Monday, March 18, 2024

Sharyl Attkisson article on “ranked voting,” and my commentary.

The commentary below is adapted from posts on TruthSocial replying to Attkisson’s posting of the article there: 

The problem with the opposition to ranked voting is that it’s really just a complaint about and fear of third-party presence and/or multiple candidates from the same party being on the ballot. 

However, disregarding the matter of the motivation, the argument presented is simply opposition to requiring an actual majority, rather than plurality, for an election win. That’s fine. But make THAT argument. Don’t blame having an instant run off system.

The Republican loss in Alaska under the system was because too many Republicans apparently would rather have the Democrat than Sarah Palin. Otherwise, they could simply have voted Begich as their first choice, and Palin as their second, giving Palin the victory. It would be no different had the runoff been held a few weeks later.  Maybe they hated her that much. Or maybe they were just too stupid to know how to rank choices.

Support or oppose it, whichever. But be honest with the reason.


From the report:  

(American Enterprise Institute representative) Ganz: “The problem with ranked choice voting is that you don’t end up electing the candidate whose preferences are aligned with the median. It has this extremist bias. It has a tendency towards electing candidates who are further to the left or further to the right.”

In other words, folks, the conservative opposes the idea because it weakens the establishment. And yes, it can support movements to the RIGHT. Think about it.

It really comes down to dumb Teabrainery. See also: