The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

ICYMI: "Whiteness."


A word about the pistol braces matter.

When I first saw those braces, I wondered about them.

When I saw people using them as stocks, I knew it was a matter of time.

If you want braces, don't use them as stocks. Tony Shaffer put out pics of him using one as a stock. The NRA put out ad with woman in wheelchair doing so. When something like that gets flaunted like that, ATF'nE had to at least look into it.

Some may see SBR law as unconstitutional. But it's the law.

See also:

SBR: "Short-Barreled Rifle," which are restricted by 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA).

Rare religious post here, but VERY well said -- "If you want God to do the super[,] you’ve got to do the natural."

If you want God to do the super[,] you’ve got to do the natural[.]

Monday, December 28, 2020

A deeper weakness of Western civilization: We are too nice.


Twitter bias: Imagine if I'd posted this.

This has been up a week. It has been reported by yours truly, and I have received confirmation. Yet it remains.

This bias--allowing this to remain up because it is from a Trump-hater, while I would be permanently banned for the same post--is sufficient proof that Twitter is a tool of the "Resistance" insurrection, and thus it should be seized, and its staff executed.

My comment on a video about the ammo shortage.


Okay, let's put this together:

1. Dems seek to steal the election and impose gun control. 2. Gun owners buy more ammo for guns likely to be banned. 3. People like me say to stop the Steal by urging State governments to resist it, per Federalist 46. 4. Gun owners reject that; buy more ammo for guns to be banned. 5. Dems inaugurated; announce quick actions. 6. People like me repeat our statement, while gun owners still have "those" guns. 7. Gun owners reject that again, but can't buy more ammo because sales are curtailed. 8. Dem govt pack SCOTUS, overturn Heller. 9. People like me repeat our statement. 10. Gun owners blame those elected leaders who ARE trying to stop it, even though they themselves had done nothing to push their State governments to oppose the Steal.
11. Dem government begins compulsory buys and confiscations of "those" guns. 12. While a few idiots might try something stupid, most gun owners wonder why there is no serious resistance to the tyranny. 13. People like me call for people to demand Federalist 46 action one last time. 14. Gun owners reject that one last time; turn in "those" guns. AND CRY LIKE BABIES. 15. Many of those same gun owners yell, "Conspiracy!" when the knowledge to stop it had been given to them. 16. A FEW apologize to people like me for not listening, begging to know what to do. 17. People like me point out that the only realistic action is to try by law or amendment to secure some remaining guns for baseline self-defense. 18. Those few gun owners reject that like petulant children: "WE WANT *ALL* OUR GUNS!"
19. People like me finally have to laugh: "Beggars can't be choosers." 20. SOME TIME LATER: Former gun owners say to themselves, "Everyday I look at my empty gun cabinet and wonder, how did we lose all our guns?!" Folks, if you didn't have a baseline supply of ammo six months ago, it's your own stupid fault. STOP TRYING TO GET AMMO, AND START TRYING TO GET YOUR STATE GOVERNMENTS TO OPPOSE THE STEAL! READ FEDERALIST 46! RESISTANCE TO FEDERAL TYRANNY IS A STATE MATTER!

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of." -- James Madison, 4th POTUS and "Father of the Constitution."

============================================================== THE ANSWER:

Saturday, December 26, 2020

If people in general are so swayed in their voting by mere advertising, "democracy" itself is the problem.

Be it one human or 200 million humans involved in political decision-making, human nature is the flaw in any government instituted among men. "Democracy"--generically speaking, meaning the practice of popular voting by the general population as the means of setting the course for a community or society--seeks to maximize the impact of human nature in governance.

If human nature is so susceptible to propaganda that all the money spent on political campaigns makes a difference, then this form of government is not simply flawed (as are all things among humans), but in fact ultimately counterproductive in pursuing the legitimate purposes of government as outlined in the various governing documents produced down through history.

Thus, say what we will when we weigh strengths and weaknesses of different forms of government, a conclusion not reasonably deniable by anyone (and libertarian arguments to the contrary deny human nature, and thus are NOT reasonable) is that "maintaining democracy"--a call made by both sides in the current attempted Election Steal in the USA--should NOT be the priority. Our democracy--that is, ultimately, our REPUBLIC--is destined to fall, to be replaced something far more stable and effective. The aim of Patriots should be to ensure the side standing after that fall is the Patriot one. And at this point in time, that means the preservation of the Presidency of Donald J. Trump.

Georgia Senate runoffs set fundraising record - Now Habersham

Friday, December 25, 2020

Go "fudd" for now: Gun buying today.

In 2013, people were buying ARs at inflated prices for investment. One of my best friends had a $1200 offer sight-unseen through a third party for a homebuild AR not worth $600. It was only ARs--and thus done as a collectors' effort, not a preparatory one--as is evidenced by how AKs, other AWs (legal term), and other arms were decidedly NOT subjected to the same race to buy. The funny part, and I said this at the time, is that the legislation being feared then would have made their collected items worthless, save for Fair Market Value, and only transferrable to the government (no collector sales, no trades, no inheritance). Those people buying were the arrogant stern-voiced know-it-alls too stupid to pay attention and realize it wasn't like the 1994 ban. Had it passed--and I suspect they hoped it would--they'd have had their financial asses handed to them. And I would have laughed.

Today, people are in some cases smarter, as the buying rush includes non-AWs. Some folks are legitimately trying to arm themselves with things that won't be in an initial gun grab by a Harris/Biden administration, if they are successful with the Election Steal. I've even noticed low-cap mags (10rds and under) are LESS available than standard/hi-caps. So some people are thinking ahead and seeking what they will be able to keep without paying $200 per. Yet, AW-type items are still selling heavily. Perhaps they are willing to pay the $200. Perhaps they are planning to bury them (remember, you'd be a fool to use them without paying). But I can't help but think there are a few fools out there who are pulling to same brain fart those folks in 2013 did. So, folks, go minimalist--"fudd": A good revolver (maybe even a single-action rod-eject) should be your base RKBA item. Since Y2K and 9/11, there has been some legitimate gain among liberals for RKBA. Sandy Hook killed a lot of it, but the baseline, ".38 beside the bed" has stuck to some degree. If you want long "combat" guns, keep a good manual-action full-power rifle (even if sporterized). A lever-action PCC for home defense isn't the worst choice, but it's still more susceptible today than a handgun to eventual ban. Home-defense shotguns are arguably better than rifles/carbines--though I'm not much on shotguns--as liberals have long used them to argue against AWs for such purposes. But again, the revolver is your best bet for longevity if the Election Steal happens. Remember, under Harris/Biden, 2A will be effectively gone. SCOTUS will be packed. Perhaps a 28A with a narrower RKBA could be negotiated, but frankly, too many in the pro-RKBA community are so purist and too self-willed that they'd try to sabotage that effort to secure base-level RKBA... in the name of RKBA. But it's possible. Whatever the outcome, go fudd now: Manual action long guns and low-caps; a revolver backup to any semi-auto handguns.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Reminder about calling STATE officials everyday.




A March 2008 writeup by yours truly: "A question of attitude, or, 'Amerika revisited'" -- with 2020 perspective.

Below is a writeup--edited only at the end, with indication--I sent out in 2008 (Wikipedia article cited has since been edited), long before it was clear Barack Hussein Obama would ascend to the pResidency. It addresses a phenomenon I saw then on the conservative/Right, and one which, though taking a certain reprieve in 2016, had resurfaced. Twelve years have both refined and sharpened my own perspective, which will be discussed at the end.

Please read with all of that in consideration.


Some of you might remember an ABC mini-series called, "AmeriKa", about a Soviet takeover of the U.S.  Basically, the series is set 10 years after a combination of military defeat and internal Soviet-sponsored coup leads to Soviet control.  
However, there is an additional component to the conquest of America (and one a bit surprising to hear coming in the mainstream media).  Without going into boring detail, I would like each of you to read this little section from the Wikipedia article on the miniseries:
Social criticism
Amerika criticized American society in the 1980s, implying that apathy and an unwillingness to defend freedom on the part of many citizens made the Soviet takeover rather easy. At one point, a key Soviet official observes that their plans for conquering the United States succeeded far beyond their wildest dreams, because once the nation had been defeated, Americans turned inward, not caring about national issues, seeking only to retain a piece of the prosperity that had once been theirs. "It (the Soviet coup) worked because you lost your country before we ever got here," says the Soviet leader. "You had political freedom, but you lost your passion ... How could we not win?"
This theme is echoed by another character later in the film:
Nobody wanted to risk anything for anybody else. Everybody was afraid they were going to lose what they had. They knew it was bad. They were just afraid it'd get worse. That's all they lived for - for things not to get worse.
Another speech, by politician Peter Bradford (see below), lashes out at apathetic American attitudes:
Damn, I'm so tired of this "I'm an American" bull! Where was all that patriotism when it counted? Where was that willingness to sacrifice? Nobody wanted to join the damn army to defend the country unless they got paid well! Nobody wanted to give any time to public service unless they could make a career out of it! And I didn't notice a lot of us giving up our lives in the last 10 years!
Now, each of you, consider your own attitude toward the issues our country faces, and those things and causes each of us holds dear.  Think about your how you respond to threats against those things--not the military threats to the country, but rather the domestic threats posed by forces opposed to what you hold dear, or to what secures what you hold dear. 
Now, read that section again, noticing the emphasized parts:
Social criticism
Amerika criticized American society in the 1980s, implying that apathy and an unwillingness to defend freedom on the part of many citizens made the Soviet takeover rather easy. At one point, a key Soviet official observes that their plans for conquering the United States succeeded far beyond their wildest dreams, because once the nation had been defeated, Americans turned inward, not caring about national issues, seeking only to retain a piece of the prosperity that had once been theirs. "It (the Soviet coup) worked because you lost your country before we ever got here," says the Soviet leader"You had political freedom, but you lost your passion ... How could we not win?"
This theme is echoed by another character later in the film:
Nobody wanted to risk anything for anybody else. Everybody was afraid they were going to lose what they had. They knew it was bad. They were just afraid it'd get worse. That's all they lived for - for things not to get worse.
Another speech, by politician Peter Bradford (see below), lashes out at apathetic American attitudes:
Damn, I'm so tired of this "I'm an American" bull! Where was all that patriotism when it counted? Where was that willingness to sacrifice? Nobody wanted to join the damn army to defend the country unless they got paid well! Nobody wanted to give any time to public service unless they could make a career out of it! And I didn't notice a lot of us giving up our lives in the last 10 years!
The issues facing America in this story are very similar to issues facing us today in real life.  At one point, a character remarks the following:

Totalitarianism doesn't need armies. It only needs to control a couple of things – the media, and the ability to dispense privilege to some, and to withhold it from others. Of course, a weak and divided people helps. – The last, unnamed, President of the United States

And to the point: The two leading characters opposed to the Soviet occupation, though vaguely on the same side, exhibited at different points in the series some very different attitudes.  Please read quotes from each of them:

All the kids growing up now don't have any idea of the difference between the symbol of Abraham Lincoln and what he actually stood for. You can't look at those eyes and not think of what being an American has meant. Now there's an end to it. Soon, there will be no America. We'll be history, quickly lost and distorted, like Mr. Lincoln himself ... I suppose there will have to be new revolutions, with new generations who will have to discover the values which our forefathers handed down to us. If those truths stop being real, maybe it's better to let them go, to let some new generation discover, as though for the first time. Maybe freedom is just one of those things you can't inherit. – Peter Bradford, at the Lincoln Memorial


I'm not going to accept the breakup of America. I'll resist with my spirit, I'll resist with my life. I can resist because I've found the love of my children – the possibilities of their lives are more important than my own. I'll live through my children - through whatever good and true things I might have taught them, or the legacy of fear I might have left them. Each of us will find our best selves, or our worst selves – and in finding that, immortality. – Devin Milford, in the closing scenes


As mentioned before all that has happened since 2008--two pResidential terms and a years-long insurrection which our system has blocked from confronting--
have both sharpened and refined my own perspective, particularly of those two "good guys." On the sharpened side, I can see more clearly the complete failure of some ostensibly conservative figures: NeverTrumpers, opportunists, fair-weather patriots, and turncoats desperate to save themselves from Cancellation. On the refined side, I can see both the strengths AND weaknesses of those two figures. Indeed, the more vehement character (Milford) was in fact a Massachusetts liberal Democrat played by Kris Kristofferson--which should tell you a lot about the liberal watering-down by ABC of the scenario. And the Bradford character--a rural Nebraska politician--might be seen as a collaborator comparable to that group of traitorous failures, OR as one simply acting AFTER the real fall to preserve SOMETHING of America, and make life better for his people.

But judgments of two fictional characters--similarity to actual persons living or dead being entirely coincidental--aside,* we face a time VERY comparable to that depicted in the miniseries. Points in red above go very much to the self-focus phenomenon among conservative-types of which I've been critical for years--demonstrably since 2008! (Indeed, before that, I would often describe myself as having a "Rightwing ideology, but a Leftwing mentality"--that latter point being that I was NOT so inclined toward self-focus at the expense of issues of community). Patriots--as opposed to the Globalists, per Marine LePen--need to learn the lessons the conservatives who pressed ABC to produce the miniseries managed to get out through it. Let us guard against those attitudes so easily adopted, and press our leading figures similarly. President Trump has set the lead for this in the current time. He calls the big shots. 

We can win this.

Milford was right but perhaps BY THEN too late (such actually referenced in the miniseries); Bradford collaborated, but perhaps as a means IN THAT TIME for a good agenda. [EDIT post 1-6-21.]

Here is the two-minute trailer:
Here is Part 1:  You can easily find the subsequent parts from there.

2022 review commentary. Mixed bag, but useful for clips.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

VIDEO and ARTICLE: Navarro election fraud report, with my brilliant and obvious conclusion.

Dems can't run a legitimate Presidential campaign anymore. In 2008, they played the race card to elect someone not meeting the Natural Born Citizen qualification (his father was not a U.S. citizen). And this year, they seek an election "win" that is nothing more than attempted steal by demonstrable fraud, using media bias and intimidation of judges and other officials.

Definite grounds for States to deny recognition of Harris/Biden regardless of what happens January 20. People should tell their State legislators and governors to apply the Federalist 46 model from the Founders for resisting the sort of federal tyranny that the imposition of an illegitimate President/Vice President would constitute.

Friday, December 18, 2020

With one post, President Trump has shown why the Steal has yet to be stopped: CONSERVATIVE FAILURE!

Democrats would never put up with a Presidential Election stolen by the Republicans!

GOPe is NeverTrump. Greater GOP organization has failed. The shadows and penumbras that are pundits, PACs, and policy advocates on the conservative/Right are scared. GOP politicians are blind and timid. But, above all else, the grassroots PEOPLE are selfish, dumb, and lazy. Not all of any category, of course. But it is the prevailing spirit to generally accept the Steal.

President Trump has put himself into a political and social fire none of us alive can appreciate. Normally I would say WE have been failing him, to include myself. Not this time. I have done and am doing exactly what is expected of a normal private citizen in the Federalist 46 model of resisting a tyranny--and a stolen election, especially in the context of the Deep State "Resistance"/BLM insurrection, constitutes that. I have and continued to push the officials of my State to officially and materially stand against the Steal. Few others have. (PERSONAL NOTE: Obstruction in major social media--an act of insurrection in the current context--have closed many doors to me at this point. But that is because I did my part--and yes, that makes me a better person than the vast bulk out there.)

Trump CANNOT do the kinetic things many of us would love to see him do without support from the States. And State officials need to hear from their people before they will take a step exceeded only by the American Revolution and the War Between the States in scope, depth, and significance. The people's continuing failure to press their officials places failure on THEIR shoulders. They want "democracy" (in that sense), but they fail to uphold it.

Whatever happens, I can point my finger at most people and blame them while exempting myself.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Yes, conservatives are self-focused, willing, and devoted to self-gratification to the point of stupidity.

Conversation with a fellow who posted anti-Biden material over a month AFTER the election--when it was way too late to do any good--and NOTHING before it.

Just FYI: The voting part of the election is over. Had you posted your recent political material BEFORE November 3, it might have had an impact. Today, the issue is the Steal--the fraud and cheating. It has nothing to do with the policy positions of the other side, but rather the effort to steal the election. You would have effect if you posted stuff about that. It's too late for what you're posting.
Dusko Jovicic
You have no clue what I’m doing
Then don't do it. Just parrot what I post and tweet.
Dusko Jovicic
I’ll do what I want to do when I want to do it and how I want to do it
What isn’t clear?
You're the one who said you had "no clue."