Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Donald Trump, Jr., makes THE point on immigration discussion--it was a DISCUSSION!

Great! Emphasizing that Trump was discussing, not announcing, at the town hall. People should see that.

A bit more here.  Reproduced below.

Partial transcript:

DONALD TRUMP JR.: He wasn’t softening on anything. He didn’t change his stance on anything….He’s actually having a conversation. He basically surveyed the room….He’s actually having a conversation with the people of this country….He asked an opinion. He didn’t say, well my policies now changed. He didn’t say that. Now, the media will run with it however they want. But that’s not what actually happened and I was in the room.
ANDERSON COOPER: It did seem some viewers though who we talked to, that it seemed like, he’s polling the room, he’s not quite sure what his own policy is.
TRUMP JR.: He was asking for an opinion. His policy has been the same for the last you know, six, seven, eight months.
COOPER: He still says deport, they all gotta go…
TRUMP JR.: That’s been the same, correct. But again, you have to start with baby steps. You have to let ICE do their job, you have to eliminate sanctuary cities, you have to get rid of the criminals certainly first and foremost, you have to secure the border. These are common sense things.