Friday, December 15, 2023

White youth fired (sorta) for saving life of Black coworker shot by another Black.

Basic story here: Black man fired that day from KFC, having threatened to “shoot all the White people” in the store, comes back to store and shoots the Black employee father of the child being carried by the mother (who was also employed there – race unstated, but the apparent perp did threaten “White people”) of two of his kids. But supposedly, the motive was not immediately apparent.

As a result, the minor White employee who saved the life of the wounded Black man was initially fired, per what the female store manager told the mother of the employee. Later reports say that the White man was still employed. Or, the decision was reversed.

Perhaps the store manager thought that it might now be “racist” for a White person to save the life of a Black victim of Black violence.

If liberals and the Black community wants White people to let them die when they are victims of their own people, well… I certainly do not want to be accused of being “racist.” kfc-employee-returned-to-beech-grove-restaurant-shot-man-in-the-head/
