Sunday, November 21, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E162: "Rittenhouse gun charge dropped because it only applies to SBRs and SBSs!"

Age of majority has long been a flexible issue in Western society. It can range from 14 (sex), 16 (driving and some non-firearm weapons), 18 (most things, including long guns), and 21 (handguns, long guns in some jurisdictions). The TDF argument is at some provision must be made for 18 year olds to possess defensive arms in the home and travel, though it need not be a handgun.

The young man Rittenhouse was rightly exonerated of all charges in his acts of self-defense against racial agitators during the 2020 racial insurrection. The gun charge--possession by a minor--was tossed due to the law actually only applying to short-barreled rifles and shotguns. While the SBR provision is arguable on constitutionality (SBS's are sure to be held to be more criminally suited, and there is long-standing jurisprudence allowing for restrictions in that area), this event shows the benefit in actually following the law when it is not an impediment on the core principle of RKBA.

EXPLAINER: Why did judge drop Rittenhouse gun charge? - ABC News (

Challenge age and SBR laws legislatively if you wish--judicially if you must--but recognize there is legitimate range for men of reason to differ on what is proper in untrained civilian hands in fulfilling the functional need of the Second Amendment. (And there is a "need" in it--the sixth word: TDF 21).