Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Yes, conservatives are self-focused, willing, and devoted to self-gratification to the point of stupidity.

Conversation with a fellow who posted anti-Biden material over a month AFTER the election--when it was way too late to do any good--and NOTHING before it.

Just FYI: The voting part of the election is over. Had you posted your recent political material BEFORE November 3, it might have had an impact. Today, the issue is the Steal--the fraud and cheating. It has nothing to do with the policy positions of the other side, but rather the effort to steal the election. You would have effect if you posted stuff about that. It's too late for what you're posting.
Dusko Jovicic
You have no clue what I’m doing
Then don't do it. Just parrot what I post and tweet.
Dusko Jovicic
I’ll do what I want to do when I want to do it and how I want to do it
What isn’t clear?
You're the one who said you had "no clue."