The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Newt Gingrich, telling the truth: The Threat Of Radical Islam (video from 2008--with my commentary)

A key point by Gingrich is that the sheetheads are RELIGIOUSLY motivated, and such people "do things that don't calculate" in academic ways understandable by secular people.  Furthermore, he notes that it may take losing a city before America gets truly serious about facing the threat.  And if that happens, "the morning after" our civil liberties will suffer.  "Those of you who care about civil liberties had better be thinking through how we win this war before the casualties become so great before the American people voluntarily give up a lot of those liberties." 
Of course, Paultards and conspiracy theorists will say Gingrich is part of a conspiracy to set up a scenario by which "they"--you know, that unspecified and nebulous "they" that is used antecedent-free along with other "they's" and thus clouding just what constitutes this mythical conspiracy--can take our precious civil liberties.  The odd thing about these people perceptions is that while any such warning, since it's not condemning ZOG/NWO, is part of a disingenuous conspiracy, while other "warnings" by tinfoil-hat wearers and such that any overt military action against people clearly making themselves our enemies are genuine and to be heeded.  I wonder if it ever occurred to them that maybe their Ron Paul-type heroes are actually deluded fools putting out--wittingly or not--enemy disinformation to weaken the country under the guise of countering the non-existent ZOG.

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 3:22 PM
Subject: [New post] Newt Gingrich, telling the truth: The Threat Of Radical Islam

New post on ACT! for America Houston

Newt Gingrich, telling the truth: The Threat Of Radical Islam

by actforamericahouston
actforamericahouston | January 15, 2012 at 3:22 pm | Tags: Islam, Islamic jihad, terrorism, war | Categories: Islam, Terrorism, Weakness | URL:
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