Friday, October 27, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E264: “Bugging out a myth? Not quite, but it does hold a caveat.”

MY COMMENT: “Prepare to do what you actually can do. That’s it.

“Plan for the short term. If going on foot, have enough whatever for a few days. If it goes on much longer than that without you finding a refugee camp or such, you’re dead.

“Oh, and especially if you’re solo/just you and the animal, don’t overdo the firepower. You’ll never win a firefight against a multiple-person force, but you WILL look like a threat to them if you’re tripped out like the guys in the video. A decent sidearm makes you a less appealing target than most of the refugees, but will not present you as a threat to prepper bands setting up private checkpoints. Casing and slinging any long gun you might take means you would have it if you need it at some point, but again not be presenting yourself as a threat as you would if you were moving in the low ready.”

“MULTIPLE-PERSON SCENARIO: The more you have in we your band, the more you can take relative to that number. It’s the same principle as the “two can eat cheaper than one” concept. The larger the group, the longer the survivability prospects, and the more sense for firepower makes.

A FAMILY SCENARIO: Seven members: husband/father, wife/mother, a youth capable of bearing arms, a roughly 10-year-old, a baby, a dog, and a cat. The three elder ones alternate between two of them having long guns at low ready and toting the bulk of the supplies, with the third handling the baby (and yes, husbands/fathers, you will sometimes have to be the one handling the baby.), while the 10yo leads the dog and carries the cat kennel. (And he or she gets a flashlight or something in order to feel “equipped.”) 

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.