Wednesday, November 1, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E265: “Liberty Doll VIDEO: ‘Gun Shop Refuses Sale to Antifa Member.’”

“Liberty Doll” has a tendency to go uber-libertarian and lose judgment. She even backed a fellow who purchased one of those “Chinese fuel filters” and seemed to be genuinely trying to convince people. he didn’t know it was actually a suppressor.

Here, though, she is very much on target. Indeed she has seemed to improve some lately, though, at least acknowledging a wisdom in considering a person’s intent in regard to RKBA, even if the title is clickbait. (Link HERE for that one — with a great top on her, BTW. And yes, I’m a pig.)


MY COMMENT: “This shows why purism in RKBA and “freedom” is inherently self-destructive. Had the shop owner sold the weapon, he would’ve been contributing to the very force that opposes the culture and civilization that enables him to be in business.

“2A and RKBA support a purpose. They are not a purpose in and of themselves. That purpose – the maintenance of our heritage and Western civilization – must come first, or they themselves will perish.

“Situations such as this are judgment calls. What sort of precedent is set, and there’s any negative aspect of that precedent overrule the immediate benefit of the action – the action here being denying a weapon to a domestic enemy? In this case, given that our enemies would do the same to us regardless, this was a good call.”