Thursday, March 4, 2021


Please pardon the formatting issues. Since I'm just a regular guy more focused on ideas than form, I do my best, but this platform gives fits.


Please, folks, be sophisticated in your reading of material like this. As we recently saw in the lead-up to the consummation of the 2020 Election Steal, and as noted by such great minds as Victor Davis Hanson, it can be difficult to discuss worst-case scenarios and responses to them without sounding as though one is resigned to them or even supportive of them. Sometimes it's necessary to take things arguendo just to discuss the whole matter. So when reading this or other things in TDF and elsewhere on maintaining baseline RKBA, keep in mind that often this is not an endorsement of a position, but rather a practical tool. There are cases where I am very literally definitive in my analyses--e.g., on full-auto or the distinction in Anglo-American Common Law and jurisprudence between "Blackstone" and "Militia" above and elsewhere--but often it's a working up of arguments (read, "BS") for the politics and jurisprudence of it all. And sometimes, it can simply a realistic recognition of where we are headed. I may not like some of the readings of law, the Constitution, or history I have discussed over the years, but I have put them out there both to stir discussion and to maintain the crucial core of what I personally consider the second most important "right" of a person--right after private personal worship--that baseline Right to personal Arms. Libertarianism is not my drive--function is.

Maintaining defensive capability and American/Western heritage, plus aspiring toward Militia efficacy--frankly in that order, given the current setting--must be the aim.

PERSONAL: American iconography and minimalist RKBA -- If America as we know it in heritage fails.

THE DAILY FUDD -- E1: "Muzzle devices."

THE DAILY FUDD: E11: "2015 (yes, 21st century) Bolt-action rifle adopted for Canadian Rangers."

THE DAILY FUDD: E12: "'"No, Virginia, it's the STATES!"' or 'Federalist 46 and the Founders' vision of HOW 2A is to "resist oppression."'"

THE DAILY FUDD: E15: I've earned a day off, but this is "daily," after all -- Thoughts and upcoming topics.


THE DAILY FUDD: E16: "New gun game: 'CHOOSE!'"


THE DAILY FUDD: E:17: "Heller, phasers, and Firefly: RKBA's unfortunate built-in planned obsolescence--sorta."

THE DAILY FUDD: E18: ICYMI -- Yesterday's TDF: ""Heller, phasers, and Firefly: RKBA's unfortunate built-in planned obsolescence--sorta."

THE DAILY FUDD: E19: "My original fudd: The rather PC 'Homeland Defense/Militia Rifle' concept."

THE DAILY FUDD: E20: "No need to wait: Anticipate RKBA loss with 28A NOW."

THE DAILY FUDD: E21: "FUDD FACT: 'Where does 2A say anything about "need"?'"

THE DAILY FUDD: E22: "This liberal is a liar or self-deceiving, or both, but he has a point we must consider now." (Republishing of CGNS article)

THE DAILY FUDD: E23: "Henry X Series."

THE DAILY FUDD: E24: "Yes, there's a gun in this--a lever-action--so it technically fits."

THE DAILY FUDD: E25: "Political mitigation."

THE DAILY FUDD: E50: "RKBA and Heritage (condensed compilation)."


THE DAILY FUDD: E182: "HAPPY .308 DAY! (3-08 OF 2022) -- More about the 7.62mm NATO battle rifle benefits (India even adopted one!)."

THE DAILY FUDD: E262: “Not-necessarily-so-fudd: Missouri sheriff waives CCW permit fees due to world unrest.”
