Thursday, May 20, 2021

LETTER: Missouri AG Joins 20-State Coalition Urging Department of Education to Reject “Critical Race Theory" curriculum.

(Obtained in email from: )

May 20, 2021
Contact: Constituent Services
Office: 573-751-3321


Missouri Attorney General Joins 20 State Coalition Urging Department of Education to Reject “Critical Race Theory” in Nation’s School Curriculum


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.  – Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt joined a 20 state letter, led by Indiana, urging the Biden administration to reconsider educational proposals aimed at imposing the teaching of critical race theory (CRT), the 1619 Project, and other similar curriculum into America’s classrooms – a goal that could be accomplished through a proposed new rule by the U.S. Department of Education establishing priorities for grants in American History and Civics Education programs.
Missouri also filed its own, separate comment letter on the same issue, which can be found here:
“American history, civics, and historical literacy are a crucial facet of education in schools across the state and country. Reframing that history through the flawed and harmful lens of critical race theory and the 1619 Project would be a disservice to Missouri students,” said Attorney General Schmitt . “Under these proposed new priorities from the U.S. Department of Education, the federal government would decide how American history and civics are taught, injecting critical race theory in the curriculum to the detriment of thousands of students and teachers. Civics education is not about erasing our past, but instead informing our future. The Biden Administration should reject the imposition of critical race theory on the curriculum taught in Missouri and America’s schools.”
The United States Department of Education issued two proposed priorities for the American History and Civics Education programs on April 19, 2021. The first priority proposed by the Department of Education is for “projects that incorporate racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives into teaching and learning” and the second is for projects that promote “information literacy.”
The multistate letter begins, “Though the Department does not overtly refer to CRT in its priorities, it is prioritizing teaching this highly controversial ideology through the vehicle of this grant program. This is hardly what Congress intended when it authorized this program. CRT focuses how our current government mechanisms are irretrievably flawed. Its theorists posit that our Nation’s values, ideals, foundations and institutions – the things Congress intended to promote – instead produce ‘inequity’ demanding actions to modify this result. This appears to be a view shared by Professor Ibram X. Kendi and advanced through the 1619 Project. It is fair to assume this view would be advanced by a curriculum built from its project.”
Both letters take issue with the proposed priorities use of teachings of “antiracist” professor Ibram X. Kendi. The Missouri letter states, “It is not plausible to characterize Professor Kendi’s teachings—which attack the very foundations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights—as ‘educating students about the history and principles of the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights,’ or improving ‘the quality of the teaching of American history, civics, and government in elementary schools and secondary schools, including the teaching of traditional American history.’”
Both letters, sent to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Cardona, argue that the proposed priorities don’t comport with the standards created by Congress in passing the Every Student Succeeds Act, which aim to “improve the quality of instruction in American history and civics by educating students and teachers in ‘traditional American history’ and the principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.” The letters argue that the proposed priorities would do the opposite of what Congress ascribed in the ESSA, and would actually hurt students and teachers.
The multistate letter states, “Issues of race and discrimination are complex, but instead of teaching American history and civics, as plainly spelled out in the statute, the proposed priorities would dilute the quality of American history and civics education in America in favor of a hyper-racialized and ahistorical doctrine. They are not focused on promoting truth or a holistic understanding of American history and the ideals that the Founders used to establish our country as required by statute, but instead are being used to promote revisionist American history and principles that lead to more discrimination, not less.”
In the Missouri letter, the Attorney General’s Office states, “The proposed priorities under consideration by the U.S. Department of Education will unlawfully and unconstitutionally fund initiatives that promote racial discrimination, instead of providing civics lessons that enable students of all races and backgrounds to effectively participate in their government as part of the Constitution’s ‘We the People.’”  It notes that federal law “reflects Congress’s insight that the United States of America is unique, as the first nation in history to be founded on ideals of liberty and equality under law.”  And it points out that “America’s history reflects a progression in which her founding ideals ultimately triumph over any weaknesses and failures of her people.”
In addition to Missouri, attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia also joined the Indiana letter.

The proper response if Dems actually attempt arrest of Trump (yes, it involves Federalist 46).

Talk by Dems of actually arresting President Trump brought this work of mine, written June 15, 2020 (yes, I have the exact time and date).

GOV DeSantis of Florida can be a hero.

THE DAILY FUDD: E99: "Fudd preparation: Psychological."

In this TDS series, I have mentioned that promoting and helping in 2A practitioners' psychological preparation for loses in RKBA is a key part of my effort (TDF 25). In a sense, it's a play on Barack Hussein Obama's comment in 2008 about people "bitterly clinging" to their guns and religion, rather than go along with the Leftist/Globalist agenda he was pushing. Sometimes one learns more about himself from his enemies than his friends, and this was such a case.

A YouTube search of "God and guns" brings up at least three different songs by that name--by Lynard Skynard, Hank Williams, Jr,, and Aaron Lewis. (I will leave it to the reader whether/which to listen to.) Indeed, in cold terms, these factors are the biggest non-financial contributors to our specifically American culture and heritage. For those rejecting the Obama direction, to "cling" to them is perfectly logical. This article will focus on the latter of them.
The thumbnail from the Hank Jr. song post, included here for obvious reasons.

Without belaboring the history of the gun culture in America, the obvious truth is that having higher-end arms in Militia terms--e.g., ARs, of course--has become a source of pride, strength, and even refuge. And getting straight to the point, part of my effort with TDF has been to get such 2A practitioners to focus their clinging on the lower-end arms--manual-action, featureless semi-auto, limited magazine capacities (one good point about revolvers is that they don't face that issue--yet), and the like. The baseline Common Law Blackstone self/home defense work (defined and discussed in TDF 49) can be reasonably done with them (TDF 36, but note the caveat), and they still have some effectiveness in more large-scale defense (TDF 2 and especially TDF 80). And most importantly in the topic at hand: THEY ARE FIREARMS.

A part of psychological preparation involves gaining greater academic understanding the whole matter of civics and heritage. I have often talked of hickish "Teabrainers," who are as well meaning as any Patriot, but simply lack the "sophistication" (it's the correct word, but leaves a bad impression with some) to put downturns and disappointments into perspective. Without dropping in a lesson in political science, constitutional law and history, or Second Amendment jurisprudence, I will point you to TDF 82 for concept, TDF 49 for substance (Blackstone), and TDF 28 for some fuddity fun; and then simply say that there is more to our Anglo-American Right to Arms than a 27-word bullet point in the Bill of Rights--a fact pointed to in the amendment itself (TDF 21).

I have written about the connection between our heritage and our arms (TDF 50 compilation). The revolver especially hold such a role (TDF 27), as does to a degree the .45 caliber (Long Colt or ACP) (TDF 55; see also TDF 7). It's truly baseline of baseline in fuddity, but even in a single-action form the revolver retains a general effectiveness (TDF 31).

Thus, to psychologically transfer one's "clinging" from their large-frame 9mm with hicaps or their banned-in-New York AR with all the evil features to something more akin to John Wayne's iconic Single Action Army (which he carried in movies set long before the 1870s, no matter the anachronism) is hardly a renunciation of actual firepower. It's a reduction, to be sure, but a reduction to a more secure specific arm. And psychologically speaking, the more secure the cling object, the better.

A side anecdote in this vein: A coworker of mine told me a .357 Magnum he keeps secured, that he calls, "Big Sexy." (Yes, I know, and I don't want to know any more about it.) If there was one firearm he would cling to, I have no doubt it would be that.

On the higher end, this psychological preparation will indeed impact on the tactical. Downshifting to a bolt-action rifle does indeed reduce effectiveness in a Militia situation, and even large-scale defense. One needs to prepare, practice, and plan accordingly.

But here is where at the same time the tactical and psychological can be parted to a degree. One can shift the clinging to the lower-end while retaining the higher-end stuff for as long as is feasible. One can hold their Enfield or Saiga as their core arms for 2A Militia (as opposed to mere Blackstone defense) while planning day to day to grab their AR with 30-round magazines if the civil war breaks open. The point of psychological preparation is that when the AR and the hicaps are confiscated--or you opt to pay the $200 per to keep them--and you have to stand in line to turn in your newly-banned firepower, you don't "feel" the same sting and demoralization of disarmament, as your core weapon remains as, presumably, 2A-protected. (Until the packed SCOTUS may choose to say otherwise, of course. See TDF 20 and TDF 28 for some painful, shock-awake ideas on politically mitigating that.) It might even be better suited for your condition (see TDF 2 on the Enfield and TDF 19 on the Saiga).

The core lesson is this: As I said before, "the more secure the cling object, the better." Set the RKBA and related "heart" on what is away from the ban threat, while retaining bare-essential capability (actually essential, not what you want) (TDF 73 and, for a higher hope, TDF 78).

Many if not most people reading this will think this irrelevant, or even silly. They will say they aren't like that, be it "clinging" or subject to demoralization. (Many on the latter point talk of "non-compliance" [TDF 95].) If they are thus, then that is them. The reality is, psychological warfare is quite effective, and disarmament can be received as a form of emasculation--especially when the target finds himself crying in the surrender line. Add in feelings of betrayal toward one's people or country, and a simple AW ban can be a true force multiplier for the anti-Patriot Globalist/Left.

Preparation of this sort is far from silly. Indeed, it is a reasonable cost to be paid for our people's failing to stand against the Election Steal. Our people chose the comfort and ease of avoiding Federalist 46 over following the vision of the Founders (and completely legally)--though I myself did the opposite. Now they must pay the piper in all three of the focii of TDF: Political mitigation, tactical planning, and psychological conditioning.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

President Trump on criminal witch hunt against Trump Org -- "[W]e are no longer a free constitutional democracy."

Paragraph breaks and emphasis added.

And he's right: Our Constitution has failed due to the failure of our people.

Video of Don Jr reading the response: The Witch Hunt Continues - Here's My Father's Response (  

Donald J. Trump

I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. 

There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here. The Attorney General of New York literally campaigned on prosecuting Donald Trump even before she knew anything about me. She said that if elected, she would use her office to look into “every aspect” of my real estate dealings. She swore that she would “definitely sue” me. She boasted on video that she would be, and I quote, “a real pain in the ass.” She declared, “just wait until I’m in the Attorney General’s office,” and, ”I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.” She also promised that, if elected, she would “join with law enforcement and other Attorney Generals across this nation in removing this President from office,” and, “It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.” 

The Attorney General made each of these statements, not after having had an opportunity to actually look at the facts, but BEFORE she was even elected, BEFORE she had seen even a shred of evidence. This is something that happens in failed third world countries, not the United States. If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish to enact political retribution, then we are no longer a free constitutional democracy. 

Likewise, the District Attorney’s office has been going after me for years based on a lying, discredited low life, who was not listened to or given credibility by other prosecutorial offices, and sentenced to 3 years in prison for lying and other events unrelated to me. These investigations have also been going on for years with members and associates of the Trump Organization being viciously attacked, harassed, and threatened, in order to say anything bad about the 45th President of the United States. This would include having to make up false stories. Numerous documents, all prepared by large and prestigious law and accounting firms, have been examined, and many hours of testimony have been taken from many people, some of whom I have not seen in years. 

These Democrat offices are consumed with this political and partisan Witch Hunt at a time when crime is up big in New York City, shootings are up 97%, murders are up 45%, a rate not seen in 40 years, drugs and criminals are pouring into our Country in record numbers from our now unprotected Southern Border, and people are fleeing New York for other much safer locations to live. But the District Attorney and Attorney General are possessed, at an unprecedented level, with destroying the political fortunes of President Donald J. Trump and the almost 75 million people who voted for him, by far the highest number ever received by a sitting President. 

That is what these investigations are all about—a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States. Working in conjunction with Washington, these Democrats want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they don’t want “Trump” to run again. As people are being killed on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, as drugs and crime of all kinds are flowing through New York City at record levels, with absolutely nothing being done about it, all they care about is taking down Trump. Our movement, which started with the Great Election Win of 2016, is perhaps the biggest and most powerful in the history of our Country. But the Democrats want to cancel the Make America Great Again movement, not by Making America First, but by Making America Last. 

No President has been treated the way I have. With all of the crime and corruption you read about with others, nothing happens, they only go after Donald Trump. After prosecutorial efforts the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, they failed to stop me in Washington, so they turned it over to New York to do their dirty work. This is what I have been going through for years. It’s a very sad and dangerous tale for our Country, but it is what it is, and we will overcome together. I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system. 

It would be so wonderful if the effort used against President Donald J. Trump, who lowered taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Veterans, created Space Force, fixed our border, produced our vaccine in record-setting time (years ahead of what was anticipated), and made our Country great and respected again, and so much more, would be focused on the ever more dangerous sidewalks and streets of New York. If these prosecutors focused on real issues, crime would be obliterated, and New York would be great and free again!

THE DAILY FUDD: E98: "A bit of fuddity would be good here -- It's as if they intentionally made these just advanced enough to be banned."

"Missed it by THAT much--but intentionally!"

Both are new to the gun market.

This first one has a standard ELEVEN-round magazine. They are marketing this with a magazine that is one single round into the, "Pay $200 or sell it back for a pittance" range.

POSSIBLE REDEMPTION: I can imagine liberals buying them now--yes, liberals buy handguns--then finding out the gun control they support bites them for that one round. Might help create pressure for lawmakers to raise the pistol-caliber mag capacity to something more like 20, which would save the vast majority of "standard-capacity" handgun mags.

Shooting Illustrated | First Shots: Taurus GX4 Handgun

The 50-round magazine I do get. And it does take the P/PS90 low-cap mags. What gets me is the weight: 3.2 pounds. AW bans tend to limit handguns to 50 ounces. That's 3.125 pounds. That's .075 pounds, or just over one single ounce, over the limit. ONE FREAKING OUNCE! (And it loads outside the pistol grip, which is another common AW "evil feature" for handguns.)

P50 - KelTec (

Folks, like the guy who invested in a Japanese restaurant in Hawaii the evening of December 7, 1941, or started a Confederate memorabilia museum just after the Charleston church shooting in 2015, if you buy one of these right now, you're taking an unbelievable risk, with the obvious reality right in front for them to see--or you are the dumbest box of rocks around.

There's a reason it's easier to find hicap mags than low-cap right now: The hicaps will likely be banned! 

I'm not sure if's more, the company is just greedy, or the buyers are dumb. But holding off for now might be a good ideal.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E97: "DON'T GIVE UP FIREPOWER FOR PRINCIPLE! 2A firepower, not 2A 'principles,' keeps BLM thugs from raping your daughter."

The "principles" of libertarians and purists won't allow constructive engagement, and thus would cost you firepower to anti-gunners in power.

Constructive engagement--"political mitigation," I call it (TDF 25)--can SAVE you firepower, and thereby enable you to stop BLM thugs from raping your daughter.

The former is deadly. The latter holds out hope for success.

From TDF 90:


TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

THE DAILY FUDD: E96: "An abortion case with potential political impact on RKBA: Don't make Amy Coney Barrett choose."

If an effectual overturn of Roe happens from this situation in the article, the planned packing of SCOTUS will be pushed to the front. Justice Barrett has been saving her presence on the Court for this very thing, which is why little in the way of Second Amendment action has made it there. My worry is that she will punt on a current 2A case out of NY State in order to get this one, as too strong a pro-gun decision will get the packing started as well. As a member of her Catholic sect, abortion is a bigger issue to her than arms. Perhaps this will help the more politically-challenged among the 2A community understand how entangled so much is of the judicial process is. It has less to do with law than with politics. That is why "principle" needs to be abandoned in the name of sheer pragmatism. And for 2A, that WILL mean accepting partial wins and not pushing libertarianism or purism.

SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Challenge to Mississippi Law, Could Reverse Roe v. Wade — Brigitte Gabriel

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E95: "Why 'non-compliance' fails, and the necessary alternative [PARTIAL TDF INDEX] (Part 2 from TDF 94)."

TDF 94 here.

It is very simple: One cannot get away with using a banned item for any meaningful legitimate purpose, as you are certain to be found out. You can bury or hide them for a future time--that I certainly get! But then, that's effectively the same thing as compliance in the present term, just without getting money for them. You are disarmed of them, which is really all the gun-banners want. And so, short of open kinetic resistance--which would fail immediately barring Federalist 46 State sponsorship--they are just felonies waiting to be uncovered.

The alternative, given the 2020 Election Steal, is to engage legislatively and judicially from a REALISTIC angle, looking to maximize what can be retained and strengthening whatever constitutional RKBA may remain in effect. This will mean guarding a baseline lower than what 2A rightly should include, but preserving and securing the essential. E.g., we might be able to raise pistol-caliber magazine limits to 20 rounds, but not eliminate them entirely, while still losing rifle-caliber magazine capacity above 10 rounds; but it is better than the full loss. (Libertarians and purists, please hush: TDF 67 and TDF 68.) It's the political reality of allowing the Election Steal.)

TDF 10 "An Originalist fudd-ish argument regarding full-auto and 2A."

TDF 20 (a true backstop) "No need to wait: Anticipate RKBA loss with 28A NOW."

TDF 22 "This liberal is a liar or self-deceiving, or both, but he has a point we must consider now." (About the idea of using liberal gun owners to counter gun control efforts.)

TDF 25 "Political mitigation."

TDF 28 "A fudd set that should appeal to both sides--plus having a 'political' symbolism."

TDF 49 "Save hicap PISTOL-caliber magazines."

TDF 53 "The 'evil features' of AW bans -- Practicalities and priorities, and bargaining for essential preservation."

TDF 54 "Pistol grips -- AW feature analysis emphasis: They are expendable."

TDF 65 "Reply to comment on Gateway Pundit article about WV plan to challenge Insurrection gun control -- Need to be smart about it."

TDF 72 "Are you ready yet to drop the libertarian childishness and actually deal? Heller is doomed."

On the practical-tactical end, you should develop and focus on a fudded-down armory for if--that is to say, WHEN--maintaining higher-end arms becomes untenable. Manual-action arms, "featureless" semi-autos, and limited magazine capacities should be planned for, both tactically and psychologically. Plan your tactical schemes around such lower-end firepower, and "cling" to that more than the high-end military analogs. It's paying the piper for taking the easy way of allowing the Election Steal.

TDF 2 
"Bolt-action/'scout' rifles."

TDF 8 "The Daily Fudd's Advisable Firepower for Patriots Today."  (Culled down in TDF 73.)

TDF 9 "Danish Madsen M47 - A post-WW2 bolt-action military rifle proposal" (and the point of product posts).

TDF 19 "My original fudd: The rather PC 'Homeland Defense/Militia Rifle' concept."

TDF 27 "The REVOLVER as iconic in American (and thus Western) heritage."

TDF 28 "A fudd set that should appeal to both sides--plus having a 'political' symbolism."

TDF 31 
"Fudding in real life: Swapping a Glock for a Vaquero for CCW."

TDF 36 (two-edged sword on this one) "A CAVEAT TO FUDDITY: '"Essential" and "baseline" do not necessarily mean "proper" or "sufficient"'; or, "Halloween 2018's real gun message--the wrong AND the useful."'

TDF 43/44 "More on the fudd defensive semi-dream arm: Mossberg 500 in .410 -- And a word on the Henry Axe and others."

TDF 48 "'Assault weapon' ban a comin. -- Action and preparation." (Some political, but note Section 2).

TDF 57 "(From JUNE 2020) 'AW ban-beating in Land of Nuts and Fruits and Flakes.'"

TDF 73 "Baseline of baseline: Revolvers, 'blunderbuss,' and bolt-action rifle."

Too many in the pro-RKBA community were spoiled by Heller. For the first time, they could yell, "Shall not be infringed!" and not have anti-gunners knock them back with, "That's the organized state militia, you idiot!" As a result, these folks--in classic hick fashion--stopped focusing on the nature of the right and its FUNCTION, but leaned on the right itself. As a result, they face the threat of the vast bulk of the American people--normally neutral or moderate on gun issues--turning against them. They need to grow up, or else they'll be crying like babies as they're lined up to turn in their guns.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.