Monday, August 29, 2016

Op-Ed: Hispanics, lying media, and stupid people (and in some cases, all of the aforementioned)

No good deed goes unpunished.

A week ago Saturday, Trump graciously met with Hispanic leaders, respectfully listened to their ideas, and showed sympathy for their "hard cases."  After the meeting, those attendees spoke out of turn and made him out to be yielding.  Univision played it up to discredit Trump with supporters.  When discussing it at a town hall a few days later, Trump showed openness to people's ideas (that's where the "softening" term--specifically referring being willing to consider "softening" some aspects of immigration law after he gets into office--came into active use).  He even asked the audience's view on the matter, getting some serious input.  Thursday, he gave an interview with Anderson Cooper, and Friday Kellyanne Conway, who blonded up an interview Tuesday, left off the Miss Clairol and spoke to media a couple of times, and frankly settled the matter for people willing to listen.

It seems we have come to a point where no one listens to anything but media spin, and being willing to listen to people of different ideas is considered "softening."  The truth is, he showed graciousness to some Hispanics, who then stabbed him in the back.  The media will always lie, the Hispanics who spoke out of turn have their agenda, and some people won't listen to the reality.