Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: Freedom Times, Issue no. 78
| July 2012 | Wayne LaPierre: Most Dangerous Election in Our Lifetime | "Mark this down: this is the most dangerous election of our lifetime," NRA Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre says to attendees at the 2012 Western Conservative Summit in Colorado, "it's a fight for our country, it's a fight for our values, it's a fight for the freedoms we believe in"... watch this | Lou Dobbs Tonight: NRA's Wayne LaPierre with the Latest on Fast and Furious | Lou Dobbs Tonight, Fox Business
On "Lou Dobbs Tonight," NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre talks with Lou about the latest with the Fast and Furious scandal and Thursday's House vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress... watch this | Congressmen Urge the UN to Trample the US Constitution | By Chris Cox, Executive Director, NRA-ILA, Daily Caller
Today, representatives from many of the world's socialist, tyrannical and dictatorial regimes will gather at United Nations headquarters in New York for a month-long meeting, in which they'll put the finishing touches on an international Arms Trade Treaty... Read this | U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Drafting Begins | NRA-ILA
NRA has worked tirelessly to oppose any United Nations effort to undermine the constitutional rights of law-abiding American gun owners. The latest attempt by the U.N. and global gun banners to eliminate our Second Amendment freedoms is to include civilian arms in the current Arms Trade Treaty... Read this | House Holds Holder in Contempt Over 'Fast and Furious' Documents | By Stephen Dinan, Washington Times
The House on Thursday cited Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for contempt of Congress in a historic vote weighted with political significance - though it does little to break the stalemate over his decision to withhold documents regarding the Justice Department's actions in a botched gunwalking operation... Read this | America Needs to Get Furious ... Fast | By Chris Cox, Executive Director, NRA-ILA, Daily Caller
Attorney General Eric Holder's continued refusal to turn over "Fast and Furious" documents to House investigators - even in the face of being held in contempt by Congress - is another symptom of the disease of lawlessness that has been rotting our republic ever since President Barack Obama took office... Read this | Boehner Says House Will Likely File Suit Within Weeks to get Fast & Furious Documents | GOP House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday the chamber will likely file a lawsuit to compel the Justice Department to release more documents related to the investigation into the federal government's Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation...
read this | Critical Second Amendment Ruling: Federal Court Defends Man's Right to Keep and Bear Arms | NRA-ILA
The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois ruled today that it is unconstitutional for Chicago to treat people with non-violent misdemeanor convictions the same as convicted felons... read this | | | |
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