Why Britain's decision to exit the EU makes America safer

"Thursday, Britons voted with their hearts and gut instinct. Our greatest ally is democratic America, not unelected bureaucrats in Belgium. We know the value of true allegiances – those who come to help us, those we help, states we stand shoulder to shoulder with to fight tyranny.

"With Great Britain out of the European Union, America once again has its closest ally back in the game."

A final celebration of Brexit


That said, for perspective:

Sen. Jeff Sessions On Brexit: 'Now It's America's Turn' - Breitbart

Often, Britain makes changes that precede U. S. action. The Thatcher movement preceded the Reagan revolution. Both were victories for the people over outdated and corrupt forces. Both were achieved against powerful and determined establishment forces. Both resulted in historic and positive periods in their nation's history.

I don't know his politics, but this man is not a typical conservative

(Originally written circa 2009--only the title and video link have been updated or otherwise changed.)

This is the Toshiba ad where the executive decides NOT to ship a new computer model immediately, but rather to wait until the "impact-smart hard drive" can be included.  The fellow thinks through the consequences beyond the profit margin and the effect on the company itself, sees what we call in Military Intelligence the "second and third order of effect" of what might happen with an inferior drive, considers that maybe a bad consequence for society is something to be considered (rather than being selfish and self-centered), and thus opts to wait until the superior drive is available.

This is something the typical individualist/libertarian-leaning conservative would never do.  "What's it to me?" he would ask.  After all, it's not like he would actually be causing the zombie invasion himself.  "It's that guy who dropped it who's responsible," he'd think.  And if somehow it was tracked back to that computer, the inferior drive, and thus the company, his own personal liability would be limited. 
Of course, the principle of Enlightened Self-interest comes into play.  By preventing the zombie invasion, the fellow in the commercial is protecting himself and his own, as well as the civilization that enables his career.  But the individualist/libertarian-leaning conservative would never think that far ahead.  "I just kinda think the less-sturdy drive will be just fine," he reasons, with a foresight matching that of the fellow who invented the nuclear grenade launcher (it was never deployed, because someone else figured out that the range of the weapon was less than the lethal blast radius and thus the firing crew would be killed in the detonation). 

The commercial depicts the superiority--indeed, the seeming perfection--of an outgoing and principle-centered mentality over that of self-centeredness.  For the fellow in the commercial to have marketed a computer with a drive that could so easily lead to the problem depicted would have been selfish.  "But I wanna be selfish," the conservative would say.  And the result would have been the destruction of America.

Years ago when I was the Northern and Western Missouri Chapter Leader of ProtestWarrior.com, a now-defunct organization devoted to countering "anti-war" protests, I would explain to new activists that I had "a Rightwing ideology, but a Leftwing mentality."  The Left, and liberals in general, understand the need in politics to think beyond their own individual selves.  They sacrifice and work together.  And I did my damnedest to impress the need for this on my Chapter members, even as I did so myself.  I attending three regular events every week.  I organized three special events, which involved using vacation time from work.  I produced a weekly Chapter Newsletter.  I responded to press inquiries.  I tracked enemy activities, as well as activities by friendly organizations.  (With one exception, the other members showed up for only one meeting and one activity.)
Conservatives not only won't do this, they brag about not doing this.  They won't put things like values and principles ahead of personal preference, and they too often honestly believe their selfishness is right!  They call it "introspective" or "rugged individualism" or some other euphemism, but the truth is they are either too dumb or too selfish to devote resources to anything beyond themselves or their own.  "I'm busy," "I have a family," and "I have to work," form the three-legged stool of conservative laziness.  But liberals could say the same thing, and yet are far more activist.  And they win.

As said in the subject line, I don't know this fellow's politics.  He might vote rather conservative.  That said, most conservatives know when they watch that commercial that if they themselves were in his place, they would have opted to do differently.  They would honestly believe the thinking laid out above.  They would put their career first, and end up creating a chain of events leading to their family having their brains eaten by zombies.

One can always argue just how much anticipating of that sort is reasonable to expect.  Indeed, there comes a time when in any endeavor, the decisionmaker much simply draw a line, call it, and engage the plan.  One can argue the matter in this case.  But one cannot rightly don't argue the point--namely, that the selfishness inherent in individualism/libertarianism-leaning conservatism is wrong, and the way of putting principles and values ahead of self is right and superior. 

But conservatives will try.  They will apply free market ideas and a certain Darwinianism to justify their opposition to doing the right thing.  Christians, even, will ignore such clear parts of their religion as the Golden Rule and Philippians 2:3-4 in order to soothe their consciences.


(Added 2016)  And we may all pay the price. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Or a gate on the Chunnel

Next Time A Democrat Demands Congress Do ‘Something’ On Gun Control, Ask Them This

Next Time A Democrat Demands Congress Do ‘Something’ On Gun Control, Ask Them This

"[T]wo of the four (failed) gun control bills were actually sponsored by Republicans and torpedoed down by Democrats."

COMMENT: Very simply, the anti-gunners are not thinking about actually addressing the issue, let alone doing so constitutionally, but rather about using the issue politically and to engineer even more serious--and egregious--controls.

Making Ayrshire Great Again

Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

Key exerpt:

"The United States should seize upon Brexit as a tremendous opportunity to sign an historic free trade agreement with the United Kingdom—a deal that would advance prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic. Brexit will also strengthen the Anglo-American special relationship, the most important bilateral partnership in the world.

"Britain outside the EU will be a stronger ally for the United States, from confronting Russian aggression in Eastern Europe to defeating the Islamist terror threat.

"Britain’s decision to leave the EU should be a cause for celebration here in America. Brexit embodies the very principles and ideals the American people hold dear to their hearts: self-determination, limited government, democratic accountability, and economic liberty. A truly free and powerful Great Britain is good for Europe and the United States."

Trump: Standing with our cousins

Trump: Statement Regarding British Referendum on E.U. Membership

Statement Regarding British Referendum on E.U. Membership

The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration.

Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence. Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people. I hope America is watching, it will soon be time to believe in America again.

COMMENT: Key section: "A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration."

We rejoice as a family

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Trump Jr. and brother Eric have their father's ear on gun rights

Donald Trump, Jr. told a hunting and conservation group in Colorado that as an avid outdoors man, he backs gun rights and advocates protecting federal lands in order to ensure access for hunters and fishermen. (June 23)

Pro-gunners have long claimed this is what anti-gunners felt. Here is confirmation.

New York lawmaker says citizens shouldn't need guns, but politicians need to be protected by them.

(From 19 JUN 2016) Watch: Sen. Jeff Sessions Destroys Chris Wallace

Breitbart article: http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/06/19/watch-jeff-sessions-fox-chris-wallace/

Sessions is supportive of Trump and does a FINE job of putting things in perspective and context. He distances himself on something Trump said about Obama, but it doesn't make Trump look bad, it just makes him and others look wimpy.

The answer was obvious!

Fw: Lying Crooked Hillary

Donald J Trump

Donald J Trump

Hillary Clinton is a world-class liar.

This much is a fact. But watching the mainstream media, you would never know it.

They simply refuse to call her on her lies. They'd rather spend their time and energy attacking me. It's great for their ratings and their bottom line.

We know we cannot count on the media to spread the very important message that Hillary Clinton is a liar and can't be trusted.

And that's why we've decided to take that message directly to the American people.

We've unveiled a brand new website, LyingCrookedHillary.com, and we're rolling out a series of videos – one on each of her biggest, phoniest fibs and fabrications.

We released the first video earlier today and EVERYONE is talking about it. I wanted to ensure you had a chance to view it. Watch it here:
Donald J Trump
This first video covers her well-documented lying about Benghazi.

But, you just wait. We have 9 additional videos that will cover everything from her illegal email server to her laughable claim of being "dead broke" upon leaving the White House.

I want to make sure you don't miss any of the future videos because – trust me – you don't want to miss them. They will expose Hillary as a liar in a way the mainstream media never would.

To ensure you receive notification of each new video, and to receive other breaking updates and invitations from my campaign, please be sure to sign up to our text program.
Sign up today by texting TRUMP to 88022.
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Together, we will Make America Great Again.

Best Wishes,

Donald J. Trump
Candidate for President of the United States

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Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Donald J. Trump Statement on Executive Amnesty Ruling

Donald J. Trump Statement on Executive Amnesty Ruling

Today's 4-4 Supreme Court ruling has blocked one of the most unconstitutional actions ever undertaken by a President. The executive amnesty from President Obama wiped away the immigration rules written by Congress, giving work permits and entitlement benefits to people illegally in the country. This split decision also makes clear what is at stake in November. The election, and the Supreme Court appointments that come with it will decide whether or not we have a border and, hence, a country. Clinton has pledged to expand Obama's executive amnesty, hurting poor African-American and Hispanic workers by giving away their jobs and federal resources to illegal immigrant labor – while making us all less safe. It is time to protect our country and Make America Safe Again and Great Again for everyone.

Full transcript: Donald Trump (22 JUN 2016) NYC speech on stakes of the election

Brigitte Gabriel of ACT! for America.

A few people's thoughts on sit-ins and the Second Amendment

Gingrich: Fences work!

Trump: "Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the endorsement."

Brexit will promote European, British, and American security

First recommendation at the end might be overstated, but articles clearly establishes its point.

"As NPR News put it, “Trump gave the speech Republicans have been waiting 20 years to hear.”"

Adopt a senior cat--please.

My dear senior cat has made my life. No matter how bad work is, or how frustrating something in the world is, I come home to her or look at her, and all that matters is taking care of her.

Please, adopt a senior or disabled cat. They may need so much, but have so much to give. It's worth all it takes.

AG Lynch Declines To Answer Question About Redacted Transcript Of Killer - The Kelly File

Obama's Muslim heritage is the reason.  It's that simple.  Whether he's simply sympathetic, a full-blown Manchurian Candidate, or somewhere in between, the American people themselves are responsible, as they elected that Muslim.

Gorka is right about what the terrorists need--"a bullet between the eyes"--but slips at the end in agreeing with dumbass Megyn Kelly that the Muslim in Chief would use the phrase, "radical Islam" if what we were doing to stop them was succeeding.

Upshot: Stop electing Muslims!

To readers of the Battle Point Memo:

The Memo will probably become a weekly item.  Given the rise of blogs, including my own, newsletters are virtually obsolete, save as summations.  That will be the intent.

Thank you.

BATTLE POINTS MEMO 2016 (#1 22 JUN 2016)


Making America great again with Donald J. Trump
#1 22 JUN 2016

(Posted on "Cats, Guns, and National Security" -- http://catsgunsandnationalsecurity.blogspot.com/ )


Today marks the resurrection of my 2008 "newsletter" of sorts for the upcoming Presidential election, distributing news and items, often with my own "Battle Point" analysis and assessment.  Donald J. Trump represents the last best hope for America.  Whatever disagreements one might have with him, that singular fact remains, and is the reason to support him with all each of us can.

All of these Battle Points Memos will be posted on my Cats, Guns, and National Security blog ( http://catsgunsandnationalsecurity.blogspot.com/ )




BATTLE POINT: Trump: "Hillary Clinton wants to be president. But she doesn't have the temperament, or, as Bernie Sanders said, the judgment, to be president. She believes she is entitled to the office. Her campaign slogan is 'I'm with her.' You know what my response to that is? I'm with you, the American people. She thinks it's all about her."



BATTLE POINT: It's an experience unlike any other in American political history.




1. Trump's prior acceptance of bans on such was expressed in a statement which otherwise noted his general OPPOSITION to gun control.

2. Trump has been forthright about his understanding of the issue being corrected (by his outdoorsmen sons, notably):

"[T]he media describes the AR-15 as an 'assault rifle,' which is one example of the many distortions they use to sell their agenda. However, the AR-15 does not fall under this category. Gun-banners are unfortunately preoccupied with the AR-15, magazine capacity, grips, and other aesthetics, precisely because of its popularity." (Ammoland interview, 07 JUL 2015)

3. Trump publicly and vociferously OPPOSED the NY SAFE Act "assault weapons" ban in 2013.

"Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That's been proven every time it's been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like 'assault weapons', 'military-style weapons' and 'high capacity magazines' to confuse people. What they're really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own."

5. THE BLUNT POLITICS OF IT ALL: EVERY nominated Republican Presidential candidate since 1980, save for John McCain, has expressed support for or acceptance of such a ban while in--or in Ronald Reagan's case, after leaving--political office.  For their part, McCain worked with "Americans for Gun Safety," an anti-gun front group, and Reagan as California governor also signed serious anti-gun legislation. For Trump's opponents to hold his flatly renounced statement as a non-politician against him over 15 years later, but conveniently ignore the history of their ringleader Mitt Romney and others, when faced with the likes of Hillary Clinton as the likely Democrat nominee, demonstrates the intellectual disingenuousness and character vacuum of their entire effort.  NeverTrumpers are concerned solely about their own personal political interests, not the survival of the country.
