Saturday, July 30, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E226: "NRA-ILA statement on recent AW ban bill (30 JUL 2022), with my commentary."

I won't torture readers with one of those YouTube vids by gun commentators who half the time don't understand jurisprudence and the other half think yelling, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!" changes the political situation. They do almost no good, and often are counterproductive. Below is simply the NRA-ILA statement on the bill that recently passed the House of Representatives.

The details of the bill really don't matter. The reality is, this was bound to happen. This TDF series has warned about this since the 2020 Election Steal. People should not be surprised or shocked, for when advocates of an un-PC position waste their time ranting rather than addressing the concerns of the American people, those people will tend to turn against them. And when they express public policy positions that are guaranteed to fail, legislation in the other direction is likely, perhaps even inevitable.

Now, LEARN, and contribute to legitimate and viable constitutional, legal, and social arguments in defense of our RKBA.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Those "View" bitches need some serious Cancelling--as in, a punishment fitting the crime -- VIDEO: "'The View' issues apology to Turning Point USA."

NOTE: I'm not a fan of TPUSA. Charlie Kirk is one of the more short-sighted of the "TEA Party"-type hicks out there. (And yes, don't think for a minute that the initials are a coincidence.) So this posting is entirely about slamming those bitches.

Godwinian violation deserves Godwinian consequence. Since they like to do the Nazi smear, take a lesson from the Nazis: CAMPS!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

He still needs to be interned -- ARTICLE: "NYT’s Bret Stephens Becomes First Corporate Media Figure To Acknowledge Russian Collusion Was A ‘Hoax’."

There genuinely needs to be a "'Resistance' Insurrection Exception" in jurisprudence to such technicalities as "Due Process" and "trials." Our Constitution has failed. There is no reason to preserve it as a suicide pact.

NYT’s Bret Stephens Becomes First Corporate Media Figure To Acknowledge Russian Collusion Was A ‘Hoax’

Just the conservative rehashing of the Left -- Expanded-topic reaction to article, "The Modern Enslavement of The Black Community in America."

In 2008, Star Parker wrote that 76 percent of Blacks supported wealth redistribution--i.e., socialism. It's not that Blacks are "enslaved" in the manner to which the article at the bottom alludes. It's that they indeed want the end of our country and civilization as we know it by handing it all over them.
And before folks respond, consider that this article is really just the conservative/Right take on the "soft racism of low expectations" of the Left. The Left acts as if Blacks need their help. Here, the conservative/Right acts as if Blacks are "metaphorically" captive to that help.
Star Parker makes a still-valid point. What she gets wrong is the solution. Indeed, had she been right, then President Trump would have been the one to turn them to vote GOP. (And even allowing for the cheating, they didn't vote majority for him.)No reason work for their George Jefferson "piece of the pie" when they can work PC CRT and get it handed to them. 

The Modern Enslavement of The Black Community in America

ENDING (note some similarity to Parker's. It is just as flawed, but from a 2022 perspective:

The real answer is simple: Maintain our White/Western/European heritage and require their acceptance

Your weed hurts kids, you fucking potheads! ARTICLE: "Cannabis Concerns For Kids."


In the US, marijuana is legal for recreational use in 19 states and three districts, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. With the aura of legality for recreational use comes a laxity in keeping the drug- and marijuana is still classified as a drug – away from little kids.


Adolescents typically don’t appreciate the risks associated with cannabis, “a belief that has been “steadily growing,” in tandem with the loosening of legal restrictions. This lack of danger appreciation applies not only to them but to parents, fostering behavior that leaves cannabis consumables untended and in full view. (When one worried about being busted, no one left the goodies out and about –providing tempting, tantalizing treats for the tots).


Marijuana affects children differently than adults - children are more susceptible to adverse effects due to differences in weight and the development of their nervous systems. Consequently, a small amount can have a significant impact, including lethargy, difficulty walking, speaking, balancing, swallowing, seizures, and loss of consciousness. Some of these signs and symptoms are so non-specific that diagnosing cannabis causation can be elusive. Yet, the cannabis-related causality is becoming so frequent that physicians advise their colleagues to “consider cannabis toxicity in any child with sudden onset of lethargy or ataxia.”


Every pothead bears the guilt of the innocent children killed by their drug. They are so addicted that they would let children suffer so they can get their fix. May they suffer the horrible fates they deserve.