See TDF 258, 259, and 260 for previous installments.
Recently, a late-night/early-morning outdoor noise let me to personally investigate. Whereas the sound sounded a bit hostile, I did secure armament for myself, more than might normally be my ECW. However, since investigation involved leaving my home, I had to consider whether to take it out with me or – as said in the title – leave it at the door.
At the same time, I was reminded of this humerus, but not-without-some-realism Babylon Bee video of a California couple moving to Texas and facing what they perceived to be a threat. Having no weapons – they were from California, after all – they both moved to video the individual. Such would, of course, potentially have the effect of deterring a threat by him knowing that his actions were being preserved. So, as the title also says, phones have value, too.
INTERESTING THING!: I showed how one can have a CCW on his person, a phone/camera at the ready (and his hands or in his pocket), and a heavier arm of some sort, as Mike and the Mechanics would say (2:23 point), “just inside the doorway. [And u]se it only in emergencies.” All at the same time! Approaches like that can be winners all the way around.
There are indeed a number of options for arms bearers when “following the hue and cry.” It takes wisdom to know which to use when and where. This recent experience give me the opportunity to practice that wisdom.
TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.