Monday, October 15, 2018

Objective reality shows one thing--PC ID Politics can't handle it

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about the article below: "Now winning is sexist. When will the bs end?" --…/status/1052014305481089024

MY BRILLIANT COMMENTARY: What she's saying falls in on the "meritocracy is racist" concept. When an objective and legitimate measure yields results that uphold traditional White/Western structure, they are "racist" or "sexist" or whatever. Not that the measure is twisted, but that the approach yields results that oppose their agenda.
PC makes it hard to say it, but the truth is that meritocracy--a system where advancement is based on how OBJECTIVELY good one is--bears out that races are different and sexes are different. That, of course, implies aggregate qualitative differences between demographics, and that's "[INSERT CATEGORY HERE]-ist"--at least when noted by someone on the conservative/Right. Yet the facts are the facts--even if they are "hate facts."