The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Yes, Virginia, libertarianism is suicide, and freedom can only exist in the context of authority and violent force -- Disruption at Yale Law School.

My Facebook comment: "Please, folks, accept the truth of this when I say that "freedom" is freedom's worst enemy. Those disrupters used "freedom" to shut down someone else's freedom. If we saw our liberties from the perspective of their intended function, we could readily shut down Leftist actions like this by whatever means are necessary. But "freedom" means they can pull them off."

The ultimate reality and failure of libertarianism is that freedom in terms of substance doesn't exist without law and authority to enforce it. For instance, if we lived in a truly libertarian society, and the local libertarian radio jock says something I don't like, I would simply go down to the station and kill him. Oh, he and others may try to fight me, but if I'm clever enough and maybe have some support, I very well might win. And the host is silenced, and people are scared to ever say whatever drivel it was he uttered. It's only because of AUTHORITY--law enforcement--that I could not seriously consider actually doing that. The SUBSTANCE of his freedom--not the concept, but actually being able to use it--would not exist but for authority.

AUDIO: Yale law students shrieked like banshees to drown out free speech event