Thursday, December 20, 2018

PERSONAL: My--that is, OUR--life

(When the time comes that I can't care for a cat and bear arms, there is no life left.)



("My Kitty, My Carry Piece, and Me")


(BONUS 😁:)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

Objective reality shows one thing--PC ID Politics can't handle it

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about the article below: "Now winning is sexist. When will the bs end?" --…/status/1052014305481089024

MY BRILLIANT COMMENTARY: What she's saying falls in on the "meritocracy is racist" concept. When an objective and legitimate measure yields results that uphold traditional White/Western structure, they are "racist" or "sexist" or whatever. Not that the measure is twisted, but that the approach yields results that oppose their agenda.
PC makes it hard to say it, but the truth is that meritocracy--a system where advancement is based on how OBJECTIVELY good one is--bears out that races are different and sexes are different. That, of course, implies aggregate qualitative differences between demographics, and that's "[INSERT CATEGORY HERE]-ist"--at least when noted by someone on the conservative/Right. Yet the facts are the facts--even if they are "hate facts."

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Trump Derangement Syndrome in Desperate Delusions mode

This is literally all that "Trump-Russia" nuts have: Because it's a clever story, it should be investigated.
That would describe most UFO/alien stories, except that most of them have more actual evidence.
From "A Second Look at the Steele Dossier":

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Regarding 17 JUL 2016 Trump-Putin press conference



"At that moment in Helsinki, for Mr. Trump, the question of choosing between Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB despot) and Mr. Trump’s own experience of being set up, framed and relentlessly persecuted by the American “intelligence community” to this day, must have felt like the choice between Scylla and Charybdis. Either would destroy him, and no matter what he said, the Left would shriek the sky is falling yet again."

Trump Has Been Set Up, Framed And Relentlessly Persecuted By The American Intelligence Community via @dailycaller


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Heller Day plus ten years

In honor of the tenth anniversary of the Heller 2A SCOTUS decision.

Let us be mindful of the situation the Right to Arms faces--and the special function it serves in our time.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

"The Twin Pillars of America's Future: Threatened"

Just one of many like this I've done.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

MORE 2A analysis panel improvements!

"Genius is a journey as much as a state of intellectual standing."
-- Me




APPENDICES (supporting information not formatted):

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Plussed-up version of the single-panel 2A analysis

. Adds the tactical assessment behind the three recommendations for goals.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018

My "third way" approach to Second Amendment advocacy (down to 3 panels and 2 appendices)

My "third way" Second Amendment advocacy approach, which considers the issue from the proper perspective--not "rights" (pro-gun) or "disarmament" (anti-gun), but rather from the amendment's own stated function of Militia efficacy--is down to three main panels and two appendices! (Might add an icon or two later.)


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The answer to the anti-gunners' question that libertarians have trouble giving

"Rights don't depend on 'need'" doesn't quite work. So here's the answer.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

More Second Amendment storyboards

These approach the matter from different angles. Thus, sometimes the language or sense won't be a hundred percent in sync. None of these has ever been intended to be the answer to everything, but merely a resolution to a key point of contention. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Another Second Amendment solution storyboard

Click to enlarge. Save to computer to enlarge for easier reading. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

"For The Common Use": My crazy idea for resolving the 'assault weapon' debate

Previous version here:

Being functionally focused when it comes to our rights, I take theologian Peter Marshall's approach of seeing freedom as the ability to do what is right, not entitlement to do simply what we want. Thus, here's my suggestion for resolving the whole "assault weapon" debate.  It's not ideal, but politics are always iffy, and it's better than a catastrophic loss of the Second Amendment. 

Click to enlarge or save to computer.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

FURTHER EXPANDED "My crazy idea for resolving the 'assault weapon' debate"

Being functionally focused when it comes to our rights, I take theologian Peter Marshall's approach of seeing freedom as the ability to do what is right, not entitlement to do simply what we want. Thus, here's my suggestion for resolving the whole "assault weapon" debate.  It's not ideal, but politics are always iffy, and it's better than a catastrophic loss of the Second Amendment. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Quick critique for BOTH SIDES of the gun debate

Save to computer and enlarge for easier reading.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Response to one of the gun control kid's Twitter threads

Without my usual vitriole.

Save to computer, then open and enlarge for easier reading.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

EXPANDED "My crazy idea for resolving the 'assault weapon' debate"

Being functionally focused when it comes to our rights, I take theologian Peter Marshall's approach of seeing freedom as the ability to do what is right, not entitlement to do simply what we want. Thus, here's my suggestion for resolving the whole "assault weapon" debate.  It's not ideal, but politics are always iffy, and it's better than a catastrophic loss of the Second Amendment. 

See also:

Save to computer, then open and enlarge for easier reading. 

My response to one of the gun control kiddies

Save to computer, then open and enlarge for easier reading.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Slightly modified "My crazy idea for resolving the 'assault weapon' debate"


Being functionally focused when it comes to our rights, I take theologian Peter Marshall's approach of seeing freedom as the ability to do what is right, not entitlement to do simply what we want. Thus, here's my suggestion for resolving the whole "assault weapon" debate.  It's not ideal, but politics are always iffy, and it's better than a catastrophic loss of the Second Amendment.  (Original here: )

BASIS: From "7 Terrible Liberal Gun Control Arguments ... And How To Beat Them," by Kurt Schlichter --