Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 4:15 PM
Subject: Freedom Times, Issue no. 75
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Eleven Wins for Gun Owners NRA-ILA On Thursday, May 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326--the appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies fiscal year 2013--by a vote of 247-163. The bill included eleven provisions to protect the Second Amendment... | ||
By Greg Hengler, / Tip Sheet Our President is so predictable; whenever he is about to praise America he always begins with a shot at America... | ||
Boehner to Obama - Tell Holder to cooperate with Issa on Fast and Furious By Kerry Picket, The Washington Times House Speaker John Boehner, Ohio Republican, urged President Barack Obama on Wednesday to tell Attorney General Eric Holder to cooperate with the congressional investigation relating to the now defunct Fast and Furious gun walking operation... | ||
Showdown: DOJ Responds to Holder Contempt Citation With Same Excuses By Katie Pavlich, The Obama Justice Department is hitting back against looming contempt charges for Attorney General Eric Holder over stonewalling and the refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena issued back in October 2011... | ||
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signs open-carry gun bill into law By Michael McNutt, The Oklahoman Oklahoma will become the 25th state to allow the open carrying of handguns. Gov. Mary Fallin signed into law Tuesday a measure that allows Oklahomans to openly carry handguns... | ||
Obama Administration threatens veto over important NRA-backed provision! NRA-ILA It comes as no surprise that the Obama Administration put out a Statement of Administration Policy saying that President Obama's senior advisors would recommend that he veto H.R. 5326 (FY2013 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill)... | ||
Georgia: Governor Deal Signs NRA-Backed Legislation into Law NRA ILA On May 3, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) signed SB 350 into law. Senate Bill 350, which went into effect immediately upon the Governor's approval, ensures protection for seized firearms... | ||
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