Saturday, September 3, 2022

Simply put, Federalist 46 is justified by Biden's own words.

The September 1, 2022 speech will go down in history as a Rubicon crossing.

No need to elaborate. Just contact loyal STATE leaders, urge them to judge and act, and be prepared to stand with them.


Link to Federalist 46 TEXT HERE.

"Faithful wound" time: Republican critics are well-meaning but wrong about "ranked voting" loss in Alaska House race -- Teabrainery was the problem.

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." -- Proverbs 27:6 (NKJV)

Republicans decry ranked choice voting after special election loss in Alaska | Washington Examiner

A handful of Republicans are decrying the system of ranked choice voting after Democrat Mary Peltola eked out a victory over two GOP candidates to win the special election for Alaska’s at-large House seat, securing a historic win for Democrats.

Republican critics are wrong here. The problem was that there were enough Republican leaners who would rather have a Dem than the Republican they didn't vote for. Whether this was a pushback against Palin (who let herself go after 2008 and with her Down Syndrome son), or a typical intra-conservative personality issue, I don't know.

Under the rules of ranked choice voting, voters list candidates on their ballots in order of preference. Election officials first tally all the first-choice preferences, and a candidate is deemed the winner if the person garners more than 50% of the vote.

If no candidate surpasses the 50%-threshold after the first round of tabulating, election officials eliminate the candidate with the least number of first-preference votes and begin counting second-preference votes. The process continues until a candidate receives the majority vote.
The funny part is the acknowledgement of TEABRAINERY by one Republican critic of the system, noting both the lack of sophisticated understanding of their base AND their focus on personal and material matters over the well-being of their country and State:

Ranked choice voting is too goddamn complicated, advantaging the Party of Government — Leftists and Democrats who spend their days scheming about how to increase the odds of their candidates' winning elections, while Republicans try to tend to business and jobs outside politics,” said Nan Hayworth, a former Republican representative from New York.

"Too goddamn complicated," and, "Republicans try to tend to business and jobs outside politics." Not a defense, but a confession.

1. The Patriot/conservative/Right needs to drop personal animosities among themselves and evaluate based on their common agenda--i.e., MAGA--even though one might dissent on some specific point(s).
2. These same people need to recognize that one side/party really is better than the other: 
THE DAILY FUDD: E242: "Political fudd: How easy it can be to get caught on your own 'us-against-the-system' petard."

Link to Levin's Truth HERE.

THE DAILY FUDD: E242: "Political fudd: How easy it can be to get caught on your own 'us-against-the-system' petard."

Still from the 2005 movie. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was billed in the original theme as people "fighting the system."

It's so easy for the grassroots TEA Party-type to proclaim a "divide-and-conquer" plan by "the elites" or whoever as the reason for all the social and political turmoil--that is, that our opponents aren't really the people on the other side of a given issue (or slew of issues), but a power cabal playing us against each other. The problem is, that very line can be used against us on the very issue(s) we say we hold most dear.

An example in point:

See what "they" did there.\? So many libertarian-types will use that very construct to undermine partisanship, and here we see it turned against a point they theoretically, at least, share with American Patriots.

One commenter hit near the target:

Except they openly admit. They want to take away the pitchforks. Then they can rule like the true dictators that that really are. They use the uneducated torch people as their pawns to do their bidding. Like you are doing with you're political cartoon here. Then people like you can have what you think is your perfect Socialist Communist utopia.

(NOTE: Earlier versions of that comment did not have the last sentence, and I believe it was more effective that way. But it was his judgment call to make.)

We see here a version of that is discussed in the article, 
For the Left, Libertarians are Like a 'Cheap Date' - The Stream. Liberals will use libertarian language, and even issues or viewpoints, to accomplish what libertarians think will help their cause, only to see it used against their cause:

Too many libertarians are eager to support leftist attacks on order, confident that in its absence, liberty will grow. But time and time again we see what springs up instead: More coercion, of a streamlined, more poisonous modern strain.

That's the danger when "freedom"--or "liberty," or whatever--is one's goal in and of itself. Without a reason for it--without substantive concerns like heritage being the higher value--such championing plays right into the hands of the side that would hurt you by way of those factors you choose to deprecate or ignore. (Translation: They will come after you as White Westerners and Americans.) The cartoon takes a common libertarian-type logic and turns it to undercut upholding a crucial element of our society--RKBA

Folks, the truth is that one side really IS fundamentally better than the other. Sometimes your neighbor really IS your (future) enemy. Order itself is not the problem. It's whose order it is--or, that is, who controls the order--that's the issue.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

This is why "democracy" (or whatever you want to call a representative government responsible to the People) doesn't works.

When leaders are dependent on the votes of the governed, one party often cannot fix the foolishness of the other, for fear of handing power back to that party that did the foolishness.

Regarding student loan forgiveness: 

...see how it goes for you guys when you take that forgiveness back.
See how people vote then. Should be hilarious. ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£

Not safe for YouTube: Arch VIDEO: "The (LGBTQ+) Agenda Is Still The Problem."

The subpoint of posting this here is that the speaker is very anti-Woke, BUT he has completely swallowed the Kool-Aid of decades ago. Western society has pulled so far Left that acceptance of things condemned fifty years ago is now sorta "conservative."

That point acknowledged, there is good perspective and information here. But the truth is that there is only one way to correct things, and that will involve all of us giving up at least some of our breaks to the Left (and we all have them) and libertarian demands.

LINK: The Agenda Is Still The Problem (

Monday, August 29, 2022

Feline freedom fighter, with attitude -- ARTICLE: "Shelter Cat Was Put In Solitary Confinement For Repeatedly Helping Fellow Cats Escape From Their Room."

Just as the title says, because of "Quilty's" jailbreaking of other felines, he had to be restrained, and didn't like it. If one picture shows his attitude toward the whole thing, it's this one below. I think we all know what gesture he's really making.