Friday, December 18, 2020

With one post, President Trump has shown why the Steal has yet to be stopped: CONSERVATIVE FAILURE!

Democrats would never put up with a Presidential Election stolen by the Republicans!

GOPe is NeverTrump. Greater GOP organization has failed. The shadows and penumbras that are pundits, PACs, and policy advocates on the conservative/Right are scared. GOP politicians are blind and timid. But, above all else, the grassroots PEOPLE are selfish, dumb, and lazy. Not all of any category, of course. But it is the prevailing spirit to generally accept the Steal.

President Trump has put himself into a political and social fire none of us alive can appreciate. Normally I would say WE have been failing him, to include myself. Not this time. I have done and am doing exactly what is expected of a normal private citizen in the Federalist 46 model of resisting a tyranny--and a stolen election, especially in the context of the Deep State "Resistance"/BLM insurrection, constitutes that. I have and continued to push the officials of my State to officially and materially stand against the Steal. Few others have. (PERSONAL NOTE: Obstruction in major social media--an act of insurrection in the current context--have closed many doors to me at this point. But that is because I did my part--and yes, that makes me a better person than the vast bulk out there.)

Trump CANNOT do the kinetic things many of us would love to see him do without support from the States. And State officials need to hear from their people before they will take a step exceeded only by the American Revolution and the War Between the States in scope, depth, and significance. The people's continuing failure to press their officials places failure on THEIR shoulders. They want "democracy" (in that sense), but they fail to uphold it.

Whatever happens, I can point my finger at most people and blame them while exempting myself.