The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, March 26, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E50: "RKBA and Heritage (condensed compilation)."

Friday, January 1, 2021

American iconography and minimalist RKBA -- If America as we know it in heritage fails.

The weakness of any nation is its people. Human nature is flawed. And in a country with popular government--that is, "by the People"--these flaws are multiplied. So there is never a guarantee that America--that is, the United States thereof--won't fail. And if it does...

I speak only for myself here: My life is devoted to three earthly causes (not necessarily in this order): Cats, guns, and national security (which is to say, heritage). This is my calling, I do believe--my "commission," perhaps, but definitely my "commitment." Sometimes you will see "AmCom" in items about my life. That is short for, "American Commission/Commitment," whichever is better stated. That commission (I'll go with that for now) would not end even after a President Harris might bring in two minority-majority States, attack RKBA, and persecute White people. It would, though, change form. Some extremist conspiracy groups claim our government is "occupied." While I reject their flawed theories, a Harris agenda can readily lead to "occupied" being an accurate description of this country's authority.

In that event, my purpose would turn to maintenance of the American heritage spirit, along with some ancillary functions. This would be accomplished by two items:

1. The flag patch I carry in my wallet: It is the patch off of the last uniform I ever wore on duty--though if it were to be lost, I would simply replace it. Whatever a new anti-American regime might do to the country itself, that flag remains, imbued with the spirit of a country that is occupied, or perhaps no longer existent save as having a successor state in the world community.

2. A revolver (exact type to be determined): The Right to Arms is second only to Freedom of Religion as iconic of American culture. And given the private prayer and worship can generally be retained in a Leftist-Socialist state (again, PRIVATE), the outward expression of American culture is not a cross (or Star of David, or whatever), but a weapon. And the most iconic American arm still meaningful, rivaled only by a lever-action rifle, is the revolver. Essentially the invention of American COL Samuel Colt, historian John Dunham said of the early Colt Patterson model, "This may be the most important design in gun history."

Exempting non-fixed-cartridge models as fundamentally obsolete, the most iconic of this iconic form would be the Colt Single Action Army in .45 with rod ejection. However, that model has a fatal flaw in terms of a lack of safety system. However, that form and configuration--that is, single-action rod-eject--can be had today in very similar models, such as the Ruger Vacquero. Such a weapon is both still valid for serious use today, AND the least likely of modern (so to speak) firearms to be banned in an occupied America. In addition, it sorta fits within the long-time Anglo Common Law Right to Arms of the 1688 English Bill of Rights. Though technically speaking the carbine and shotgun are the descendants of the home-defense blunderbuss (the weapon commonly associated with the 1688 right), a revolver of that style has the capability of filling that role while still not rising to the capability most feared by said theoretical occupiers.

Of course, this is subject to reality. If keeping such an arm becomes untenable or requires a counterproductive choice--e.g., making keeping a better CCW arm impossible--then this piece of the operation must fall by the wayside. If only CCW can be kept, and this is held to be inappropriate for that use, then a more modern revolver would have to pull double duty. Both trace back to COL Colt, after all. Whatever the case, the symbolism remains.

NOTE: Normally I tend on the side of sheer practicality in such matters as caliber. By that measure, I'd go with the .357/9mm model below. BUT, this is case calling for iconography and symbolism. Hence, the .45 for the reasons stated below is the most logical choice. But again, sentimentality falls to practical pressures.

And so, if America falls, this is my maintenance of our spirit.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E7: "The .45 (Long) Colt round."

It's the iconic fudd caliber, identified with Old West revolvers (about as fudd as one can get within the realm of meaningful firearms), even if not actually the most popular. And of course, it is reflective of our 45th President.

With the American people having betrayed their heritage in tolerating the non-unmentionable Election Steal, the efforts of the RKBA/2A community SHOULD be on maintaining meaningful firearms ownership as an element of our heritage, even if it means doing so in a minimalist way. More on that as this series continues. And with that, an iconic REVOLVER cartridge like this .45 revolver round can be a very practical symbol.

Why Doesn't the .45 Colt Get More Love? - The Truth About Guns



Wednesday, March 3, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E:28: "A fudd set that should appeal to both sides--plus having a 'political' symbolism."


Now for the fun part: Such an arms set would fulfill actually three symbolic roles. Being a revolver (and a .45), it points to the heritage maintenance role of RKBA written about in many places in the series and elsewhere. And being a .45, it goes to honoring the 45th POTUS and last legitimate President: Donald J. Trump. On the shotgun end, it would harken back to the early Right to (at least) KEEP Arms of the blunderbuss, while retaining modern tactical meaningfulness.

The picture here is that, while obviously not fulfilling the vision of 2A, there is a play on opposition rhetoric which can serve the baseline RKBA functions AND make a greater statement.



Sunday, March 21, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E46: "Analysis of RKBA priority survey, and what the reality--society and personal--is."

Here is the analysis of yesterday's (TDF 45) priority survey (reprinted at end). The Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the Constitution and Anglo-American Common Law is not a libertarian indulgence or a delusion for supposed purists. It is a key part of our Anglo-American/Western (yea, and White) heritage--something with a FUNCTION. But too many Americans cannot appreciate that.


My own take on the question is that A-CCW Pistol arms should be the priority, but for an additional reason to what is given above: HERITAGE. As TDF has been saying, regardless of the Steal, America--that is, its PEOPLE--has grown more liberal. Demographics cannot be denied. Only our Electoral College system--a very UNdemocratic institution--has preserved us institutionally. With the Steal, and barring Federalist 46 action, our heritage is becoming an endangered species. As I said in TDF 22, regarding a certain cooperation with liberal gun owners:

I confess, prior to the Steal--back when I thought the American people might actually stand against the tyranny that 2A purists had claimed was the target of their keeping of higher-end arms--I was much more inclined toward concern about civil war. I didn't want the enemy armed when we--per Federalist 46--had to kill them to save Western heritage. Now, though, with the American people failing, and the preservation of American and Western national heritage on the verge of becoming a subculture waiting for the time to rise and reestablish our rightful place, conditions on the ground require a shift-fire.

On the Heritage factor specifically--and in keeping with the fudd theme of this series, though departing from the above reference to magazines--the REVOLVER stands particularly strong as representative of our heritage: In TDF 27, I wrote: 

And the most iconic American arm still meaningful, rivaled only by a lever-action rifle, is the revolver. Essentially the invention of American COL Samuel Colt, it spawned the saying, "God created all men, but Colonel Colt made all men equal." Historian John Dunham said of the early Colt Patterson model, "This may be the most important design in gun history."


In terms of original vision of 2A, there is no question that C-Militia arms would be the priority. As noted in TDF 10, the early colonists and settlers largely traded their B-Home Defense arms--"blunderbusses"--for full-power arms of the time, thus making them and relatively rare handguns the functionaries of the core Blackstone defense right. A C-Militia arm was fired as the "shot heard 'round the world." Such arms and their descendants led the settlement of the American West--though it was probably the SHOTGUN (B-Home Defense) that truly tamed the land. And of course, a full-power long gun is key to the ultimate Militia vision of the Founders.

BUT, today we are rapidly becoming not the same country we were. An Election Steal went unopposed, despite the vast numbers of AW-class arms in the hands of Patriots at the call of State governments in a Federalist 46 stand against it. Culture is turning by the minute, with Leftwing movements using conservatives' and libertarians' own self-focus, materialism, and "freedom" against them. The deprecation of American heritage exceeds that of the 1960s, and two more non-White States may soon join the Union.

[As an aside: In the event of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia actually becoming States, perhaps the anti-American insurrection will, instead of simply adding two stars to Old Glory, get truly "woke" and create an entirely different flag, as their comrades in Rhodesia and South Africa did. Such would create a hard break between the America of our heritage, and a successor state not worthy of the name.]

Unless we see a massive change in sentiment before the imminent gun legislation takes effect, our fight as Patriots will be, as stated before, as 

...a subculture waiting for the time to rise and reestablish our rightful place...

Please consider.


C-Militia arms: If of sufficient effectiveness and with a genuine development of a new cooperation on the conservative/Right and among Patriots--meaning, libertarianism is dead--with distinct communities (enclaves) retaining our traditional heritage (anyone remember an old 1990s TV show, "Time Trax"?), akin to Indian reservations, I can see a reason for making them the priority: More Community Defense function and less of a threat present on the streets. ARs and my "Homeland Defense Rifle" suggestions (TDF 19) in large numbers would be a formidable force, even with the polity subsumed in a Globalist parody of the country I love.

Yet, my hopes for such cannot at this time override the present reality, and it is irresponsible to put too many resources into what may be a lost cause. The official TDF position is that A-CCW Pistols ought to be the top priority, even if limited to revolvers. Unless a serious enclave system as described is developed, the tactical advantage of being armed while in public and the probability of success in preserving that RKBA win the day for it.



This series is about RETAINING REQUISITE FIREPOWER. Some hills are not worth dying on--that is, some issues are not worth losing the entire war in a futile effort to defend. (And some issues raised by the libertarians and purists are simply wrong!) RKBA is as practical to life as making a living and caring for one's family--be it nuclear, extended, or one lone "gun nut" 
Trump supporter and his cat.
It is NOT about political play or personal indulgence. And those factors in some people's lives should not be allowed to cause a catastrophic failure of 2A, and thus deprive those American families of the GUARANTEE AND REALITY of their Blackstone defense ability, and destroy the AMERICAN AND WESTERN HERITAGE symbolized and potentially defended by our Right to Arms.