Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Just the conservative rehashing of the Left -- Expanded-topic reaction to article, "The Modern Enslavement of The Black Community in America."

In 2008, Star Parker wrote that 76 percent of Blacks supported wealth redistribution--i.e., socialism. It's not that Blacks are "enslaved" in the manner to which the article at the bottom alludes. It's that they indeed want the end of our country and civilization as we know it by handing it all over them.
And before folks respond, consider that this article is really just the conservative/Right take on the "soft racism of low expectations" of the Left. The Left acts as if Blacks need their help. Here, the conservative/Right acts as if Blacks are "metaphorically" captive to that help.
Star Parker makes a still-valid point. What she gets wrong is the solution. Indeed, had she been right, then President Trump would have been the one to turn them to vote GOP. (And even allowing for the cheating, they didn't vote majority for him.)No reason work for their George Jefferson "piece of the pie" when they can work PC CRT and get it handed to them. 

The Modern Enslavement of The Black Community in America

ENDING (note some similarity to Parker's. It is just as flawed, but from a 2022 perspective:

The real answer is simple: Maintain our White/Western/European heritage and require their acceptance