Friday, December 29, 2023

Imagine if the driver was White — VIDEO: “Charlotte, NC: Bus driver and passenger open fire on each other.”

MY COMMENT: “The driver was Black, and so believed he was above city policy. I have no problem with what he did, but because of White driver would probably be up on charges, so should he. Either that, or some sort of change enabling PASSENGERS on city buses to be armed.

Charlotte, NC: Bus driver and passenger open fire on each other.

Friday, December 22, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E269: “ARTICLE: ‘The Guns of Battlestar Galactica,’ with my comments.”


1. Regards question at end of article about other pertinent science-fiction universes.

“Firefly” (and the “Serenity” movie). The ultimate space western. Civilians generally carry weapons “in common use” in American civilian life today (with special emphasis on Old West-leaning arms, how much for the “western” feel versus how much for some political agenda on the part of Joss Whedon, I don’t know) while authorities and really rich people have some more advanced arms. It’s as if the Heller case froze the sorts of things civilians could have, while the authorities continued to advance. Might be a realistic legal scenario for us today.


Battlestar Galactica” in its reimagined form was all about human existence repeating itself in a cycle. The use of present day type arms off and looking EXACTLY like our own was in part intended to show a repeat of style and function. “Out there” someone designed a rifle, and “here,” 125,000 years later, Mikhail Kalashnikov repeats the design.

The repeat holds true in other areas as well. Starbuck was shown to have had a Hummer-type vehicle. Telephones looked largely the same as contemporary with the production of the show.

It’s all about the cycle.


Let’s face it: Our present day firearms concepts work! A common ammunition round is an extremely efficient system in terms of storing and transmitting power. It is quite foreseeable that even with advances in other areas of technology, personal “projectile weapon” may indeed remain relatively state of the art for some time.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

The depth of “Trans” deception: Regretful FtM still believes it’s “real.”

(SPOILER) MY COMMENT: We actually see the depth of the deception in what this individual says toward the end, with the claim about “real transgender” people who may “actually need” such a procedure. Even as Chloe has seen the reality, she still holds that there is such a thing. “No, witch-doctoring may not be the answer for me, but there are people who can use it.”

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Some “math is racist” bullshit, Canadian style.

MY COMMENT: “This sort of thing actually goes back decades. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a movement called “Ebonics.” In essence, it was Black English. The idea was for Black students to get a foreign language credit in school because they could speak it as well as standard English. 

“A companion movement to this was a “black mathematics.” It was characterized by the use of African imagery – like butterflies, for some reason – in teaching young kids to count. The whole point of it was that African mathematics doesn’t emphasize precision. Therefore, Western mathematics is “racist” because it does. The movement didn’t catch on, but it was there.

“Perhaps it explains the lack of precision in traditional African culture in terms of time. Black African students coming to study in White/Western countries, or studying under professors from the West in their homelands have been known to experience problems showing up for class on time. They claim in their defense that in their countries, to have an 8 AM appointment, for example, means that 8 AM is when you start to get around for the appointment. (Maybe that explains the prevalence of shithole countries in that part of the world.)

“So, to say that 2+2 precisely equals four is the imposition of precision on Black math students.”

Remember this graphic?

Friday, December 15, 2023

White youth fired (sorta) for saving life of Black coworker shot by another Black.

Basic story here: Black man fired that day from KFC, having threatened to “shoot all the White people” in the store, comes back to store and shoots the Black employee father of the child being carried by the mother (who was also employed there – race unstated, but the apparent perp did threaten “White people”) of two of his kids. But supposedly, the motive was not immediately apparent.

As a result, the minor White employee who saved the life of the wounded Black man was initially fired, per what the female store manager told the mother of the employee. Later reports say that the White man was still employed. Or, the decision was reversed.

Perhaps the store manager thought that it might now be “racist” for a White person to save the life of a Black victim of Black violence.

If liberals and the Black community wants White people to let them die when they are victims of their own people, well… I certainly do not want to be accused of being “racist.” kfc-employee-returned-to-beech-grove-restaurant-shot-man-in-the-head/


Friday, December 8, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E268: “Video: ‘The Modern Battle Rifle Concept,’ and my brilliant commentary.

MY COMMENT: “The video makes a number of positive points for a .308 battle rifle for civilians. To add to them and to counter some of the counterpoints: Most civilians lack the training and discipline to run fire-and-maneuver, or to truly employ all the little added accessories talked about. A largely featureless and baseline rifle in .308 will fulfill the function to which civilians were likely be put to in a militia situation — offering fixed-position support-by-fire to more capable forces — saving weapon weight. Ammo weight is also less an issue, as civilians will likely have to be trucked around, lacking the discipline for long marches. Using an AK pattern rifle like a Saiga or Vepr will also help in maintenance, given the civilians not being under military discipline.”

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E267: “VIDEO: ‘Top 5 SHTF guns for foreign occupation,” with my brilliant commentary.”

One issue:This discusses being under foreign occupation! Availability of anything will be limited. That includes ammo and spare parts. So your best bet would be to appropriate the weapons of your occupiers if considerably different from indigenous American arms. A loaded 7.62mm ComBloc is vastly more lethal than an unloaded Barrett .50.

That noted, as for the type of arms as discussed in the video, some of the choice depends on just what position you choose. If you are part of that slew of people simply going about their lives and keeping your American loyalty quiet, then something small, like a concealed handgun usually kept concealed at home, is sufficient for the weird circumstance when it’s called for — “use it only in emergencies,” ala Mike and the Mechanics (2:22, just one second early!). In addition to purely defense, think of it as a “seed gun” akin to the WWII liberator pistol, and used in a manner again to how the video discusses to obtain serious fire power when the time of deliverance might come.

If, on the other hand, you are seeking a much more active resistance position, the big question is what simply urban versus rural. In an urban setting, something compact like a PDW makes sense. A pistol-caliber carbine holds a certain appeal here, depending on the “intensity” of your intended operations. In a rural setting, particularly if not a trained military veteran or something comparable, I stand by my fudd HDR concept — something akin to a battlefield suitable .308 (keeping in mind the availability issue discussed earlier). It gives you penetration and range, acts as an intermediate between the video’s SPR and precision rifle, though with close-firefight utility, and gives the capability of supporting actual trained personnel as often discussed in this series. Leave the intense fire-and-maneuver to people who know how to do fire-and-maneuver.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Gun control fail and Black criminal culture all in one.

You knew the demographic of the perp and his family just by imagining the scenario.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Missouri leads the way in protecting President Trump – Now just do Federalist 46 and political asylum

The Attorney General of Missouri deserves our gratitude. Now let us pressure him to go all the way: Federalist 46 and political asylum for the last legitimate President of the United States.

Same as Rhodesia — VIDEO: “Why Is South Africa Being Plunged Into The Dark Ages?”

The presenter here in the video can’t bring himself to say the obvious.

Friday, November 17, 2023

My prediction regarding Trump 14A legal victory, with campaign statement.

President Trump’s name will be permitted on the ballot and the primary and general elections, which he will win, and his Electors will be allowed to vote for him in the College. Congress will meet January 6, 2025, and approve all of that. 

However, the 25A objection will then be raised to block him from actually taking office. The Dem administration in power will then act kinetically to prevent his inauguration, essentially doing everything Trump’s side was accused of in 2021, and a hell of a lot more. With the media on their side, and a much deeper willingness than Trump ever had to use kinetic force, it will finally be now or never for the loyal States to either do as I have said for several years and invoke the principle of Federalist 46, or roll over and submit to Globalist usurpation of the country.

(Sorry this is late) Remember our feline veterans.

From our British cousins.

A gunner with the regimental cat in a trench in Cambrin, France, February 6, 1918.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Cat & dog food: “Recalled: Mid America Pet Food Expanded Recall for Wayne Feeds Cat Food; 2 Product Lines Involved.”

  • Wayne Feeds Gold Cat Food, Ranch & Sea Recipe 16lb bag, UPC 899944446162, best by 10/31/2024
  • Wayne Feeds Cat Food, Barn Cat Plus 40lb bag, UPC 899944446179, best by 10/31/2024
  • Victor Super Premium Dog Food

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Megyn Kelly video: Adam Carolla’s revised kinder/gentler view of “conspiracy theories” mirrors mine.

While I confess I am very slightly more inclined toward Megyn Kelly’s suspicion than that of Adam Carolla regarding the crazy woman on the airplane ranting about people who “aren’t real,” his new attitude toward “conspiracy theories” does closely mirror my own: I can’t laugh at conspiracy theorists the way I used to. BUT, it’s still wrong to go down that rabbit hole unendingly. There is a difference between seeing collusion and agendas shared by multiple entities on things like Covid and the 2020 Presidential Election Steal, and seeing an IllumiNazi ZOG cabal guiding everything. (Immediate discussion starts at 6:35 point.)

And yes, Megyn Kelly looks… 🤤!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E265: “Liberty Doll VIDEO: ‘Gun Shop Refuses Sale to Antifa Member.’”

“Liberty Doll” has a tendency to go uber-libertarian and lose judgment. She even backed a fellow who purchased one of those “Chinese fuel filters” and seemed to be genuinely trying to convince people. he didn’t know it was actually a suppressor.

Here, though, she is very much on target. Indeed she has seemed to improve some lately, though, at least acknowledging a wisdom in considering a person’s intent in regard to RKBA, even if the title is clickbait. (Link HERE for that one — with a great top on her, BTW. And yes, I’m a pig.)


MY COMMENT: “This shows why purism in RKBA and “freedom” is inherently self-destructive. Had the shop owner sold the weapon, he would’ve been contributing to the very force that opposes the culture and civilization that enables him to be in business.

“2A and RKBA support a purpose. They are not a purpose in and of themselves. That purpose – the maintenance of our heritage and Western civilization – must come first, or they themselves will perish.

“Situations such as this are judgment calls. What sort of precedent is set, and there’s any negative aspect of that precedent overrule the immediate benefit of the action – the action here being denying a weapon to a domestic enemy? In this case, given that our enemies would do the same to us regardless, this was a good call.”


Monday, October 30, 2023

OFF TOPIC (but almost on): Argentinian “karma” — Two (Country-esque?) covers of the Culture Club tune.

As a total non-musician, I have wondered if “Karma Chameleon” might have potential for a Country cover. Notwithstanding its origin and original focus, having a female voice, and of course some redoing of the instrumentals, might make it suitable for a direct Country appeal. 

Indeed “Boy George,” who wrote the song, noted that the other band members did not like it at first, because they thought that – get this – it sounded too much like a Country song! Their video probably contributed to this sense.

Below are two covers by bands from Argentina which I believe bring some of this out. Included are my comments on those postings, an additional thought, and pertinent additional material.




An additional thought, based on this second cover, is that perhaps simply having a female voice for the bridge alone would be sufficient for Country appeal. You’d be the judge.


And, of course, the original group’s performance at a Country bar on “The A-Team”:


Playlist of covers of this song, including these and by the 1980s young peoples show, “Kids, Incorporated.” 

Friday, October 27, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E264: “Bugging out a myth? Not quite, but it does hold a caveat.”

MY COMMENT: “Prepare to do what you actually can do. That’s it.

“Plan for the short term. If going on foot, have enough whatever for a few days. If it goes on much longer than that without you finding a refugee camp or such, you’re dead.

“Oh, and especially if you’re solo/just you and the animal, don’t overdo the firepower. You’ll never win a firefight against a multiple-person force, but you WILL look like a threat to them if you’re tripped out like the guys in the video. A decent sidearm makes you a less appealing target than most of the refugees, but will not present you as a threat to prepper bands setting up private checkpoints. Casing and slinging any long gun you might take means you would have it if you need it at some point, but again not be presenting yourself as a threat as you would if you were moving in the low ready.”

“MULTIPLE-PERSON SCENARIO: The more you have in we your band, the more you can take relative to that number. It’s the same principle as the “two can eat cheaper than one” concept. The larger the group, the longer the survivability prospects, and the more sense for firepower makes.

A FAMILY SCENARIO: Seven members: husband/father, wife/mother, a youth capable of bearing arms, a roughly 10-year-old, a baby, a dog, and a cat. The three elder ones alternate between two of them having long guns at low ready and toting the bulk of the supplies, with the third handling the baby (and yes, husbands/fathers, you will sometimes have to be the one handling the baby.), while the 10yo leads the dog and carries the cat kennel. (And he or she gets a flashlight or something in order to feel “equipped.”) 

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E263: “Followup to E258 — Yes, in pouch carry, it calls for an excuse for the pouch.”

Just a cartoon to explain my point in TDF 259 about carry pouch practice generally calling for the pouch itself to be disguised as to purpose. You need a reason to be carrying the pouch.

DF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

PC Wokeness irony in real life.

Read the caption, look at the suspects’ names, and think about it. I will refrain from further comment here.

5 Fort Johnson Soldiers Face Charges in Multiple Rapes

Thursday, October 12, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E262: “Not-necessarily-so-fudd: Missouri sheriff waives CCW permit fees due to world unrest.”

I considered entitling this as saying “…due to pending World War III.” But I hate Clickbait as much as the next guy.


“I have always been very Pro-Second Amendment and feel that you have a God Given Right and obligation to protect yourself and your family. You can do the math on the border entries and realize that there is no way our government can properly vet everyone that is caught coming across due to the simple fact that many of the countries of origin do not share their criminal databases with the US. This does not include the unknown amount of Got Aways. We are in an unprecedented time in our history and you need to realize that law enforcement can not be everywhere all the time,” 

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

It’s basically official: Supposed “leaker” warns MAGA that FBI is targeting them

Of course, the official orders are written a bit veiled, but the title does say it all. It doesn't explicitly say, "MAGA." The story was "leaked," but the truth is that someone wouldn’t leak something like this to Newsweek. Someone would leak it to Fox or such. It's a warning. I recommend Dan Bongino's discussion of it.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Kowloon Walled City — The W40K hive city (and our future?) in real life.

The architect presenter here probably doesn’t exactly match my politics, but I always find her insight into these matters quite… insightful. And certainly useful. Is it possible our society is going (back) to this?

This is a follow-on to Edition 219 of my “Daily Fudd” series on RKBA. It discusses this matter in more tactical 2A political terms. Please see that for a practical look at such an urban development. It includes a link to another of this architect’s work.

30th anniversary of Battle of Mogadishu – We really should nuke them.

Still no vengeance on those ungrateful… Well, even this blog have to be careful what language it uses. 

Next time, let’s let the worthless wastes of resources starve and beg. And then institute recolonization.

Below is a reaction to the movie “Black Hawk Down.” In someways it’s mixed, of course, but a number of times these reactorettes do you get a picture of the humanitarian intent of the mission and the ungratefulness of the locals.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Fancy Feast “Wedding” ads.

What’s wrong with these people? They almost forgot the most important guest.


PART 2: 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E260: “Conclusion on carry, and WHY to be a fudd.”

In TDF 258 and TDF 259, I discussed two aspects of actual “carry” in RKBA. My conclusion was that both performance and restraint are necessary. Something is better than nothing.

But then, that’s been the whole point of this TDF series (I will refrain from excessive links). If we take the substance of RKBA seriously, then we will compromise to keep it. Those things we really care about, those we are willing to sacrifice for and accept imperfection. That’s the counterintuitive reality. Individuals compromise for families. Nations compromise for their prosperity and security. And libertarians compromise for the doobie. 

Arms are a tool. They are not a theoretical “principle.” The results of their loss is not theoretical. It is very real. It is with them that we maintain this seed of our Western heritage. And for all Patriots, if, given the political reality of both our institutions and our PEOPLE, restraint is necessary to preserve it, then it is worth the sacrifice. 

Think about it.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Beach Boys at the Opry! (With LoCash and Lorrie Morgan).

The Beach Boys at the Opry! This was historical.

The Opry allows three types of music: Country, Bluegrass, and Americana. The Beach Boys are definitely Americana.

I’ve said for years that they should be declared an honorary Country band. It is done.

The Oaks are retiring — Here’s their most impactful song for me.

The Oak Ridge Boys have announced they are on a farewell tour. The group started in the 1940s as a local gospel group around the “secret city” of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where they performed for the scientists and technicians working on the atomic bomb. They evolved into a Country and Pop group after settling (with a short-term exception) on the current makeup. I guess that’s why they haven’t tried replacing members. Like with The Beach Boys (and with one exception, The Statlers), you can have new backup members and stand-ins, but the core is irreplaceable.

I try to remember things passing at their best, by the most essential or influential work. For yours truly anyway, on a sheer personal level, this is it:

Saturday, September 23, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E259: “Flipside of 258 — Home stowage vs. on-person carry.”

In TDF 258, I discussed “pouch carry” and open carry, including in the home. Following that study, I conducted another in which I relied on hidden arms stowed strategically around, rather than CCW on my person, in the home. Like the previous one, this study showed two sides. I quickly found that sometimes stowage can be more convenient. MUCH more convenient. On the other hand, there was the issue of securing the stowed arms from unwelcome discovery by others.

However, it was a few fairly benign but unusual incidents that led me relatively immediately to the more “counter-fudd” leaning on the matter – and on purely tactical grounds. The primary ones involved meeting a neighbor for the first time. I have since confirmed that he is no threat, yet circumstances at the time gave an, uh, odd – not expressly threatening, but still odd – initial impression. (Turns out it’s “herbal.”) Facing this unknown quantity, I stood there, dealing with an uncertain situation, able only to fidget with a pocketed cell phone (an object which, as noted in the previous study, could be mistaken for a weapon). I was in the same situation as the transplant California couple in the video linked to before in terms of options should be event turn negative (see vid for solid Babylon Bee entertainment). And it gave severe food for thought.

The result was, after another day or so of consideration and further practice as described above, and wargaming out scenarios, that my study has reaffirmed the jocular wisdom (albeit generally concealed) below:

The truth is, we never know when a dangerous event might strike. There are enough weaknesses we have due to whatever reason that to create more is nonsensical. That neighbor may not have been as benign as he was. Thus, while strategic stowage has its place – see the previous study regarding heavier-than-CCW usage – on-person CCW does in most circumstances hold more benefits than liabilities. 

But don’t be religious about it. Practicality and propriety take priority. Just sayin’.


Additional point: The aforementioned incident also demonstrated to me just how far away what’s on your cell phone screen might be read. Be careful about exposing that to strangers in public.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Another Orwellian “mistruth,” which another writer misses.

This regards the article from the American Institute for Economic Research, “Orwell Exposes the Cowardice of Journalists and Intellectuals,” which overall is worth the read. The writer uses George Orwell’s work, “The Freedom of the Press,” as a springboard for launching against the forces currently acting to censor discussions, such as journalism, “science,” and other areas where Woke PC has gained a foothold. He quotes this statement critical of journalism, but misses or ignores an odd misstatement by Orwell. Notice:

“If publishers and editors exert themselves to keep certain topics out of print, it is not because they are frightened of prosecution but because they are frightened of public opinion.”

The last two words: “public opinion.” Yet, it is not “public opinion” that is being discussed as a censoring force or motivation, but rather forces in politics, business, society, or media running COUNTER to the public – “enemies of the people.”

I have sometimes noted that Orwell in his famous “Big Brother” statements actually got things right, but in a way he didn’t imagine. “Freedom is slavery,” for instance. The truth is, it is “freedom” that enables those Woke PC forces to engage in their censoring, and thus to attempt to corrupt and subvert “public opinion.” While perhaps all Orwell meant was to distinguish between government and private forces from a British standpoint where the big forces stand over the common PEOPLE as representing the “public,” it nonetheless stands as a bit of a misstatement. His original writing is of admittedly mixed value – keep in mind, he did show a bit of Leftist-Socialist influence – but in the punchline quote he actually reverses the situation. While not “Teabrainery,” I wish the writer of the American article would have noticed that.

Friday, September 8, 2023

THE DAILY FUDD: E258: “Dorky but high capacity CCW — fanny and other packs as options? (Some of you already know).

Please note, this article was written progressively during the project discussed, attempting to treat the matter with no preconceived notions on my part. It was my genuine hope that my start-from-scratch examination would overthrow a lot of conventional wisdom. Spoiler alert: It didn’t.

As a fudd, I very much tend toward minimalism in concealed carry. However, I am not blind to the argument for having on your person a little more than your Detective’s Special. Particularly in an urban setting, and even in the home, carrying larger firepower than a normal CCW piece holds particular appeal in some circumstances, such as late-night/early-morning or times of “abnormal” suspicions. But doing so, especially in that same urban environment, holds its own set of, shall we say, potential complications. Summertime effectively rules out jacket cover. Females have the option of a large purse, but males are more limited. However, there are in fact options. And that is what this article investigates.

A bit of background: For many many years, prior to my adult interest in matters kinetic, I would wear a pouch on my belt, carrying various things — everything from a checkbook to even a Bible at times. People would ask occasionally what I carried in it, but except when going through an airport, it never drew undo attention from authorities, public or private.

In that spirit, fanny packs are making a slight comeback in even unarmed society. Of course they have for years figured into some people’s carry SOP, given their capacity for, well, capacity! Larger-frame weapons, magazines, and other pertinent accessories can be transported on your person in public, while still effectively and legally “concealed.” 

Then came THIS VIDEO from Babylon Bee. SPOILER ALERT: At one point, it focuses on how the visitor is open-carrying a large-frame automatic. As I reflected on the scene recently, it brought me to think more about even specifically “domestic” open carry – i.e., actually in one’s home and perhaps environs. Someone open-carrying in their homes might have an issue with friendly visitors, or when dealing with something outside. Hostile visitors can create actually a larger legal difficulty, as being “angry” while openly bearing arms may in fact be a full-on legal offense. Plus, there’s always the factor what a neighbor may see through a window. The scene made for a great video, but frankly is possibly more of a “don’t try this at home” thing. 

All of this combined to get me to pursue a serious study into the matter of how to carry bigger-than-CCW firepower. Below are two articles discussing the matter. The first is from a vendor selling such items, and so holding obvious bias. The second is more objective, discussing some of the negatives of pouches and such. (It even references the desire of some to carry around an AR pistol. It discourages such a practice.)

I also did field testing on using a pouch of some sort for “domestic” and community carry (using a book to fill out the case). I wore one around home, both to get reaccustomed to wearing a pouch and to monitor any reactions from neighbors. I visited a number of businesses and watched reactions. And I inquired on the perceptions of a few trusted people as to just what impressions people may get. 

The initial results brought me to a mixed opinion on such practice from a cost-risk analysis. Part of the issue was simply the practical factors attending to the hassle of a good-size pouch. I was brought to remember how the pouch I wore in the past would catch on things. 

However, a bigger part of it was about the potential legal consequences. Though legally concealed, that doesn’t mean people won’t get an idea. One article had a commentor say that whenever he saw a grown man with a fanny pack, he just assumed the guy was carrying. Someone seeing such a sight, especially in the dark setting, might presume it to be a weapon and act accordingly. There are numerous reports of even police mistaking mundane objects for weapons. And in at least one case during my testing I have to honestly suspect somebody initially thought that object on my hip was a weapon.

And true confessions, I myself recently saw someone on the street I honestly thought for a moment had a long gun slung. Even after seeing it was a backpack with some sort of rod extending, I still wondered for a moment. 

This then reminded me of a suggestion in a video that in a SHTF situation, one might carry a long gun in a guitar case so as not to attract attention to your level of armament. An issue I had with that was that if you were truly in such an emergency situation, would you be so worried about a musical instrument as to bring it with you? And what if somebody you’re attempting to hide the real contents from asks you to join them in a jam session???

(And yes, Mugsy, that applies to violin cases as well.)

That latter point was in part in jest. But applying it to pouch carry, it raised a potential wrinkle. You are wearing a pouch, but pull your wallet, phone, car keys, etc., out of other carrying places. So why the hell are you wearing that pouch?! Sure, it’s none of their business. Police might technically have no probable cause to search it(?). But, and especially without some other obvious use of the item – as a woman’s purse would have – as noted before, that doesn’t keep somebody from wondering. And that wondering might be enough to create a difficulty for the completely lawful arms bearer.

All of this comes around to confirm the obvious conclusion that I genuinely hoped I could get around when I started the study: Such pouches really are in fact little more than “shoot-me-first” badges. This term refers to items of apparel that essentially give away a person as a carrier. Though not as innately problematic as the iconic tactical vest, pouch approaches do stand out. Unless you have an express cover reason for wearing it, any initiated person will now perceive you have a weapon in there and are armed. LEGALLY it holds distinction from actual open carry (a jurisdiction allowing only open carry would likely consider pouch carry to be concealed), and it is less likely to cause public panic than actually open carrying. But consider whether you want to be subject of the test case that jurisprudentially kills that legal distinction, or the one experiencing the consequences of other people’s overreaction. 


Even in the land of the Second Amendment, there is a reality that must be faced. We do have to worry about what our neighbors think, what people in general might perceive (or misperceive), and how certain authorities may treat certain exercises in the context of bearing arms.

To be sure, a widespread movement of such carry would indeed make such carry far more expedient. That is, MANY people doing so regularly, so that the individual doing, so does that stand out. For this to happen would require a notable development in society that would warrant in enough people’s minds such a collective movement. (Possible example: Election chaos of the type feared after the 2020 Election Steal.) Individual(istic) initiative will not do it.

The desire for heavier firepower on your person as you go about your day is absolutely valid and absolutely legitimate. That doesn’t mean it’s feasible or wise. Part of the purpose of this TDF series has been to prepare people PSYCHOLOGICALLY, as well as tactically and politically, for ever-increasing restrictions on private arms and their keeping and bearing. This may indeed be a place where we will generally have to deny ourselves what we want, in the name of preserving what we indeed NEED. I’d cite specific TDF articles saying that, but that would include practically all of them.

Personal conclusion: Pouch carry of heavier firepower in the home may be a net risk-benefit positive, but still an overwhelming chance at a negative outcome (you never know who’s watching or why). And in public I myself am not ready yet to take the risks and give up – as a general practice – the inconspicuousness of minimalist CCW.