Will schools in this guy's vision give instruction in suicide-bombing, marrying 9-year-old girls (I wonder how old his daughter is), and flying (but not landing) aircraft?
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 2:54 PM
Subject: Congressman: Model public schools after madrassas
July 6, 2012 Congressman declares public schools should be modeled after madrassas!
Dear Lee, Congressman Andre Carson, speaking recently at an ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) conference, declared that public schools should be modeled after madrassas. No, he wasn't joking. See the WND story (highlights added) and the short video below. WND EXCLUSIVE LAWMAKER: MODEL PUBLIC SCHOOLS AFTER MUSLIM ONES Praises virtues of Islamic 'madrassas,' 'where foundation is the Quran' Chelsea Schilling is a commentary editor and staff writer for WND, an editor of Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, and a proud homeschooling mother. Schilling joined the Army at age 17, receiving the exceptional designation of expert marksman three times. In addition to WND, Schilling has worked as a news producer at USA Radio Network and as a news reporter for the Sacramento Union. A U.S. lawmaker – who prides himself on being only the second Muslim elected to Congress – has declared that America "needs Muslims" and U.S. public schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, "where the foundation is the Quran." In a dramatic video dated May 26, U.S. Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., addressed an Islamic Circle of North America convention, saying the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was hard on Muslims and that Americans should look to Muslim schools for guidance. Carson declares: "America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Quran. And that model that we are pushing in some of our schools meets the multiple needs of students. "Most of us are visual learners. Some of us are auditor learners – we learn by hearing. Many of us are kinesthetic learners. We learn by doing, touching, feeling. I have found … that we need an educational model that is current, that meets the need of our students. America must understand that she needs Muslims." He adds, "There are over 7 million Muslims in this country. And while we are under attack, we cannot retreat." Carson is married to Mariama Shaheed Carson, public-school principal of Snacks Crossing Elementary School in Indianapolis, Ind.
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