Thursday, September 1, 2022

"Faithful wound" time: Republican critics are well-meaning but wrong about "ranked voting" loss in Alaska House race -- Teabrainery was the problem.

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." -- Proverbs 27:6 (NKJV)

Republicans decry ranked choice voting after special election loss in Alaska | Washington Examiner

A handful of Republicans are decrying the system of ranked choice voting after Democrat Mary Peltola eked out a victory over two GOP candidates to win the special election for Alaska’s at-large House seat, securing a historic win for Democrats.

Republican critics are wrong here. The problem was that there were enough Republican leaners who would rather have a Dem than the Republican they didn't vote for. Whether this was a pushback against Palin (who let herself go after 2008 and with her Down Syndrome son), or a typical intra-conservative personality issue, I don't know.

Under the rules of ranked choice voting, voters list candidates on their ballots in order of preference. Election officials first tally all the first-choice preferences, and a candidate is deemed the winner if the person garners more than 50% of the vote.

If no candidate surpasses the 50%-threshold after the first round of tabulating, election officials eliminate the candidate with the least number of first-preference votes and begin counting second-preference votes. The process continues until a candidate receives the majority vote.
The funny part is the acknowledgement of TEABRAINERY by one Republican critic of the system, noting both the lack of sophisticated understanding of their base AND their focus on personal and material matters over the well-being of their country and State:

Ranked choice voting is too goddamn complicated, advantaging the Party of Government — Leftists and Democrats who spend their days scheming about how to increase the odds of their candidates' winning elections, while Republicans try to tend to business and jobs outside politics,” said Nan Hayworth, a former Republican representative from New York.

"Too goddamn complicated," and, "Republicans try to tend to business and jobs outside politics." Not a defense, but a confession.

1. The Patriot/conservative/Right needs to drop personal animosities among themselves and evaluate based on their common agenda--i.e., MAGA--even though one might dissent on some specific point(s).
2. These same people need to recognize that one side/party really is better than the other: 
THE DAILY FUDD: E242: "Political fudd: How easy it can be to get caught on your own 'us-against-the-system' petard."

Link to Levin's Truth HERE.