Saturday, July 30, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E226: "NRA-ILA statement on recent AW ban bill (30 JUL 2022), with my commentary."

I won't torture readers with one of those YouTube vids by gun commentators who half the time don't understand jurisprudence and the other half think yelling, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!" changes the political situation. They do almost no good, and often are counterproductive. Below is simply the NRA-ILA statement on the bill that recently passed the House of Representatives.

The details of the bill really don't matter. The reality is, this was bound to happen. This TDF series has warned about this since the 2020 Election Steal. People should not be surprised or shocked, for when advocates of an un-PC position waste their time ranting rather than addressing the concerns of the American people, those people will tend to turn against them. And when they express public policy positions that are guaranteed to fail, legislation in the other direction is likely, perhaps even inevitable.

Now, LEARN, and contribute to legitimate and viable constitutional, legal, and social arguments in defense of our RKBA.