Thursday, September 21, 2023

Another Orwellian “mistruth,” which another writer misses.

This regards the article from the American Institute for Economic Research, “Orwell Exposes the Cowardice of Journalists and Intellectuals,” which overall is worth the read. The writer uses George Orwell’s work, “The Freedom of the Press,” as a springboard for launching against the forces currently acting to censor discussions, such as journalism, “science,” and other areas where Woke PC has gained a foothold. He quotes this statement critical of journalism, but misses or ignores an odd misstatement by Orwell. Notice:

“If publishers and editors exert themselves to keep certain topics out of print, it is not because they are frightened of prosecution but because they are frightened of public opinion.”

The last two words: “public opinion.” Yet, it is not “public opinion” that is being discussed as a censoring force or motivation, but rather forces in politics, business, society, or media running COUNTER to the public – “enemies of the people.”

I have sometimes noted that Orwell in his famous “Big Brother” statements actually got things right, but in a way he didn’t imagine. “Freedom is slavery,” for instance. The truth is, it is “freedom” that enables those Woke PC forces to engage in their censoring, and thus to attempt to corrupt and subvert “public opinion.” While perhaps all Orwell meant was to distinguish between government and private forces from a British standpoint where the big forces stand over the common PEOPLE as representing the “public,” it nonetheless stands as a bit of a misstatement. His original writing is of admittedly mixed value – keep in mind, he did show a bit of Leftist-Socialist influence – but in the punchline quote he actually reverses the situation. While not “Teabrainery,” I wish the writer of the American article would have noticed that.