Friday, December 31, 2021

VIDEO: "Debunking Buzzfeed's 'People Try To Live Without Black Inventions'." -- But even it accepts one myth! ADDENDUM: With same mistake.



Frederick Jones did NOT invent the refrigerated truck. His invention is credited to the 1930s, while they actually go back to the 1920s. Link in a reply to this comment. (Put separate to avoid YouTube deletion of this parent comment.) -- Mechanically refrigerated trucks (

ADDENDUM: The fellow made another such video, but actually repeats the mistake: Debunking '15 Inventions Created By Black Americans’ - YouTube

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

White liberal congresswoman carjacked by Black perps -- The debate: Good thing or bad thing? Both sides presented.


On the "bad thing" hand, this is a crime.

On the "good thing" hand, 
she's a big Left-liberal, so it's good she's experiencing the effects of her policies.


On the "bad thing" hand, she will use this for supporting gun control.

On the "good thing" hand, the more she does the above, the more the race of her attackers can be noted.


On the "bad thing" hand, she is a White person preyed upon by Blacks--thus supporting a call for White racial unity and collective self-defense.

On the "good thing" hand, they didn't rape her--for had that happened, this would be presumed to be a genetic assault on the White race, placing it squarely as a bad thing.

And of course there's more. Difficult judgment.

Democratic congresswoman who sponsored police 'reform' bill carjacked in crime-surging Philadelphia | Fox News

Friday, December 24, 2021

Stop with the impeachment talk unless Harris is included; go for Federalist 46.

Considering what "Deep State" could do to undercut Trump--even to the point of preventing him calling in AC130s to destroy the 2020 racial insurrections--two lessons can be gleaned:

1. Biden's incompetence isn't a danger. He's not in charge. So there's no need to impeach him, and thus put Harris in the POTUS position.

2. The Constitution cannot resolve the problem--save for a #Federalist46 State application of 2A.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E169: "Diversionary fudd -- VIDEO: From Iraqveteran8888: 'Top 5 Redneck Guns.'"

"Top 5" Videos are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and may contain satire. Bigfoot, aliens, and your daughter's boyfriend are safe. "Top 5" subjects are meant to drive political commentary, may contain popular culture references, and offer a light-hearted means to demonstrate unique and interesting firearms to our viewers.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Reverse the races, and we'd have a riot on our hands -- VIDEO: "Thug steals old lady's purse, gets painful instant karma from a hero."

Black man stops and beats up White purse snatcher. The fact that this hasn't led to racial violence shows which race supports policing their own. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

VIDEO: "Inclusivity and History are a BAD match!"

Video takes a shot at White-actor portrayal of non-White characters in older films, and is too accepting of "diversity" in fictional works, but is useful against Left-wing--that is, anti-White--historical revisionism.

The reason for such revisionism is to undercut understanding of the historical FACT that Whites--and White males--have dominated Western history, and indeed world history as they--we--have come into contact with other peoples. Enemies of Western civilization and heritage believe this fact points to a natural reality at odds with their Globalism. It does.

"Firefly" ended just in time, or else Whedon would have made it a liberal PC vehicle.

This YouTuber makes a point of parallels to the Confederacy, with two elements of note:
1. He says it should be "concerning."
2. He makes a case that Josh Whedon, the creator of the series, was planning to take a shot at Southern "revisionist" history with it, had it continued.

My comments:

1. Sounds like the show ended just in time, before Whedon could turn it into a PC vehicle.

2. Regarding the Confederate parallels, you're forgetting that in 2002 people weren't so "woke" and anti-White as today. It would not have been seen as it is today. You're close to guilty of cultural relativism.

A shame for that YouTuber to curse such a great pre-Woke show like that.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E167: "List not endorsed -- VIDEO: '5 of the Best Scout Rifles Available Today.'"

Offered for information, not endorsement. Video includes the M1A Scout Squad, even though "scout rifles" are almost by definition bolt-action. 

For more on the genre, see HERE and TDF 2

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Why conservatives fail: Article from April 2021: "David Almasi Calls On Conservatives To Become Activist Investors To Target [Bad Guy]."

"I just don’t see it happening. There is a lack of commitment, willpower, and ultimately sacrifice. Most people are too comfortable with the way they are living their lives now to take the fight to woke culture that is infecting America."

David Almasi Calls On Conservatives To Become Activist Investors To Target Disney, Facebook, And Others

This is the weakness of conservatism in general, especially with the infection in recent decades of libertarianism. Putting money and personal... whatever ahead of the Cause. That is why #Federalist46 State action will ultimately be necessary.
This article from 2011 (folks, note the date context before replying) falls in the same vein as your quote above, but then veers from the solution with its Godwinian ending.

The Need For A Militant Conservative Movement - American Thinker

The combined numbers of gays, blacks, unions, and other groups comprising the left fail to outnumber conservatives.  Yet conservatives have suffered defeat after defeat on almost every major issue for decades.  Conservatives have been disorganized and passive, while leftists have been militant and united in their fifty-year quest to destroy every single traditional, bourgeois norm and value in American life -- while smugly enjoying the security and economic prosperity that was created by those very same bourgeois norms and values.

Key member of the Triple Entente of the States* preparing for Federalist 46 action? DeSantis reestablishing FL State Guard.

*The Triple Entente of the States are the three American States moving to lead the charge against the current insurrection led by the illegitimate administration in Washington:
- Florida (home of President Trump; actions by GOV DeSantis);
- Texas (predominate State; has led legal challenges);
- Missouri (leads support of Texas actions; home of CGNS).

DeSantis’ Move to Bolster State Guard Fills Gap for Federal Inaction

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced that the state government would provide more than $100 million in funding to support the existing Florida National Guard and to reestablish a Florida State Guard. The governor’s press release explained that the funding “supports vital emergency response services that the National Guard provides,” and includes resources “to establish the Florida State Guard” which “will enable civilians to be trained in the best emergency response techniques,” making Florida the “23rd state with a state guard recognized by the federal government.

Monday, December 6, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E166: "VIDEO: 'This single action Colt can’t fire itself' -- With my important caveat on revolver safety mechanisms."

Regarding revolver safety mechanisms:

Mr. Schneider here misstates slightly the issue of safety mechanisms (or lack thereof) on revolvers. Original Colt revolvers and authentic-to-detail copies, not just "cheap copies," as he said, can be fired by hitting the hammer, due to a lack of internal safety mechanism, such as a transfer bar, generally calling for one chamber to be left empty for the hammer to rest upon. Indeed, I discuss that in TDF 27 (see also TDF 107 for a brighter side to the matter). Some modern copies, such as Rugers, have some sort of disconnect system, making this empty chamber unnecessary.

If indeed this was any factor at all in the Alec Baldwin incident, then it points up the utter foolishness of insisting upon such a level of "authenticity," to the point of low safety, when we have today the technology to so increase safety with a de minimis level of alteration in appearance (and none in operation). This goes for movie guns, Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) guns, or a gun that might be put to actual 2A use (see TDF 31).

Fudd does not mean foolishness. Quite the opposite, actually.

 TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Friday, December 3, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E165: "A reminder that 'featureless' is functionable and advisable -- VIDEO: 'Featureless Rifle Options' (only not really)."

Featureless arms are sufficient for virtually any 2A scenario in which a citizen at purely private initiative might find himself involved, while yet still suitable for actual Militia functions. Putting theoretical principles or personal preference to as high a priority as so many of these California 2A hobbyists do serves no purpose beyond indulgence. Aiming to stay suitably armed until the time when the Left/Globalist pull on America can be ended is the priority. Once that is accomplished, it will all be resolved.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Remember, you do have a First Amendment right to hate -- VIDEO: "Tucker: How did anyone fall for this hoax?" (Smollett).

People have an absolute 1A right to hate. Not to prey on the objects of their hate, but to hate them. To punish a given crime more due to that being a motivation is unconstitutional. Of course, this fact stands in the way of the liberal anti-White agenda.

(Caveat added) Three videos: The fascinating--that is, ridiculous--story of the Russian 2nd Pacific Fleet in the Russo-Japanese War (Drachinifel).

The Russian 2nd Pacific Squadron - Voyage of the Damned

Battle of Tsushima - When the 2nd Pacific Squadron thought it couldn't get any worse...

Questioning the Kamchatka story:

Friday, November 26, 2021

Attacks on Thanksgiving culture, and my--that is, THE--solution -- VIDEO: Mark Dice: "Black Friday Madness!"

COMMENTWe wouldn't have this threat to American/Western culture if we regain power and silence those people. The Left always has the advantage in words. "Freedom of speech" is not work the loss of our heritage--and thus, ironically, the loss of that very freedom.

The hole in Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" governance, as my comment on Sargon of Assad's video on the subject.

Do watch Sargon's video.


Technically meritocratic, but one thing people are too PC to point out is that who it really invites. From the book: A "blind paraplegic" can be enlisted to count the hairs on a caterpillar by touch. Totally useless work, yet after two years he or she can vote. Virtually all seriously disabled people will enlist, while a lot of able folks will choose the civilian life. Then the disabled vote themselves and other disabled welfare from the public largesse. Sound familiar? To be totally un-PC, while in a "democracy" only half the people making the decisions are "below average" (as I heard a flaming liberal put it after the 2004 election), in Heinlein's idea, MOST of the people who make the decisions will end up being that.

Sargon's reaction to a bleeding-heart analysis:

Thursday, November 25, 2021

(Not the best example, but an example) Something of a heritage song -- VIDEO: "Florida Georgia Line - Long Live (Lyric Video)."

If/when the time comes that White people are an oppressed, contained minority ala "Time Trax," this may be one of those folk songs about the good ole days before we let White Guilt kill us.

FUCK CALIFORNIA! They deserve it all! -- VIDEO: "Brian Kilmeade: San Francisco's looting 'free for all' is out of control."

BEAUTIFUL! The people of California deserve all of this. (I don't care which way a given Californian votes. Collective responsibility is the nature of our democratic system. And calling it a "republic" doesn't change that.)

When Trump (or whoever) takes back power for the Patriots, Job One should be the destruction of the insurrectionist MSM -- (Yes, it's okay to hate).

My statement in the title is not necessarily that of the host of this video. Doesn't matter, I'm still right.

COMMENT: Perhaps the law should be changed, but not what Colbert has in mind, I'm sure. Had Rittenhouse been of age to carry a concealed weapon, he would still have had the means to protect himself, yet things may have happened differently. I personally see flexibility on age limits in our constitutional jurisprudence, but it's a consideration.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E162: "Rittenhouse gun charge dropped because it only applies to SBRs and SBSs!"

Age of majority has long been a flexible issue in Western society. It can range from 14 (sex), 16 (driving and some non-firearm weapons), 18 (most things, including long guns), and 21 (handguns, long guns in some jurisdictions). The TDF argument is at some provision must be made for 18 year olds to possess defensive arms in the home and travel, though it need not be a handgun.

The young man Rittenhouse was rightly exonerated of all charges in his acts of self-defense against racial agitators during the 2020 racial insurrection. The gun charge--possession by a minor--was tossed due to the law actually only applying to short-barreled rifles and shotguns. While the SBR provision is arguable on constitutionality (SBS's are sure to be held to be more criminally suited, and there is long-standing jurisprudence allowing for restrictions in that area), this event shows the benefit in actually following the law when it is not an impediment on the core principle of RKBA.

EXPLAINER: Why did judge drop Rittenhouse gun charge? - ABC News (

Challenge age and SBR laws legislatively if you wish--judicially if you must--but recognize there is legitimate range for men of reason to differ on what is proper in untrained civilian hands in fulfilling the functional need of the Second Amendment. (And there is a "need" in it--the sixth word: TDF 21).

Friday, November 19, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

VIDEO: "Man Denied COVID Treatment Because He's White."

Simple case of how the lighter-skinned peoples (White and Asian) are physiologically distinct from darker-skinned peoples. The binary outgrowth of Roussert's Rule of Three. I wouldn't mind the disparate treatment if there was a matching recognition of the physiology, and corresponding distinctions in other areas.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

From October (2021): VIDEO from The Hill: "Kim Iversen: Is CIVIL WAR Looming? Americans SUPPORT Red States, Blue States Seceding From US."

Interesting discussion, but one caveat: Not "without guns," but rather with 2A guns borne under State authority. There will be armed action, whatever the level of kinetics. See James Madison's Federalist 46.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A reiteration of the principle of this blog: Government, not private, action (beyond legitimate self-defense) in defense of our heritage.

"Ballots" are by private initiative.

"Bullets" (save in defense) are by government authority.

Never confuse the two.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Hope meets Reality under Heaven (Comment to VIDEO: "Sabaton : 40K Guard tribute : Long way from home...").

“I am a warrior, so that my son may be a merchant, so that his son may be a poet.” -- John Quincy Adams

"Tough times make strong men, strong men make easy times, easy times make weak men." -- From “Those Who Remain” by the author G. Michael Hopf.

Reply makes a point, notwithstanding the W40K theme phrasing.

The exact definition of "Tough times make strong men, strong men make easy times, easy times make weak men", our world would be a disgrace to the Imperium of Men, precisely because of the excess of "poets" and "philosophers" belching virtue and trying discredit and erase the achievements of strong men of the past with hypocritical social justice, deconstruction of the traditions of manhood, courage and honesty.

I say fuck drug addicted poets, we need more guards in this world, engineers, artisans and merchants, people who create and defend rather than those who complain and criticize contributing nothing while feeding off the work of others.

Long live the Imperium of Men and glory to the Astra Militarum!!!!

"The Price Of A Mile"

Hear the sound of a machine-gun
Hear it echo in the night
Mortals firing rains the scene
Scars the fields
That once were green

It's a stalemate at the frontline
Where the soldiers rest in mud
Roads and houses
All is gone
There is no glory to be won

Know that many men will suffer
Know that many men will die
Half a million lives at stake
Ask the fields of Passchendaele

And as the night falls the general calls
And the battle carries on and on
How long?
What is the purpose of it all
What's the price of a mile?

Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army on the march
Long way from home
Paying the price in young men's lives
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army in despair
Knee-deep in mud
Stuck in the trench with no way out

Thousands of machine-guns
Kept on firing through the night
Mortars blazed and wrecked the scene
Guns in the fields that once were green

Still a deadlock at the frontline
Where the soldiers die in mud
Roads and houses since long gone
Still no glory has been won
Know that many men has suffered
Know that many men has died

Six miles of ground has been won
Half a million men are gone
And as the men crawled the general called
And the killing carried on and on
How long?
What's the purpose of it all?
What's the price of a mile?

Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army on the march
Long way from home
Paying the price in young men's lives
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army in despair
Knee-deep in mud
Stuck in the trench with no way out

Young men are dying
They pay the price
Oh how they suffer
So tell me what's the price of a mile

That's the price of a mile

Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army on the march
Long way from home
Paying the price in young men's lives
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army in despair
Knee-deep in mud
Stuck in the trench with no way out

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Star Trek: TNG could get away with this "racism" (analysis with Ben Carson comparison) -- VIDEO: "Burned Replicated Bird Meat."

I'm surprised this episode--along with many others--hasn't been Cancelled as "racist," as suggesting that a given class (species as stand-in for race) of sentient being is innately violent, and failure to be so is considered betrayal of it. This especially when considering the race of the two actors here. Consider the example of Dr. Ben Carson: His ghost writer had to greatly embellish to the point of deception an incident where Carson allegedly tried to stab a "close friend" (actually a relative--probably his off-limits-to-press brother). He needed cred with the bruthas, and that's how he did it. Yet George Lucas was slammed for his portrayal of the Trade Federation (Asiatics) and the Gungans (Blacks) in "Phantom Menace."

Yes, "freedom of the press" is the biggest threat to our heritage -- VIDEO: "Washington Post pulls information from Steele dossier-related stories."

The Founders thought "freedom of the press" was crucial to our freedom. Turns out, it's the biggest threat to it. It's claimed that this lie swung the election. Notwithstanding the cheating and stealing, if this can happen, then how do we justify popular elections?


VIDEO: "KT McFarland: [Russia-Russia-Russia] was just a ‘big lie’ from Dems and the media" -- President Trump is justified to do ANYTHING.



Thursday, November 11, 2021

Why President Trump's enemies can rightly be wiped out completely -- VIDEO: "Russian collusion theory now seems to be ‘the hoax of the century’."

Imagine ninety percent of journalists being interned for life (however short that may be), anti-Trump pundits being publicly executed, and Patriots (I didn't say libertarians) controlling ALL elements of government.

Federalist 46 State action can resolve ALL of this.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

VIDEO: "38 Minutes to the End of the World" -- The January 2018 Hawaii missile strike false alarm -- I point out the real blame.

Missing the "Exercise, exercise, exercise," and the caller saying, "This is not a drill." Two fails coming together, but the last one is the big one. An explicit and affirmative mistake with no excuse.

THE DAILY FUDD: E161: Interesting myth-bust: VIDEO: "Gun Law 101: The MYTH of the Open Bolt Semi-Auto Ban," with my response.

The guy's a bit "purist," despite being a lawyer, but his info does put a caveat on the old view that open-bolts are automatically considered "machine guns" by ATF'nE.

My response after video:

Closed-bolt guns are better, regardless. Given political realities, there is no reason to stretch our luck. And TDF 10 lays out an originalist argument to accept but contain the country's decision in 1934 to restrict full-auto.

Just please consider the political consequences of any action. (That means, don't be a self-indulgent liberatarian.)

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Monday, November 8, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E160: "VERY impartial video: 'What Actually Defines an Assault Rifle, and Who Invented Them?.'"

This family of YouTube channels presents some extremely well-done and generally balanced videos. They aren't perfect, of course. But then, I don't operate them.

Excerpt from the YouTube transcript of this video:

you might have noticed few of those
features in any way affect the actual
mechanical operation or deadliness of a
firearm and instead merely serve to make
it look tactical or scary compared to
more traditional firearms used for
hunting and other sporting purposes
unsurprisingly this purely cosmetic
definition has led to a variety of
nonsensical contradictions in the
application of gun control laws for
example the ruger mini 14 a scaled down
version of the m14 chambered for the
5.56 by 45 millimeter cartridge has
rarely been targeted by assault weapons
bands despite firing the same cartridge
and having roughly the same capabilities
as the ar-15 the only major difference
between the ar-15 and the mini 14 is
that the latter is typically sold with a
traditional wooden stock making it look
less intimidating none of this of course
has any bearing on who should be able to
own which firearms

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.