Sunday, May 16, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E95: "Why 'non-compliance' fails, and the necessary alternative [PARTIAL TDF INDEX] (Part 2 from TDF 94)."

TDF 94 here.

It is very simple: One cannot get away with using a banned item for any meaningful legitimate purpose, as you are certain to be found out. You can bury or hide them for a future time--that I certainly get! But then, that's effectively the same thing as compliance in the present term, just without getting money for them. You are disarmed of them, which is really all the gun-banners want. And so, short of open kinetic resistance--which would fail immediately barring Federalist 46 State sponsorship--they are just felonies waiting to be uncovered.

The alternative, given the 2020 Election Steal, is to engage legislatively and judicially from a REALISTIC angle, looking to maximize what can be retained and strengthening whatever constitutional RKBA may remain in effect. This will mean guarding a baseline lower than what 2A rightly should include, but preserving and securing the essential. E.g., we might be able to raise pistol-caliber magazine limits to 20 rounds, but not eliminate them entirely, while still losing rifle-caliber magazine capacity above 10 rounds; but it is better than the full loss. (Libertarians and purists, please hush: TDF 67 and TDF 68.) It's the political reality of allowing the Election Steal.)

TDF 10 "An Originalist fudd-ish argument regarding full-auto and 2A."

TDF 20 (a true backstop) "No need to wait: Anticipate RKBA loss with 28A NOW."

TDF 22 "This liberal is a liar or self-deceiving, or both, but he has a point we must consider now." (About the idea of using liberal gun owners to counter gun control efforts.)

TDF 25 "Political mitigation."

TDF 28 "A fudd set that should appeal to both sides--plus having a 'political' symbolism."

TDF 49 "Save hicap PISTOL-caliber magazines."

TDF 53 "The 'evil features' of AW bans -- Practicalities and priorities, and bargaining for essential preservation."

TDF 54 "Pistol grips -- AW feature analysis emphasis: They are expendable."

TDF 65 "Reply to comment on Gateway Pundit article about WV plan to challenge Insurrection gun control -- Need to be smart about it."

TDF 72 "Are you ready yet to drop the libertarian childishness and actually deal? Heller is doomed."

On the practical-tactical end, you should develop and focus on a fudded-down armory for if--that is to say, WHEN--maintaining higher-end arms becomes untenable. Manual-action arms, "featureless" semi-autos, and limited magazine capacities should be planned for, both tactically and psychologically. Plan your tactical schemes around such lower-end firepower, and "cling" to that more than the high-end military analogs. It's paying the piper for taking the easy way of allowing the Election Steal.

TDF 2 
"Bolt-action/'scout' rifles."

TDF 8 "The Daily Fudd's Advisable Firepower for Patriots Today."  (Culled down in TDF 73.)

TDF 9 "Danish Madsen M47 - A post-WW2 bolt-action military rifle proposal" (and the point of product posts).

TDF 19 "My original fudd: The rather PC 'Homeland Defense/Militia Rifle' concept."

TDF 27 "The REVOLVER as iconic in American (and thus Western) heritage."

TDF 28 "A fudd set that should appeal to both sides--plus having a 'political' symbolism."

TDF 31 
"Fudding in real life: Swapping a Glock for a Vaquero for CCW."

TDF 36 (two-edged sword on this one) "A CAVEAT TO FUDDITY: '"Essential" and "baseline" do not necessarily mean "proper" or "sufficient"'; or, "Halloween 2018's real gun message--the wrong AND the useful."'

TDF 43/44 "More on the fudd defensive semi-dream arm: Mossberg 500 in .410 -- And a word on the Henry Axe and others."

TDF 48 "'Assault weapon' ban a comin. -- Action and preparation." (Some political, but note Section 2).

TDF 57 "(From JUNE 2020) 'AW ban-beating in Land of Nuts and Fruits and Flakes.'"

TDF 73 "Baseline of baseline: Revolvers, 'blunderbuss,' and bolt-action rifle."

Too many in the pro-RKBA community were spoiled by Heller. For the first time, they could yell, "Shall not be infringed!" and not have anti-gunners knock them back with, "That's the organized state militia, you idiot!" As a result, these folks--in classic hick fashion--stopped focusing on the nature of the right and its FUNCTION, but leaned on the right itself. As a result, they face the threat of the vast bulk of the American people--normally neutral or moderate on gun issues--turning against them. They need to grow up, or else they'll be crying like babies as they're lined up to turn in their guns.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.