Sunday, September 18, 2022

More argument for re-colonization of shithole areas -- Warographics video: "The Nigerian Civil War - Nigeria's Deadly War of Ethnicities."

MY COMMENT: "Perhaps re-colonization is the answer.

"The enlightened among us tell us to reject our White/Western ethnic nationalisms. Yet these Africans willfully maintain these distinctions and rivalries, which far predate the era of colonialism. Indeed, colonialism brought different peoples together in the beauty of diversity. It was only after these benefactors left that the sort of thing in the video reemerged. "This history of Africa makes no sense, of course, as our enlightened also tell us the White/Western intervention is the cause of all our former colonies' problems. These people should be far beyond us in their diversity life. Yet here we see the LACK of colonial rule facilitating ethnic atrocities. Odd. "So even as "diversity" is impressed upon people here, perhaps it should be impressed upon people there. Perhaps it is a burden of our people to do so, and thus a destiny manifest in our future."