The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, February 12, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: [EDITED] E9: "Danish Madsen M47 - A post-WW2 bolt-action military rifle proposal" (and the point of product posts).

"Even in this Atomic Age a conventional [meaning manual-action] military repeating rifle is still in demand for certain uses as an individual weapon of the soldier." 

-- Actual opening line from the weapon manual, and one we will see is actually true (accessible here: Madsen Lightweight Military Rifle – Forgotten Weapons

From Wikipedia: Madsen M47 - Wikipedia

The upshot of this weapon is its standing as a fairly advanced manual-action military design in the then-emerging age of self-loading small arms. Peep sights, muzzle brake, and smooth action--all in a bolt! A major fudd! That means, of course, it's not directly targeted in (most) "assault weapon" ban efforts. Given the failure of the American people to stop the 2020 Election Steal, such arms might soon be the best typical Americans will be able to possess in any numbers. 2A/RKBA purists should prepare themselves for that eventuality--yelling, "Molon Labe!" and "Shall not be infringed!" simply won't change that. (And buried weapons are the next best thing to confiscation for the liberal agenda.) Failure of purists to accept this reality will only make the status of RKBA all the worse.

The video below, along with the "Forgotten Weapons" link above, are quite informative on this seemingly anachronistic arm. But the title, though, is somewhat misleading. The truth is, a number of bolt-action arms have emerged since then as as standard arms for some reserve or specialized units. THE DAILY FUDD will have more on them over the next few days and weeks. The bolt rifle indeed maintains military value.

The more and sooner they can work to secure at least at least a minimalist (a term actually used in the video below) level of armament, the more that can be secured.

Danish Madsen M47 - The last military bolt action rifle - YouTube