightened also tell us the White/Western intervention is the cause of all our former colonies' problems. These people should be far beyond us in their diversity life. Yet here we see the LACK of colonial rule facilitating ethnic atrocities. Odd. "So even as "diversity" is impressed upon people here, perhaps it should be impressed upon people there. Perhaps it is a burden of our people to do so, and thus a destiny manifest in our future."