The things that matter in life.

The things that matter in life.
The things that matter in life.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Scott Adams of Dilbert fame on leaks of Trump's private statements

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Two good Gorka interviews (from a week or so back, but still timely)

The "Comey Memo"--some takes

And then, there's this side of the whole matter: Trump may have said something to that effect or such, but out of honesty and concern, not authority or threat.

(Maybe a bit presumptuous on what happened, but point made.)

And one thought sums it up:

I'll say this here: Whatever was said, if anything, might have been nothing more than a heartfelt expression of hope about a friend made by a new President who had, until less than a month before, never been subject to the intricate legal, ethical, and political nuances of nuances of such a public office. Would it make sense to take down President Trump for being too NICE about someone?

We have a system for examining and adjudicating such matters.  We shall see what happens.