Trump letter -- Breaking: FBI releases damaging Hillary docs

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2016 8:38 AM
Subject: Breaking: FBI releases damaging Hillary docs

Hillary cannot serve as our next commander in chief. |
Make America Great Again


On the Friday afternoon before everyone took off for Labor Day weekend, the FBI released the summary of its interview with Hillary Clinton.

Here is the damaging evidence you NEED to know:
  • A Clinton Foundation aide used a hammer to destroy Hillary's old phones
  • Whereabouts of Hillary's old phones would "frequently become unknown"
  • Clinton's emails were erased just after it was exposed that she used a secret server
And WORST of all, she told the FBI she couldn't "recall" being trained on how to handle classified material even though she signed a form acknowledging that she received the training.

Hillary Clinton has lied to the American people, lied before Congress, and jeopardized our national security. She cannot and must not become our next president.



Brad Parscale
Digital Director
Trump for President

Contributions to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.

No endless INFOSEC briefings for Hillary! But wait...

And here's the "But wait":

She probably thought it stood for "Clinton"

Coincidence? Hillary document dumps always fall on holiday weekends

Friday, September 2, 2016

Clinton told FBI she had no training on how to handle classified documents

Hildabeast to meet the press--at 30,000 feet

Center for Security Policy: Stop Importing Jihadists- A Policy Prescription

If you are willing to survive

Report: U.S. Rescue Team Was on its Way to Benghazi, But Was Turned Back

EDL & Tommy Robinson Praise Sikhs 27/04/2013 Downing Street Lee Rigby Protest

Obama suggests the worst mistake he made as President was listening to Hillary

(Sing along) "We... will... build... a... WALL!"

Trump email -- Immigration

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Donald J. Trump <>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2016 3:11 PM
Subject: Immigration -

Let's take our message all the way to the White House. |
Make America Great Again

Last night, I delivered to you a ten-point policy plan to STOP illegal immigration.
I also put to rest so many rumors spread by the mainstream media about my policies on illegal immigration.
For the past week, they've distorted my views and even went so far as to claim that we won't build an actual wall. So disgraceful.

As I said last night, we ARE going to build a tall, physical, impenetrable, beautiful wall along the southern border to stop the influx of illegal immigration.
But the media is spreading these false rumors in the hopes of pitting us against each other. They know that the only way to take down our movement is to divide us. They see the growing momentum on our side and will try anything to stop us.

LEE, I'm turning to you, one of my bedrock supporters, to make a contribution of $100, $65, $35, $25, or even $15 to prove that our movement is more united and stronger than EVER before.
The media is hoping to turn the story away from the fact that Hillary Clinton would offer full-blown amnesty to tens of millions of illegal immigrants and would keep the border unsecured for millions more to flow right over.
I'm proposing a plan that will uphold the rule of law and enforce the laws already on the books.
But to get our detailed, ten-point plan to the American voter, we're going to need your help cutting through the media's noise.
Please, contribute $100, $65, $35, $25, or even $15 to push our movement to victory this November and finally put an end to the major problem of illegal immigration.


Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump
Contributions to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.

Trump Make America Great Again Committee
138 Conant Street, 2nd Floor
Beverly, MA 01915

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Yes, Trump was right not to bring up the Wall payment issue with the Mexican el presidente

Bill Clinton aides used tax dollars to subsidize foundation, private email support

More about Ann Coulter debunking the "Trump mocked disabled person" lie



(People complaining he put AMERICANS FIRST) What Was So Shocking About Trump's Immigration Speech?

More about CNN censoring Trump shirt

Wednesday on HLN, in a reair of a broadcast of an interview with Steve Eckel, a retired New Jersey police officer who saved a baby from a hot car with a sledge hammer, the network blurred out his T-shirt, which said “2016 Trump.”

In the initial broadcast of the interview that aired an hour earlier, Eckel’s T-shirt was displayed for viewers.

Clinton Corruption Continues: Bill Clinton used tax dollars to subsidize Clinton Foundation, private email server

Gingrich on reaction to Trump's immigration speech

Millions of people watched a very presidential DonaldTrump last night - remarkable 24 hours for Team Trump

Get used to it, folks

Wise advice from Sebastian Gorka - Never vote for a Woman who can be Purchased by Foreign Aliens

And I didn't see nuttin'

Clinton CLash -- My, how they've changed

Bill on illegals:

Hillary on Muslims:

Imagine either of those statements at the 2016 DNC.


Apparently, Hillary has.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Daniel Greenfield: The Burkini is About Sexual Violence Against Women

When you see a Muslima in a burkha or other heavy covering, it is because Muslim males are taught NOT to control their urges.  Eventually, once they gain enough numbers, Muslim men WILL go about raping our women at will, and the best advice will be for our women to "cover up." 

So, no, we don't have to be "tolerant" of them. 

“The Difference TV Ad” Starring Dorothy Woods, Widow of Ty Woods

Op-Ed: My take on Trump's immigration speech tonight (with video link)

Op-Ed: Trump's immigration speech tonight faced really one issue--dealing with peaceable illegals.  His short-term plan deals with them much as my plan would, in that if a Hispanic family hides Uncle Paco in the basement, he'll probably stay, while cousin Raoul will be taken out by law enforcement or Second Amendment while he's knocking over a liquor store.  His only shift, which could reasonably be considered a realistic fact, is that those slipping through all the efforts will be dealt with later.  Personally, I still call for "Operation Rawhide: 'Head'em up! Move'm out!'" but we can't get everything, and he is being realistic.

Speakers begin at about the 24-minute point.


Hacked Dem Memo Warns Against Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ Near BLM Activists

Milo: The London We've Lost

Bias not even subtle

Yes, the MSM is lying. And so yes, we can attack them any way we want

Ann Coulter:

We also have proof that the media know they are lying about Trump mocking a disabled man. In the "Comments" section to a Washington Post article pushing this lie, someone posted a perfectly respectful response that included the Catholics 4 Trump videos -- of Trump doing the exact same imitation of a general and of Serge being interviewed. The Post deleted the comment -- and pronto!

Why did the Post instantly remove those videos from the "Comments" section? To hide the evidence of its lying.

That's consciousness of guilt. The Post couldn't allow anyone to see those videos because then everyone would see that this is how Trump imitates any frightened person. Maybe he won't be hired by "Saturday Night Live" as a sketch comedian -- and as you know, that show will hire almost anybody these days -- but Trump did not "mock" a disabled man.


Trump's visit to his (soon to be) junior colleague in Mexico


“Mr. Trump’s trip to Mexico is an impressive display of his ability to serve as our nation’s president on day one. This shows Mr. Trump’s commitment to strengthening our economy as well as our relationship with our neighbor, Mexico." - Bryan Lanza, Deputy Communications Director


“What the American people are seeing today is the kind of decisive president Donald J. Trump will be. This meeting begins a relationship where we can talk about the issues we've got to resolve between the United States and Mexico, as well as the issues we have in common.” – Governor Mike Pence



Heather Mac Donald: "Black Lives Matter to Donald Trump"

Bolton on Kerry's call for media to ignore the terrorist threat: Apply at The Onion

More of interview with Donald Trump, Jr., about his father having DISCUSSION about illegals

Partial transcript:

DONALD TRUMP JR.: He wasn’t softening on anything. He didn’t change his stance on anything….He’s actually having a conversation. He basically surveyed the room….He’s actually having a conversation with the people of this country….He asked an opinion. He didn’t say, well my policies now changed. He didn’t say that. Now, the media will run with it however they want. But that’s not what actually happened and I was in the room.
ANDERSON COOPER: It did seem some viewers though who we talked to, that it seemed like, he’s polling the room, he’s not quite sure what his own policy is.
TRUMP JR.: He was asking for an opinion. His policy has been the same for the last you know, six, seven, eight months.
COOPER: He still says deport, they all gotta go…
TRUMP JR.: That’s been the same, correct. But again, you have to start with baby steps. You have to let ICE do their job, you have to eliminate sanctuary cities, you have to get rid of the criminals certainly first and foremost, you have to secure the border. These are common sense things.

Muslim rape gangs -- Coming to an American town near you, unless we stand together and @ACTforAmerica

Yet another Second Amendment argument.

Donald Trump, Jr., makes THE point on immigration discussion--it was a DISCUSSION!

Great! Emphasizing that Trump was discussing, not announcing, at the town hall. People should see that.

A bit more here.  Reproduced below.

Partial transcript:

DONALD TRUMP JR.: He wasn’t softening on anything. He didn’t change his stance on anything….He’s actually having a conversation. He basically surveyed the room….He’s actually having a conversation with the people of this country….He asked an opinion. He didn’t say, well my policies now changed. He didn’t say that. Now, the media will run with it however they want. But that’s not what actually happened and I was in the room.
ANDERSON COOPER: It did seem some viewers though who we talked to, that it seemed like, he’s polling the room, he’s not quite sure what his own policy is.
TRUMP JR.: He was asking for an opinion. His policy has been the same for the last you know, six, seven, eight months.
COOPER: He still says deport, they all gotta go…
TRUMP JR.: That’s been the same, correct. But again, you have to start with baby steps. You have to let ICE do their job, you have to eliminate sanctuary cities, you have to get rid of the criminals certainly first and foremost, you have to secure the border. These are common sense things.

Politics and bedfellows--Black Panther support for Trump

As JFK observed, sometimes the extremes look more like each other than the Center.  Pat Caddell noted that on the Left-Right spectrum, the two ends "meet in the back."  Here is an example.

More evidence it's okay to label journalists the enemy

I honestly hope PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump will be "putin" the NSA and FCC on these news outlets and makes them, uh, disappear.

French people block Muslim invaders; French government wants them to go to UK

Kerry: Media should hide the reality of terrorism, then it will go away

More reality becoming "racism."

Is Bill Clinton selling out Americans, or just selling down Blacks?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Watch Jesse Jackson Praise Donald Trump For 30 Years Of Helping African Americans

Libertarian voters: Not only are you helping Hillary, you're actually voting FOR gun control. Quite the message

See also:

Op-Ed: Hispanics, lying media, and stupid people (and in some cases, all of the aforementioned)

No good deed goes unpunished.

A week ago Saturday, Trump graciously met with Hispanic leaders, respectfully listened to their ideas, and showed sympathy for their "hard cases."  After the meeting, those attendees spoke out of turn and made him out to be yielding.  Univision played it up to discredit Trump with supporters.  When discussing it at a town hall a few days later, Trump showed openness to people's ideas (that's where the "softening" term--specifically referring being willing to consider "softening" some aspects of immigration law after he gets into office--came into active use).  He even asked the audience's view on the matter, getting some serious input.  Thursday, he gave an interview with Anderson Cooper, and Friday Kellyanne Conway, who blonded up an interview Tuesday, left off the Miss Clairol and spoke to media a couple of times, and frankly settled the matter for people willing to listen.

It seems we have come to a point where no one listens to anything but media spin, and being willing to listen to people of different ideas is considered "softening."  The truth is, he showed graciousness to some Hispanics, who then stabbed him in the back.  The media will always lie, the Hispanics who spoke out of turn have their agenda, and some people won't listen to the reality.

HuffPo Bans Journalist For Writing About Hillary’s Health, Deletes Article

The young voters need to see this video. This is history they don't all know about

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Good choice--she'll let Trump have it! -- Report: Laura Ingraham Tapped for Trump Debate Prep

"Make America proud again! Am I right?"

Flynn: Terror-Linked Nations 'Cutting Deals' with Mexican Cartels

Trump and Pence on illegal alien issue (and media distortion)

In an interview published Saturday, Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, argued the candidate's variation on this issue is "a classic CEO process" of developing an effective plan with a diversity of input. "At the end of the day, when [Trump] articulates a position, it’s going to be very much consistent with the priorities that he's laid forth and that have really resonated with millions of Americans," Pence said.

Pence interview.


When truth is called "racism"

"Look, a bad guy is a bad guy, I don’t care what color it is. When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red, don’t you? You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority right now coming in are people of color or people of Hispanic origin. I can’t help that. I just can’t help it. Those are the facts." -- Maine GOV Paul LePage (regarding allegations of racial profiling).

He's accused of "racism" for saying this.  It's not.  It's simply the truth.

Obama & Hillary knew in real time it was terrorist: Benghazi Attackers Communicated on Consulate Cell Phones